D&D review: 1974


In general, the concept and imagination involved is stunning. However, much more work, refinement, and especially regulation and simplification is necessary before the game is managable.

Which brings us to... 3rd ed. :)

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Arnold Hendrick?

I wonder if it is the same as the game designer Arnold Hendrick who created i.a. Darklands (one of the great CRPGs, IMHO, and one I'd like to see updated), and worked together with Sid Meier at Microprose...


Perhaps it is; this is what a Darklands FAQ has to say about him:

"What do we know about Arnold Hendrick, the designer of DARKLANDS?

Before he designed games for Microprose, Arnold Hendrick designed a few role-playing games. Of note: BARBARIAN PRINCE, a paragraph adventure boardgame from DWARFSTAR (1981) and TRIREME from Avalon Hill (Redesign and Development). "

I guess he decided to give it a go? ;)


First Post
I am old, and this "rocksors my boXorz" in the common(?) parlance. I remember strategic review and the very first issue of Dragon Mag. This is way cool, thanks for finding it!


barsoomcore said:
Okay, nothing is quite as funny as:
Enjoy D&D more! Sell your car! Stop hoarding gasoline! It's more interesting! It's very, very interesting indeed!

I think you have to remember that at the time this was written the Gas "Crunch" of the mid 70's was in full swing.....Gas lines were insanely long, you could only buy gas on certain days, prices were astronomical, etc.


diaglo said:
no, it brings the reviewer to :) :) :) :) ed.

some of us still prefer the Original (1974) D&D. :D

...and yet still play 3E regularly. :D

Yes, I know, you still haven't yet converted your group to the true heir to the crown, but admit it - you still have some fun with the impure, deviant, and corrosive thing that is 3E, don't you? :)


First Post
Glad you liked it.

Does anyone know where other stuff like this might be found? It would be great to have a sort of "history of D&D" section on these pages.


Eben said:
Glad you liked it.

Does anyone know where other stuff like this might be found? It would be great to have a sort of "history of D&D" section on these pages.


Well, not really a site of historical story telling or parly, yet it is interesting to leaf through all the various priducts. I.e., what is your D&D old gear net worth!

Voidrunner's Codex

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