D&D 5E Daggers, Knives, and Darts...... Are there no Knives in 5E....?!?!?!


Again, what specifically is wrong?

He wants knives to be different that daggers, and wants more weapon specialization than feats and proficiencies can provide, therefore he's not going to play 5e. Fair enough. Personally, I think that's a pretty thin reason to shun a game, but to each their own. There are many other games out there.

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He wants knives to be different that daggers, and wants more weapon specialization than feats and proficiencies can provide, therefore he's not going to play 5e. Fair enough. Personally, I think that's a pretty thin reason to shun a game, but to each their own. There are many other games out there.

No, he said the details were wrong. What you're saying is a preference. Not a "right" or "wrong" in the accuracy of details. Which is why I asked him what specific details are not correct.


No, he said the details were wrong. What you're saying is a preference. Not a "right" or "wrong" in the accuracy of details. Which is why I asked him what specific details are not correct.

I read his "wrong" response to mean, it's not the answer he was hoping for...


First Post
I read his "wrong" response to mean, it's not the answer he was hoping for...

That's what I thought as well, but then the comment about the designers getting their details wrong makes me think he's just grumpy that things aren't crunchy enough, which I can understand... I'm just not sure we need yet another hating thread. I'm trying to keep my hatred of 5e to myself! :D


Hi all, looked in Wiki, Throwing Knives are not Daggers, The Game Designers kept it simple and made one category "Daggers" and there is nothing stopping you at your "Table" from creating "Throwing Knives" as a Ranged Weapon, say a d4 + Dex, separate from Daggers like Wiki says that Throwing Knives are and they would not be used in Melee, Throwing Knives have no hilt and balanced for throwing, not combat (Disadvantage in Combat)

Re-skinning the Dart into the Thrown Knife (Dagger) works for me
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First Post
Ugh, I hear you, man. When I took a look at the PHB at the game store, I noticed that it has the price for a hunk of cheese...but what about a wedge?! Sorry, WotC, I think I'll pass on this one!


I was thinking he was talking about boot knives, which to me would be daggers. But if wants throwing knives I would just use the rules for darts.

Throwing Knives are not Daggers, The Game Designers kept it simple and made one category "Daggers" and there is nothing stopping you at your "Table" from creating "Throwing Knives" as a Ranged Weapon, say a d4 + Dex,

You mean a dart?

The rulebooks do say that if you want a another weapon then just reskin an existing one or change one feature. So, what the game calls a "dart" is what we would call a "throwing dagger" - a slim, pointed piece of metal (piercing damage) thrown end over end. This matches much better the historical version of darts (the things we throw in pubs have little to do with weapons of war).


First Post
I think the real issue here is that if the book doesn't even have knives, there's no chance that there's going to be spoons, and certainly not forks.

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