D&D General D&D Worth "23 Billion"?!?!

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I guess they're talking about the brand rather than the TTRG though. So if that includes the movie and BG3 I guess that pushes it up an awful lot.. but at that point we're not talking about the game any more.

This was my first thought as well. The brand value of D&D is likely much higher than the TTRPG market total.

But then I did a bit of googling and found this report from about a year ago:


With numbers like, these, I still have no idea how the article got up to $23 billion. Even accounting for currency exchange and a year of growth and inflation it's off by more than an order of magnitude.


Victoria Rules
This was my first thought as well. The brand value of D&D is likely much higher than the TTRPG market total.

But then I did a bit of googling and found this report from about a year ago:

View attachment 348833

With numbers like, these, I still have no idea how the article got up to $23 billion. Even accounting for currency exchange and a year of growth and inflation it's off by more than an order of magnitude.
Just the numbers shown there for 2023 add to close to $13 billion, all the rest might be a few $ billion more; and we don't know what they're including in those numbers. If things like movie rights, video-game spinoffs, etc. are not included here then an overall valuation of $23 billion would seem, if anything, low.

And, remarkably, Pokemon isn't even on that list.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This was my first thought as well. The brand value of D&D is likely much higher than the TTRPG market total.

But then I did a bit of googling and found this report from about a year ago:

View attachment 348833

With numbers like, these, I still have no idea how the article got up to $23 billion. Even accounting for currency exchange and a year of growth and inflation it's off by more than an order of magnitude.
Lucas sold Star Wars for $5B IIRC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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