D&D General D&D Player's Handbook 2024: The Official Advance Review

Make no mistake, this is a new edition.


After three years of prognosticating, hand wringing and trash talking, the next version of the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook is here.

The ruleset formerly known as #OneD&D has arrived as 2024 Player’s Handbook and although it’s set for a general release on September 17th, the displacer beast is out of the bag. Copies have turned up in the hands of influencers, actual play stars and 3,000 lucky attendees of Gen Con 2024. I ended up taking a copy home with me from Indianapolis as well. This review contains my impressions of reading it over the past few days.

I have not played it yet and have only seen it be played as part of the big D&D live show that also acted as a coming out party for D&D’s VTT program 'Sigil'. I strive to get the games I review to the table at least once but time is of the essence here. I wanted to get these impressions down in writing sooner rather than later as more and more people rush to get their first impressions out weeks before the actual release of the book. Is this new version of D&D worth the upgrade? Let’s playread to find out.

Make no mistake, this is a new edition. There are changes large and small to the game even as it sticks to the general form and function of Fifth Edition. Veterans of the Edition Wars will understand it when I say the shift is closer to the one between Third Edition and 3.5 or Fourth Edition and the Essentials books than the big shift between Fourth and Fifth Edition. Much of the underlying structure is the same. But small changes are everywhere and can sometimes have larger implications than it first seems.

The thing I love most about the 2024 Handbook is the organizational clarity. The 2014 Handbook often felt like a stream of consciousness rules compilation trying to get everything out before the reader got distracted or fell asleep. It wasn’t helped by an index that often bounced information seekers around to two or three entries before giving up the proper page number. It’s a nightmare to look up rules in that book and one that this edition wakes up from. The book starts with how to play the game, how to run combat and then leads into how to make characters. It then ends with an index and a glossary that defines terms right there rather than bouncing the reader back inside the text.

Rules layout is more art than science but the choices made here worked for me. Having the most important reference points at the front and the back of the books is immensely helpful in keeping downtime to a minimum. This is a book aimed at new players rather than trying to lure back the faithful and it shows in this restructuring of the text. This shows the fundamental shift between the two books. The first one was written to appeal to existing customers. This one is aimed at the huge audience coming into the game over the past few years.

There are a few places where I wanted more attention to detail. The sidebar discussing the new changes is heartbreakingly brief and unhelpful. It took me far too long to figure out just how often characters get new feats. The spell lists for each class have been expanded with more details but not with page numbers for each spell. I know that talking about layout choices and page number references is probably not the sexy hot take most readers are looking for at the top of the review but it’s important to establish how I feel about this book. Overall, I think the changes are positive but it is not a flawless book.

Each of the 12 classes gets a luxurious spread of a few pages complete with full page art kicking off each section. Each of the four subclasses also gets a half page art piece along with a focus on trying to give an elevator pitch on why playing that character is fun or cool. The art is colorful, vibrant and inclusive, which will no doubt fuel some angry screeds from certain places on the Internet upset that D&D has moved on from hardscrabble black and white scoundrels to high fantasy heroes.

I think the Class section is the best part of the book. The Class section starts off with a short chart listing the complexities of each one which I found very useful when 13th Age did it, too. These sorts of discussions during session zero cut down on players being dissatisfied with their characters if they know going in just how involved they'll be in using game mechanics. Between the complexity chart, the illustrations and the high level summaries it seems easier than ever to sit down with a player, let them flip through this chapter, point at a picture or subclass name and set to work building a character. I would have liked to see further discussion of this in each Class section as playing a Fighter Champion is less complex than playing a Fighter Battle Master.

All the classes have had something changed about them with each of the four available subclasses being a mixture of the ones in the 2014 Handbook, ones from other books like Xanathar’s Guide To Everything or Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything, and a sprinkle of new ones across the Barbarian, Bard and Druid. Classes have generally changed to allow them to get to the cool stuff faster or get additional stuff at higher levels. They’ve also gone through a terminology purge to remove words like ‘totem’ and ‘ki’ to remove lingering real world exoticism.

