You can usually tell when someone is talking about players from the context.How do you know what's going on in Crawford's head? I'm pretty sure that he's talking about both players and DMs.
Yes! of course "Bob" is a problem player. This started here with about how milestone leveling helps remove barriers that would otherwise encourage the players to push back against that problem behavior. The fact that so many posts tried to discuss that comment starting with an assumption that Bob is something else that the GM could support cater to or just accept because the other players went along with his subversion demonstrates just how much milestone leveling rolls out the red carpet for players like post 450 Bob. So that of course led to a discussion about all of the other rules changes that go into clearing the way for post 450 Bob.I have no idea how you got the impression that I thought you were saying that Bob was a DM. I thought you were saying that Bob was creating "his own story" contrary to the DM's wishes. When done poorly, that could be a PiTA for a DM, but "normally" IME, it's simply a tangent that Bob creates, that may lead to fun at the table, but that if the DM and/or the other players are not on board for, Bob will come around to join the others following the plot of the game.
Again, sure, if Bob is some kind of problem player. Otherwise, he's simply joining in with a collaboration that may or may not lead where he intends when he suggested a side-tangent. And usually, IME, if that side-tangent isn't a logical extension of the "main story" then no one will go along with it, and it will quickly go away. A problem that fixes itself when everyone is playing the game without being a jerk.
As long as Bob's side-adventure is fun for the other players and the DM, then it really doesn't matter. And if it isn't, it doesn't need to be a "no" to Bob, exactly, it's just that his side-quest just quickly leads back to the main story. And Bob would be on board with that, or they're not playing nice with others.
Sorry, what? I don't think that I mixed anything up.
Man, this Bob guy sure is a jerk. Maybe you should kick him out. (I'm mostly kidding, but he really seems like a problem!)
But I still don't see the problem - if the DM is going to follow Bob's side-quest, (and they would only do it, IMO, if it seemed like an interesting thing that other players were on board for) then that side-quest would include a conclusion, at which point, if it's suitable, it would be its own milestone.
IMO, The only important difference between Milestone leveling and "math XP" is whether you bother nickel-and-diming the points, grinding every goblin, or reward people for doing cool things in the fiction. YMMV.
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