D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie: Action Packed, Funny as Hell

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell". https://www.enworld.org/threads/michelle-rodriguez-justice-smith-join-d-d-movie.678118/ In a conversation with Collider, Smith said: [Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That...

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell".


In a conversation with Collider, Smith said:

[Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That movie is so good and so funny. And it’s such a clear, specific story. It doesn’t try and be anything that it’s not. I think they approached this the same way. I can’t spoil too much but it’s action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell… it’s all of the things and yet it has a clear idea. That specificity is key in storytelling and John and Jonathan do that so well, being like, "This is the story we’re telling but they’re making it enjoyable the entire time." This is me not trying to spoil the movie in any regards. I’ve given away no details.

The movie, which also stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Hugh Grant, and Sophia Lillis, is scheduled for March 3rd, 2023.


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A suffusion of yellow
The commercial success of a good number of the Marvel movies would show that comedy and action co-existing is a well developed and well received style.
Thats because Superhero is a genre of mythology and treating myth with respectful irreverance has a long long tradition as entertainment - which is why we also see regular Hercules/Robin Hood/King Arthur movies alongside the newer ’legends’.
If the D&D movie was to riff off the 80/90s Fantasy movies (Dragonheart/Willow) it might be able to pull off a clever parody but I wouldnt get my hopes up.

If this project could capture the essence (and humour) of Dragonheart or Willow I’d be happy
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Greg K

If this project could capture the essence (and humour) of Dragonheart or Willow I’d be happy
I hope not Dragonheart. Despite a good premise, Dennis Quaid, and the casting of Connery for the voice of Draco, that movie was terrible. My friends and I were disappointed that we spent money to watch it. Even the writers, Pogue and Johnson, criticized what the director and producer did to the story they had created.
In the words of Johnson, "Frankly, I think Dennis Quaid saved the movie, as much as it could have been saved", and he did not think Quaid was right for the role.
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Khelon Testudo

Cleric of Stronmaus
The latest Jumanji movies show a game movie with a strong meta-game element can definitely work, and if they include the meta-game element, I hope they look to this as inspiration. Also kickass action/comedy movies, so it can work, and I think the majority of viewers liked the action, comedy, and drama elements. I think the drama is an essential ingredient, though: you need to care about the characters, in whatever guise they are.


Krampus ate my d20s
The writers can write. Game Night is a good movie. I worry when actors stress how funny a movie is. Either they are covering up for the rest of the movie sucking, or they perceive that the movie subject is too strange for audiences. Given that Smith was in Detective Pikachu, I am not sure he thinks any subject could be too strange. Maybe the project was pitched as a serious fantasy epic and he wound up like Dave Bautista after the first read-through of Guardians of the Galaxy. Bautista thought Draxx was a complete moron and was regretting signing on to the project. It wasn't until he heard how funny Draxx being literal was in the read-through that he got it.

Im not saying I need a D&D movie to be utterly serious, I just don't want another Your Highness.

Exactly. I could not even finish that movie because of the awful dialogue and "jokes". Maybe someone should edit it into a PG version, even though that would probably make it less than an hour long.


Well...I'm a LITTLE worried.

I hope it's not like half the ideas in this thread with characters dying and an identical one reappearing, or characters just disappearing without any information on why and reappearing or anything like that.

Might make for a nice gag movie, but it sounds terrible in practice.

I hope the makers of Game Night realize the KEY audience of this movie (D&D 5e is particularly popular among teenagers) and realize an R-rating or PG-18 (or even a PG-15 perhaps) MIGHT JUST NOT be the target they want to hit, and instead target a lower rating in accordance with the prime audience of D&D today.

Sure, some of this might sound great for older folks, but I can't imagine a film that takes into consideration some of the ideas of this thread for humor and has a PG-18/R rating doing all that well (I could be mistaken, it could be 363 Million US box office hit like Dead pool, though who knows).

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