The College of Dance gives Bards an option that feels more Rogue like. It makes them extremely mobile strikers with a touch of support actions that help everyone get out on the floor and kill the dinosaur. Path of the World Tree allows Barbarians some battlefield control while also being able to blip round the battlefield to apply their rage directly to the face of their most deserving opponent. Druids get an aquatic attack aura with Circle of the Sea that feels like the designers watched a lot of Aquaman recently. There are also enough psionic subclasses that make the initial jump to make me wonder if those fans still clamoring for a Dark Sun book in this era might yet see their wish granted.

A class by class comparison of everything is a bit beyond the scope of this review but I at least wanted to touch upon the two classes that the designers have been most excited to change. The Monk now has abilities that key off of Focus Points as well as rolling their Martial Arts die. Anything that doesn’t have tangible mechanical effects, such as the high level ability to become immortal, is out. The two classes in the 2014 Handbook are included with different levels of change. Open Hand remains the simple monk that wants to punch things but a few of its abilities have been beefed up. The element Monk has been replaced as a spellcaster that punches things into something more akin to a bender from the Avatar animated series. Rather than complicate things by giving the character a tight spell list most of their abilities allow the player to add a keyword or damage type to their attack and be done. The hurt or heal monk and the ninja smoke bomb antics of the Shadow Monk round out these choices. These all feel like solid archetypes for anyone coming into the game wanting to play a martial arts fighter.

On the Ranger side, they’ve always been problem children in this edition because their niche rubs against so many other classes. They’re a little bit Fighter, a little bit Rogue, a little bit Druid, a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. The 2014 Handbook tried to set them up as masters over specific domains and creature types but all it did was make them very cool when those things showed up and very generic when they didn’t. This ranger abandons that expertise for focusing on hunter’s mark which gives them an extra Force die of damage against the target. If the target dies, the mark can be shifted to another one for free. I’m not sure why they kept this a spell rather than a class feature, though I assume it’s out of a sense of backwards compatibility and how it interacts with some monsters in the upcoming 2024 Monster Manual. This puts the new Ranger in the role of a character that hits one opponent hard, similar to the role of the Rogue, but can be built for ranged combat to be more of a back row sniper rather than a backstabber. The Fey Wanderer leans into the spellcasting aspects of the class while the Gloom Stalker brings more of a stealthy Rogue edge to it. The new Beast Master gives the Ranger a pet that can help gang up on a marked creature while the Hunter continues the original intent of the Ranger as monster expert but makes their abilities more situational. They can choose their bonuses during short and long rests to decide if they are good against boss characters or better at crowd control depending on what they think they will be up against.

Situational bonuses also come to martial characters through the weapon mastery system. Upon first read I thought these were a little redundant because they felt like the weapon qualities the 2014 Handbook already had. But I realize now they are Feats that can be used in specific combat contexts. Characters can Cleave if they have mastery in weapons like the great axe or halberd or still do damage on a miss if they use a greatsword and Graze. These are small bonuses that tick off a couple of hit points or grant advantage on a followup attack, but I’m a fan of anything that speeds up combat and gives players options in battle beyond attempting to hit someone over and over.

This edition is where the designers fully embrace Feats even if they do so a bit awkwardly. All characters now get them at 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th level with a few Classes getting more specific ones like Fighting Styles on a more regular basis. Characters also get one as part of their Background, which offers a specific Feat rather than the vaguely worded Background feature from the 2014 Handbook that was some variation on “you were this thing once, so you know other people who are this thing and can ask them for help.”

