[D&D Next] Misfits of the Sharn Watch OOC


Sometimes it's helpful to have a condensed little stat block for your character that you can append to a post. Puts everything in a collabsible that doesn't distract from your post.

Here's an example. You can quote from this post to take it and modify for your own use.

[sblock=Char Sheet]Barnaclebait the earbiter, Lightfoot Halfling Rogue 1
Commoner, Thug
Specialty: Survivor

Shortsword +5 (1d8+3)
Sneak Attack +2d6

HP: 12/12
AC: 14
HD: 1d6/1d6 + 1d8/1d8

Str 11(+0), Dex 17(+3), Con 13(+1)
Int 14(+2), Wis 9(-1), Cha 8(-1)

Local Lore +6
Animal Handling +6
Sailing Lore +6
Intimidate +6
Stealth +6
Streetwise +6

Class Abilities: Rogue Scheme (Thug), Skill Mastery, Sneak Attack 2d6, Thieves' Cant
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Upon rereading the earlier posts here, it's now looking this way to me:
= seven: fighter (probably?)
= fermuch: cleric
= tuxgeo: fighter or wizard
= Walking Dad: sorcerer or warlock

My thought on this was that my "Nibesil the fighter" design might tread on the play-space of seven's (probable) fighter, so I should go with "Ortley the wizard" instead, but adding this one change: Ortley should have the Thief background instead of the Sage background, because we don't yet appear to have a Rogue in the party. (I'm sure we can all easily imagine a Halfling who is skilled at burglary.)

I'll try to create a .rtf file (rich-text format) with MS WordPad and upload it to the campaign Files area later today.
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If you check out the campaign page, I've also added a wiki page for a character roster (meaning, hopefully, that any of you can edit it). I've also posted up a little example page that you can use to post your own stats.

If I've screwed something up and you guys can't post changes to the wiki, let me know.

This will now be the preferred way to post your sheet, since it's persistent and can be linked to at any time, and we can edit it as we go to include new equipment etc.

Walking Dad

First Post
Going with the High Elf Warlock this makes:

Str: 11
Dex: 16
Con: 14 (13 + 1 class bonus)
Int: 16 (15 + 1 race bonus)
Wis: 12
Cha: 7

Leather armor, rapier, dagger, spellbook, adventurer’s kit, healer’s kit, and 64 gp


And Ortley Oldbrook is the first character in our Character Roster! Yippee!
. . . and the table of stats looked terrible when I went to look at it in the Wiki after entering: the boldface effect and fontses threw off the columnar alignment, so I went back in there and edited those effects out.

I still haven't totted up the GP amounts of all the stuff Ortley is carrying.
The confusation to me is this: the Wizard "Spellbook" class feature says, "You have a spellbook . . ." but the suggested Equipment farther down includes a spellbook as one of the items that a new wizard should buy--at a price of 75 GP.

If he already has his spellbook as a class feature, that would let me equip him with more mundane items and spare change. . . .


If he already has his spellbook as a class feature, that would let me equip him with more mundane items and spare change. . . .

Yeah, let's give the wizard the spellbook as a class feature. It was part of the tuition you paid to get into wizard school in the first place. :)

Also glad to hear that you can edit the wiki.


Just curious, what are everyone's time zones/preferred hours of reading and posting? If we manage to find some overlap, we could potentially schedule some time occasionally for quickly resolving spurts of high post activity, like combats and skill rolls, that could otherwise take days to get through.

I live on the US Pacific Coast, which puts me at GMT-8. Fortunately I'm a writer, so I'm willing to schedule some procrastination time at most any point in the day. :D

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