Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3


Zaen Najafi

Zaen Najafi said:
Zaen stops, he thinks for a moment that perhaps he should make a run for it, but hesitates. He looks around for something to cast light on, to better illuminate his surrounding. He strains his eyes to see if he can see what it was that made the noise, as he looks he has his hand on his blade in case he needs to protect himself.

OOC: Spot check = 16+4 mod=20

Though you lack low-light vision you manage to glimpse something relatively small and furry (about the size of a large dog with a long tail) moving on all fours slinking around the back porch of the farmhouse illuminated by a wildly swinging lantern. The creature raises up on its hind legs, seemingly pausing to check its surroundings, which is when you spot whiskers and reddish rodent eyes on its face. The creature is a Rhat, which in itself is not an inherently evil race, though some are known to serve evil masters and commit unlawful or evil deeds under orders of their master(s).

Rhats are common enough in Cabarda, both City and Country Rhat varieties. Like all races in Vulkh they are beholden to the same laws as everything else. There is little doubt in your mind that this Rhat is up to no good as it produces a dagger that glints ever so briefly in the lantern light before it starts to pry or carve something into the baseboards around the porch. (The farmhouse itself is set on a foundation of mortared stone and has no base-boards)

This Rhat does not yet spot you. So long as you are standing still and not carrying a torch or lantern you aren't doing anything to draw attention to yourself. At this point you are at a distance of approximately 120 ft. It is unclear to you what the Rhat's fur colors are since it wears a small cloak and leather vest of the sort a Halfling might wear (which is typical for Rhats everywhere). These garments, and the fur beneath them, appear to be of a dark shade of black, grey or brown.

You are unaware if the farmer in that house keeps any Rhats as workers in his fields (which some farmers do), but even if that were the case... you've never seen a Rhat perform carpentry or maintenance on a porch in the pitch black hours before dawn in the middle of a storm. Rhats abhor storms and getting soaked as much as any other race. Therefor, whatever this Rhat is doing is very suspicious behavior.

[Zaen: What do you do?]

[sblock= Situational Modifiers] If you wish to attempt to approach closer to the Rhat without being spotted, you need to make a Hide Check to approach as close as 60 ft at half your normal movement rate (which will take 4 rounds). An accompanying Move Silently check will NOT be necessary due to the loud storm muffling most other sounds, BUT the Rhat will have a chance to oppose your Hide Check with a Spot Check.

If you wish to cast a spell or make an attack NOW with a ranged weapon (at 120 ft. distance), you will get a free surprise attack with significant penalties for poor visibility and gusting winds. (20% Miss chance due to Concealment, with an additional 20% miss chance for ranged weapons due to gusting winds) The normal range penalty to fire a light crossbow at this range is also a base -2 penalty to your attack roll.

IF you successfully approach to 60 ft. distance BEFORE casting a spell or making a ranged attack (without being spotted by the Rhat) you may get a surprise attack without any penalty for range, concealment or gusting winds. However if you are spotted, you will be required to roll initiative before any other action is taken, UNLESS you use an Early action (as per my house rules).
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In the lair of Kumbakarna

Wrenwil said:
The elderly priest was still chewing a fair chunk of delicious homeland bread, waving one hand about in an effort to extinguish the chaos, when he noticed the parchment. First he prodded it with the end of his staff, just to be sure it wasn't some kind of trick. Then with a little more courage, he gulped the last of his mouthful down, and stooped over to scoop up the oddity. This wasn’t a particularly fluid movement, his old bones creaking from days of travel taking their toll. Still, he was tougher than most his age.

Dryly he stated,
“friends, it seems Svexyn will not be present for dessert.”

He read the message to his companions and shared it with them, he was quite amazed in fact.

“Well, at least one of us has left bumcrack’s lair alive.” He muttered, grinning, but the rest of his face would express deep concern. “Our numbers dwindle, and this… well it is a magic I’m not acquainted with.”

Wrenwil sat back down next to the glorious food.

“Perhaps not much we can do about it. This at least is beyond our control. We should eat our fill none the less, Pentos has been kind to us, and we would be wise not to waste these gifts.”

It had been good to see Ordechai back to his old self, if only for a moment. The shaman’s touch and what it might have done though, this was a worry that would scratch at Wrenwil’s mind for quite some time to come.

“So…” he spoke quietly, leaning towards the half-dwarf.

“... the question is, have they taken anything from you that was best they wouldn’t know?”

Ordechai: Drops slowly to a crouched position, chewing slowly, preoccupied in thought. When he speaks again his tone is less cheery. "I'd rather they didn't know how we came to find ourselves here in the hills of Kumbakarna."