While I like having a solid mechanical definition of Backgrounds and Feats, I also feel like there were some slip ups in the execution. The first is that they are called Feats everywhere in the book, including an entire chapter named “Feats” except for the breakdown of what each level gets you in the Class writeups. There, the 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th level benefits are called Ability Score Improvements and it is awkwardly explained in the text that players can choose an ability score improvement or a Feat at that level. The first Feat listed in the chart that kicks off the Feat chapter is the Ability Score Improvement Feat. Why not just have characters choose Feats rather than break out the ability score improvement as its own thing? With a short message explaining that if none of the Feats seem like a good fit, just take the ability score one? This is probably the thing that vexed me the most during the reading because I was confused for a while about how Feats worked in this edition. I can only assume new players could also fall into this trap.

The other aspect of Origin Feats is that they are one to a Background. Every Merchant is Lucky, every Sailor is a Tavern Brawler. There are other choices to be made here, such as which attributes to apply bonuses to, so why not give players a choice between two Feats? I get that they wanted to streamline this process a little but I think two available Origin Feats doubles the available backgrounds in the book. This encourages players to think about why their character makes that choice. Maybe their sailor spends their time whittling leviathan bone as a Crafter instead of getting into tavern brawls.

Species are now a gathering of unique traits with bonuses and Origin feats solely part of Backgrounds. This is the one of the heaviest changes to the game, bucking 50 years of tradition of Oops All Hearty Dwarves and Strong Orcs. I like that shift better than the floating trait bonuses in later species descriptions which made species choice feel a little muted. The art for these pages depicts the various peoples at home without wreaths of power or gritted faces locked in combat. The book focuses a lot on the combat and epic feel but players need to see that D&D also has room for silly little stories about cooking dinner and hanging out with family.

There was some discussion in early meetings that players would be able to create their own backgrounds and species origins. While it seems like you can pull the existing ones apart and build new ones modeled after them easily, this continues a troubling trend where Wizards promises something will be in a book and then it disappears between press briefing and the printing. I hope that deeper guidelines for this appear in 2024 Dungeon Masters Guide to allow Dungeon Masters not just homebrew but bring over their favorite species from earlier books relatively painlessly.

If it seems like I’m nitpicking, it’s because I am. 2024 Players Handbook has really pushed itself as a revised and expanded version of the Fifth Edition rules rather than a new edition. For the most part it is done well, and I would probably pick up a copy even if I didn’t get one as a member of the press. But small rules changes stack up to big ones even before we get into big things like Monks and Rangers. It also makes the misses stand out more because these will inevitably be questions the target audience will be asking in places like EN World.

If you are happy with your Fifth Edition game and don’t care about revisions and rebalancing because CR is mostly vibes anyway, you probably don’t need this book. If you’re planning on cobbling together a blended set of rules based on what you’ve seen in the press, you probably don’t need this book. If you plan on playing at game stores or conventions, you probably do need this book. If you want to run D&D for people that have never played, you probably need this book. If you are an unhappy Ranger or Monk player, you probably need this book.

I hope it does amazing from a sales standpoint simply to keep Wizards of the Coast from deciding that they should go completely digital sooner rather than later. I appreciate the fact that D&D has never been more friendly to new players. I hope this 2024 Player’s Handbook cements a transition from a book built as a placeholder to one that’s an open door. Come on in, new players. We have pizza, dice and memes.

Bottom Line: 2024 Players Handbook walks the high wire act to a new edition with impressive organization and editing changes even as it wobbles in a few places before it completes the journey.

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Rob Wieland

Rob Wieland


I think that's the question for the individual: is it actually (or should it be) "a big deal"? How important it is, and by what metric, and how important that metric is to you, is to my mind a huge determinator for whether or not it's worth giving WotC money for it.

Sure, decide for yourself if you want to buy it. I don't care about that. What irritates me is the constant, endless stream of misinformation and fear mongering.

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So, am I proving that they should call it something like... the 2024 Player's Handbook, like they have continuously marketed it? Am I proving that things can be advertised as being completely new and different... and still largely be the same as they were before?

