D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie: Action Packed, Funny as Hell

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell". https://www.enworld.org/threads/michelle-rodriguez-justice-smith-join-d-d-movie.678118/ In a conversation with Collider, Smith said: [Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That...

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell".


In a conversation with Collider, Smith said:

[Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That movie is so good and so funny. And it’s such a clear, specific story. It doesn’t try and be anything that it’s not. I think they approached this the same way. I can’t spoil too much but it’s action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell… it’s all of the things and yet it has a clear idea. That specificity is key in storytelling and John and Jonathan do that so well, being like, "This is the story we’re telling but they’re making it enjoyable the entire time." This is me not trying to spoil the movie in any regards. I’ve given away no details.

The movie, which also stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Hugh Grant, and Sophia Lillis, is scheduled for March 3rd, 2023.


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Exactly. I just didn't want to say it directly!
I knew that, just having fun. In any case I'm not shy at stating my opinion and I absolutely hate that the first D&D move was ever made. iI is a stain upon the game specifically and upon Fantasy generally. Hopefully this outing finally prevails at telling a story unlike the first one which was all over the place and no where at once!


This movie's got a lot of heavy lifting to do. Just the sheer variety of pitches seen on this board help to show how divided the built-in fan base is, to say nothing of the average movie goer. If it does in fact manage to capture the same tone as Guardians of the Galaxy, I think it's got a shot at being pretty good. I personally don't think it would be a good idea to have the meta-story (although as someone else said, a post-credits stinger could be pretty fun).

IMO, to capture the spirit and the "feel" of D&D it really just needs to be a story about a mis-matched group of companions going on an adventure in a world full of strange magic and weird creatures. But that itself is a pretty broad brush to paint with. It could be "LotR but with some fart jokes", it could be "Guardians of Faerun" or it could be "The Hangover, but with a displacer beast" and any of those would fit those requirements and satisfy some of the fans, while alienating the rest.

I don't envy the film-makers, tbh.

I knew that, just having fun. In any case I'm not shy at stating my opinion and I absolutely hate that the first D&D move was ever made. It is a stain upon the game specifically and upon Fantasy generally. Hopefully this outing finally prevails at telling a story unlike the first one which was all over the place and no where at once!
I have been able to stay positive about the upcoming movie partially because I have mentally blocked out that 2000 D&D movie. I can no longer remember what happened in it beyond a few vague generalities. Some memories are better left repressed.
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Krampus ate my d20s
The weird thing about the D&D movie is that it existed right before Fantasy movies became big box office. Within a year of its release, both the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings franchises would be launched.

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