Alic: Pauses in between mouthfuls. "Didn't you say Kumbakarna was a great enemy of the Quresh?"

Ordechai: Nods slowly and swallows. "He is indeed. His wrath towards them is well known."

Alic: "So why should we worry? Seems like this place is as much of a safe haven as we could hope for... assuming of course he doesn't have any more cursed demons to pit us against!" He adds with derisive snort.

Ordechai glances up at the other deformed children of Kumbakarna overlooking you on the walkway. By now they have noticed Svexyn's disappearance, and are busy staring, growling and cursing at each other worryingly. They are also mystified by the delicious smelling-food Wrenwil has produced.

Ordechai: Jerks his head up towards them. "The only thing keeping these monsters in check is the word of Kumbakarna. If he suspects the Quresh know we are here, his sense of hospitality could change."

Alic: Spits "We have nothing to do with the Quresh! Your thoughts and memories should only confirm this!"

Ordechai: Shakes his head. "That's assuming those savages understand my memories well enough to make sense of them? They may glimpse the time we spent at The Restless Sands and get the wrong idea."

Alic: Looks over to the tribesman worryingly and hastily resumes chewing, evidently a nervous eater.

Just then the elder shaman seems to come out of his trance, staring towards Alic and the other pair of you quite intensely.

Swallows painfully as if the elder shamans stare turns his appetite. "Moradin help us from the savages!" He curses under his breath clutching the haft of his axe.

After several tense moments, the elder turns to kneel once again beside the cook fire, muttering to himself once again in his strange tongue.

Alic: Lets his breath out in a slow huff. "Maybe Svexyn had the right idea to disappear? Would have been a nice trick to share with the rest of us!" He says bitterly, stuffing his cheeks again.

Just then, something else enters the cavern through the lower passage past the iron bars. Alic's head turns slowly before his eyes start to bulge in horror just as they did when he first beheld Kumbakarna's pet demon! The dwarf starts choking on his food as something much taller and bulkier than the tribesman looms beyond the cook fires with huge black curling horns and the head of a bull!

[Wrenwil: What do you do?]

[sblock=Results of Knowledge Arcana Check]
The scroll left behind by Svexyn is purely mundane and carries no enchantments.[/sblock]



Wrenwil continued to eat, but listened carefully to Alic and Ordechai's worrysome words. The tastes of a distant land, flavors that reminded him of peace, relaxation and a mountain of alluring texts back in his humble home... were somewhat soured by his companion's anxiety.

Maybe the priest was hardening. Through all the terrors of recent days, perhaps death no longer seemed like such a bother. Not with the weight of other visions lying heavy on one's mind.

"Let us not show them the fear they desire," he whispered. "If they are not of sound mind to understand your memories, Ordechai, then let's just have faith that the truth can be our gift to Kumbakarna, amongst what else he will want of us."

It was hardly a reassurance, but they'd kept their hearts beating this far. Pentos wouldn't have brought this all about for nothing. Never.

The old cleric's thoughts were interrupted by an expression of terror on Alic's face, and a look that he'd nope not to see again.

What this time! Surely even savages understand the rudeness of interrupting a sacred-gifted meal!

He turned, doing his best to keep a flat expressionless face, as he looked towards the source of Alic's newfound fears.

Then he turned back to his meal.

"Show no fear friends, no matter how we tremble inside. Alic, are you alright? Let's keep an eye on that one. Let me think..."

Beasts. Always more monstrosities. Question is, ugly friend, what kind are you... have your ways made it into the words of man or the texts of our predecessors?

[Wrenwil is scouring his memories for anything that matches the new arrival's appearance, with a Knowledge History General check. Roll = 19+5 (24)]

[sblock=Wrenwil Stats]
WRENWIL - a tough old boot on a terrible holiday

6, Init 2, HP 31/38, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 4
Masterwork Staff +5 to hit (d6+3)
Spells: 4/4/3/2
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Zaen Najafi

Zaen quickly realizes that casting light would be a dangerous move, so he decides to use the darkness as his ally. He watches the rhat, from affar. ~what is this thing up to?~ He begins to move closer to the Rhat, but remembers his dream. ~While this Rhat is suspicious, I must get to my uncles shop. This dream was too real. I need to get that answer first.~ He opts out of moving closer. ~Investigating this will have to wait, I must get to Jabbar's shop.~

With that Zaen waits in the darkness, completely still and quiet, until the Rhat is gone and he can continue.
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Zaen Najafi

Zaen quickly realizes that casting light would be a dangerous move, so he decides to use the darkness as his ally. He watches the rhat, from affar. ~what is this thing up to?~ He begins to move closer to the Rhat, but remembers his dream. ~While this Rhat is suspicious, I must get to my uncles shop. This dream was too real. I need to get that answer first.~ He opts out of moving closer. ~Investigating this will have to wait, I must get to Jabbar's shop.~

With that Zaen waits in the darkness, completely still and quiet, until the Rhat is gone and he can continue.