I mean, the point I was responding to was essentially "if this wasn't a new edition, why would they market it and focus on the new things!" Which... everyone does with new products, especially revisions or iterations, to convince you it is worth updating.
The point you were responding to was that if it this is not supposed to be perceived as a notably different edition, then all the time spent highlighting the differences from the prior book would seem to contradict that message.

But, to your point, no, insofar as there as the history of D&D is written in "editions", the "2024 Players Handbook" is insufficiently descriptive to highlight how the 2024 PHB should fit or not fit with other rulebooks.

It'd be like if the next IPhone started using hieroglyphics as part of the model labeling.

That said, new practices have to start somewhere. Maybe they plan to use model year labeling going forward. That might be all right if the rules are basically locked in from her on out.


So, to make sure you are not manipulated into believing what WoTC wants you to believe, you are going to immediately believe the exact opposite of anything they say, regardless of evidence or context. Because they are liars, so as long as you always do the exact opposite you won't be lied to into.... what? What exactly are they trying to convince you of here? That the Book of Many things is utter trash and was never worth buying because 5th edition is dead?

That is their call. I suppose we should all start calling them money-grubbing corporations that only want to sell you more books with minor, pointless changes, right? Same as WoTC has been called for making these books? Because... since you can absolutely use a Subclass from 2014 in the 2024 classes with zero issues (and are encouraged to do so) why do they "have" to do this? They absolutely do not have to.

Yes, yes, the VTT is super scary and will kill DnD dead forever because it will be such an amazing product with so many amazing benefits that no one will ever decide to simply sit down and play at a table anymore with paper and pencil.
Oh give me a break. Let's just say with Hasbro/WotC I'm a bit skeptical of what they say and do these days. I never said everything they say and do is a lie, stop it. But face it they have kept stepping in dog poo fairly often the last couple years to warrant folks' mistrust. And please, people on both sides of the "new edition" argument concede they didn't want to call it a new edition so it would not effect the sales of current and upcoming books.

I've never begrudged 3PP (and Wiz, for the matter) making more books. That's how they make money. Grim Hollow is updated their 2 books so they will be inline with the new 2024 rules. Would they do their own revision now if Wizards wasn't issuing new core books? Maybe, maybe not.

Of course I was being overly dramatic on the VTT thing. However, if it is a success they will try and do all of those things if they think they can make more money out of it. Pen and paper will still exist but will not be a priority, Chris Cooks has said they are going all in with digital. With their corporate mentality it would not be out of the realm of possibility to stop printing books and have them be digital only in the not too distant future if the VTT becomes the monster hit they hope it will be. Cutting costs where they can to save money is what corporations do, in good times and bad times.

If you want to keep waving the Hasbro/Wizards battle flag that's fine. It's not a flag I will rally around for now. Hopefully, there will be a reason for me to change my mind down the road. I care about the D&D brand, I'm just sour on the current caretakers. There really isn't anything else left for us to discuss. So I will wish you happy gaming!


The point you were responding to was that if it this is not supposed to be perceived as a notably different edition, then all the time spent highlighting the differences from the prior book would seem to contradict that message.

Perhaps it is possible to change things, revise them perhaps even improve them... without making it a notably different edition?

It may be a crazy thought, but I don't think our options are "notably different edition" and "no changes to the rules whatsoever"

But, to your point, no, insofar as there as the history of D&D is written in "editions", the "2024 Players Handbook" is insufficiently descriptive to highlight how the 2024 PHB should fit or not fit with other rulebooks.

It'd be like if the next IPhone started using hieroglyphics as part of the model labeling.

That said, new practices have to start somewhere. Maybe they plan to use model year labeling going forward. That might be all right if the rules are basically locked in from her on out.

What do you mean that it is insufficiently descriptive? It is the 2024 Player's Handbook. The only other rulebooks that matter are the Dungeon Master's Guide and the Monster Manual. And, well, the 2024 Player's Handbook, as a continuation of 5e can work with the 5e DMG and 5e MM, but it is meant to be paired with the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide and the 2025 Monster Manual, as it literally states on the book in question, and has been repeatedly marketed.

Sure, sure, some poor unfortunate soul, so lost and confused might accidentally buy the 2014 Monster Manual and.... that would work perfectly fine. They would have a completely functional game.

And as for the "if the rules are locked in", I know everyone scoffs and says that it is a corporate lie, but they DID say their plan was for 5e to be evergreen.


Oh give me a break. Let's just say with Hasbro/WotC I'm a bit skeptical of what they say and do these days. I never said everything they say and do is a lie, stop it. But face it they have kept stepping in dog poo fairly often the last couple years to warrant folks' mistrust. And please, people on both sides of the "new edition" argument concede they didn't want to call it a new edition so it would not effect the sales of current and upcoming books.

I've never begrudged 3PP (and Wiz, for the matter) making more books. That's how they make money. Grim Hollow is updated their 2 books so they will be inline with the new 2024 rules. Would they do their own revision now if Wizards wasn't issuing new core books? Maybe, maybe not.

So if not everything WoTC says is a lie, then the defense of "What? You are going to believe WoTC?" seems... kind of silly and pointless. Since, you just said, that just because they said something doesn't mean it is false.

And, yes, I will acknowledge that they made a rules revision so that people can keep using their old books. Why is that such a terrible crime that people keep pointing dramatically to it like it proves WoTC didn't make a backwards compatible rules revision, but 3PP making new rules revisions of their books is just obvious par for the course? They need to make money after all.

And the weirdest thing is? Making a new edition, a true 6e.... likely would have been more of a money grab, since people consistently declare that a new edition would have happened if they were in financial trouble.

Of course I was being overly dramatic on the VTT thing. However, if it is a success they will try and do all of those things if they think they can make more money out of it. Pen and paper will still exist but will not be a priority, Chris Cooks has said they are going all in with digital. With their corporate mentality it would not be out of the realm of possibility to stop printing books and have them be digital only in the not too distant future if the VTT becomes the monster hit they hope it will be. Cutting costs where they can to save money is what corporations do, in good times and bad times.

I'll believe that Wizard's will stop printing books, the moment Amazon stops selling physical books and digital books fully replace the print market. We are only... twenty years or so past when that was supposed to happen. But I'm sure WoTC will be the first one to really pull it off. After all, they have a CEO who says they are going "all in" on digital. So that means whatever you want it to mean that sounds the most evil and scariest.

If you want to keep waving the Hasbro/Wizards battle flag that's fine. It's not a flag I will rally around for now. Hopefully, there will be a reason for me to change my mind down the road. I care about the D&D brand, I'm just sour on the current caretakers. There really isn't anything else left for us to discuss. So I will wish you happy gaming!

And here is the last accusation that always comes. Just because I resist the spread of misinformation, I must be waving the flag of WoTC. I'm irrationally loyal to a company, because I consistently point out "they didn't say that" and "that is unlikely to happen and just fear mongering"

Just like I was a paid shill for Gates, because I didn't support misinformation about him. Or how I'm a shill for Bezos because I didn't believe he was going to start controlling the food supply. Or how I'm a naive slave to the federal government because I don't believe they are going to start erasing money from people's savings accounts to prevent the accumulation of wealth.

Not believing every terrible thing said about an entity = 100% unquestioning loyalty to their corporate causes. Because why ELSE might I prefer the truth over lies?


And here is the last accusation that always comes. Just because I resist the spread of misinformation, I must be waving the flag of WoTC. I'm irrationally loyal to a company, because I consistently point out "they didn't say that" and "that is unlikely to happen and just fear mongering"

Just like I was a paid shill for Gates, because I didn't support misinformation about him. Or how I'm a shill for Bezos because I didn't believe he was going to start controlling the food supply. Or how I'm a naive slave to the federal government because I don't believe they are going to start erasing money from people's savings accounts to prevent the accumulation of wealth.