The Rhat appears to pry a board loose off the siding of the porch and slips through the gap. You have no way of seeing whatever it does while it is completely concealed beneath the porch (even if you had darkvision). Several moments later it emerges again, replaces the board, and slinks away towards another farmhouse vanishing into the storm.

Without wasting anymore time, you make your way off the hillside into the streets below
with only very dim light from nearby lanterns and shuttered windows helping you keep your bearings. As you walk slowly, hugging your robes about you, flashes of lightning and sudden claps of thunder keep your nerves on edge.

Suddenly there is something of a strange, faint, acrid smell of cooked flesh in the air that gives you pause... until you realize the lingering smell might be that of the Vulkyrie slain by lightning in your vision! As you glance around, you imagine you might be standing in the very spot where the creature fell from the sky. Yet be that as it may, neither the Vulkyrie, or your uncles corpses are visible anywhere in sight.

Slowly you kneel down, sick to your stomach with anger and dismay, searching for evidence, remains, any kind of sign to confirm your suspicions.

(FATE POOL Search Check: Nat 20+4 = 24, Great Success!)

Miraculously, feeling around with your fingertips, you manage to find a scorched Vulkyrie feather partially trampled in the mud. After a moments contemplation, you walk the rest of the way with a heavy heart until you arrive at the back door of your uncles shop (where the living quarters are located). The door is shut, the windows are shuttered, but there are signs of light from within peeking through the cracks.

[Zaen: What do you do?]
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Zaen Najafi

Zaen is thankful that he has made it to his uncle's shop. He realizes quickly that he does not have a key. He sees the lights on in the shop, so assumes someone is there. He whispers to himself "perhaps Aust is here, or some other partners. Maybe they will know what happened to Jabbar, or can give some answers about the dream." He prepares himself, ~Are you ready to pick up where your uncle left off~ he asks himself in his mind. "Yes, I am ready. Bring on the Vul." Zaen runs his hands over his black hair, straightening it up as best he can. He balls his fist and knocks on the shop door. "Here we go" Zaen whispers, as excitement began to overtake him. For the first time since he awoke a slight smile formed on his face.
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High in the Great Drakeshvar Valley; Part III

Ra'd Alim dosed off several times for the remaining few hours of the afternoon. While the sun fell close above the surrounding peaks, Guo Jiang got a fire going and prepared to cook a large catch of fish. Suddenly a strange tone echoed across the lake startling Ra'd Alim from his dozing. He'd recognize that sound anywhere; the pipes of the Djondarma bandits!

Ra'd Alim: "BANDITS!"

Guo Jiang: "Good, they're right on time." He says calmly, producing a strange bronze pipe-whistle from within his garments responding to the call across the lake with a short tone-blast of his own.

Ra'd Alim: "What are you doing?!"

Guo Jiang: "I'm inviting our friends to dinner." He answers

Ra'd Alim: "Friends?!"

Guo Jiang: Nods "I have spent enough time among the mountain tribes to learn their ways. They gave me one of their whistles as a token of their trust."

Ra'd Alim could hardly believe his ears. All his life the Djonfang spoke with hatred towards the reclusive bandit tribes lurking above them high up in the peaks. Long ago the Djondarma tribes of the mountains and the Djonfang tribes of the valley were related, even friendly with each other. Ancient scrolls and texts within the libraries of the Fortress of the Sovereign indicated a rich history with the so-called 'RajKhan' or Bandit King, including pacts, trade agreements, and extended family ties.

This close neighborly relationship carried on for centuries before the RajKhan inexplicably declared war against the valley dwellers, sending his tribal warriors forth into battle from the air on trained Wyverns, and from the ground saddled on the backs of sure-footed mountain rams beside shape-changing druids in beastly forms. Though their numbers were not as great as the valley tribes, their surprise attack ensured a terrible slaughter.

Were it not for the dragons who came to call of the Dragon Shamans to defend the Djonfang people, the casualties of that great battle might have equaled the more recent invasion of the Ogre King.

Ra'd Alim: Glared angrily at the old man with disgust. "You are a fool!"

Guo Jiang: Snorts. "...Says the young shaman betrayed by his own elders! You must learn to see with fresh eyes and an open mind. The more you think the way they taught you to think, the more likely it is they'll find you and finish the job."