Not believing every terrible thing said about an entity = 100% unquestioning loyalty to their corporate causes. Because why ELSE might I prefer the truth over lies?
The drama is strong here. Look, if you feel that expressing an opinion, or prediction of what is or what might be (which could be proven wrong, time will tell) is "spreading misinformation or fear mongering" I can't stop you. Your position here seems to be Wizards says 2024 is not a new edition so therefore it is ironclad, and not to be challenged. Hasbro/Wizards has done a lot of questionable things lately, but certainly not here! (sarcasm).

Others including the professional game designer who did this review and created this thread feel that there's enough changes/overhaul to say that it is a new edition. I've only been giving my thoughts and opinions, no fear mongering intended, heh. We obviously are at odds here and it's not going to change, we might as well be arguing politics or religion so I think it's best to end this (at least for the sake of everyone else in this thread). It's grown tiresome. Have the last word if you must...

And, yes, I will acknowledge that they made a rules revision so that people can keep using their old books.
Just because I resist the spread of misinformation.
You aren’t resisting any misinformation. You’re just having a bit of a meltdown.

You acknowledge there is a rules revision. That is the point. It is a revised set of rules and, accordingly, a new edition because of this. It is an absurdity to try and police the notion that it must not be referred to as a new edition as if it would somehow be catastrophic for this notion to spread.

Everybody knows that Wizards are trying to keep their supplemental sales high while they transition to the new rules - that is their own marketing strategy. Not something that the fanbase is under any obligation to parrot for them.

That is all anybody has really argued. And guess what? The sun didn’t fall from the sky and nobody died....
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You aren’t resisting any misinformation. You’re just having a bit of a meltdown.

You acknowledge there is a rules revision. That is the point. It is a revised set of rules and, accordingly, a new edition because of this.

New editions and Revised editions are two different things in publishing.
To me this seems a pretty clear case of a revised edition.

Edit: also, there's a separate thread for whether or not this is a new edition, so maybe this conversation could be taken there?

New editions and Revised editions are two different things in publishing.
To me this seems a pretty clear case of a revised edition.

Edit: also, there's a separate thread for whether or not this is a new edition, so maybe this conversation could be taken there?
They are still editions though aren’t they?

Edition simply means it is a specific form of that book that is distinct from other forms of that book. It isn’t a dirty word - it is simply an acknowledgement that there are changes from previous editions.

Call it a revised edition. At least call it something!


The drama is strong here. Look, if you feel that expressing an opinion, or prediction of what is or what might be (which could be proven wrong, time will tell) is "spreading misinformation or fear mongering" I can't stop you. Your position here seems to be Wizards says 2024 is not a new edition so therefore it is ironclad, and not to be challenged. Hasbro/Wizards has done a lot of questionable things lately, but certainly not here! (sarcasm).

I can call a Nintendo Switch a Playstation. I can call a Toyota a Ford. I can call Pathfinder DnD. I would be wrong in those instances, but I could do it. You can say that the revised 2024 rules for Dungeons and Dragongs 5th edition is really Sixth edition. But you have no leg to stand on beyond "I feel the rules changed enough to warrant that." You can call it 5.5 edition, and maybe that will catch on... but even that is an acknowledgement that it isn't truly a "new" edition, just a continuation of the old.

And you can claim you are just expressing an opinion, but over the course of this thread and others, people have claimed WoTC "walked back" calling this One DnD (they didn't), that they have never decided on a name for these rules (they did), that they have never put the name for the rules on the cover of the book (they did), that it doesn't matter if it is on the back cover, that only the front cover counts. That this is NEEDED to be fixed, because new gamers will show up with the wrong book to the table and the people with the right book will never share their copies or something. And pointing out how little that is going to affect someone, if it even happens because the two books are CLEARLY different, one being almost twice as thick as the other, just leads to me being accused of "waving the flag" for WoTC.

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