Ra'd Alim turned to stare across the lake, a feeling of dread and discomfort setting into his gut watching a small group of Djondarma paddle across the lake in three hide canoe's. As they draw up to shore, Ra'd Alim counts their number at four, each wearing similar garb of loose long sleeve wool coats called a Chuba. Underneath the Chuba are plain cotton tunics, furred vests of animal skin, or some sort of armored cuirass (usually boiled hide, sometimes studded with iron or reinforced with overlapping steel plates).

Beneath the Chuba are long woolen breeches tucked into knee-high boots designed to stomp through deep snow and keep out the cold and piercing winds of high altitude lined with fur. Around their waist they wear a sash, tucked with pouches, tools, flint-and-steel, daggers, axes or other weapons.

The overall quality and style of Djondarma garb is cheap and plain compared to the Djonfang, yet some adornment of jewelry fashioned from natural bone, claws, precious metals (silver & gold medallions), and beads (tourquoise, silver, gold) are worn proudly by Djondarma men and women. As often as not, they are known to keep and wear armor, weapons and other valuables captured in ambushes.

The most telling garment typically worn by the Djondarma is a stylized embroidered silken scarf, presently pulled up over their noses like a mask. These scarfs are dyed in bright colors and delicately sewn with embroidery, each patterned for a particular tribe and individual families within the tribe.

Ra'd Alim notes the scarfs of these four were very similar, all green with silver embroidery. Three of these four were likely directly related to each other.

The tallest and strongest of these has shoulder-length grey hair tied into braids with a well-used studded leather cuirass, gloves, bracers, and bronze armor caps strapped over his knees stylized in the fashion of rams heads. Across his back is a large hand-and-a-half broadsword with a short sword and a dagger tucked into his sash.

The one with a dissimilar scarf wears a bearskin cloak with very long, nearly white hair draped flowing over his back. A similarly long beard drapes below his scarf. A a boiled hide curiass is worn beneath his Chuba. While he wears no gloves, his boots are softer, more like over-sized moccasins. He carries no steel blades, but holds a long spear tipped with carved antler horn, a polished stone mace, and a long dragonglass dagger (obsidian) tucked through his sash.

The younger pair (probably teenagers), have shorter black hair. One of these youth was quite muscular with a hide cuirass and a shaved head. In his non-gloved hands he holds a heavy hewn-bone battle axe and four stone-tipped javelins slung low on his back. The shorter, leaner one has wilder hair cut at shoulder level, gloved hands tucked into steel bracers clearly visible with arms crossed above a pair of masterwork hand axes (of foreign make). There is also a fine short blow and arrows slung over their shoulder.

Guo Jiang: Steps forward to meet the Djondarma as they stand on the beach. Guo Jiang does an serviceable job speaking their old-fashioned dialect of the Djonfang language, albeit with a thick Caishian accent. "Welcome friends. Please share a meal with us by the fire."

The one with the braids takes a half-step closer indicating he speaks for the others.

Djondarma Leader: Stares over the old Caishians shoulder towards the cart upon which R'ad Alim still sat fuming and beleagured. -Speaking Djondarma Dialect- "Is he the Djonfang Dragon Shaman you spoke about?"

Guo Jiang: "Yes. His name is R'ad Alim."

Djondarma Leader: "...Doesn't look much pleased to see us." He comments.

Guo Jiang: "He is seriously injured, and very angry."

Djondarma Leader: "I will not hesitate to kill him if he attempts to harm us. If that happens, I will still expect you to hold to your end of the agreement."

Guo Jiang: Nods "He will cooperate if he hopes to live. Whatever happens, I am a man of my word."

Djondarma Leader: Nods "Very well. We will share your fire. Tomorrow at first light we will escort you through the mountains as promised."

Guo Jiang: Bows his head respectfully and gestures for the four to move over near the cart where the the cook fire has been lit within a circle of stones. The leader jerks his head and says something curt to the younger pair who quickly move away, apparently scouting and keeping watch.

Meanwhile the white-haired Djondarma steps over to the cart to get a better look at you, pulling down his scarf revealing the craggy features of a stubborn old man with two fangs piercing his lower lip. Twenty years ago he would have been very strong indeed, but now much of his bulk has leaned and wrinkled. There is yet much vigor and clarity in his sunken dark eyes as he sizes you up and speaks in a rough slightly tremulous voice.

White-Haired Djondarma: -Speaking Djonfang Dialect with a heavy Djondarma accent- "I am Ayuoso. Among my people I am known as 'White Bear'. I am a druid and a healer. If you wish it I can give you something to help you rest and ease your pain?"

[R'ad Alim: What do you do?]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Ra'd Alim Abd Al-Halid

R'ad Alim stands up eyeing the group with suspicion.

"I am Ra'd Alim Abd Al-Halid of Djonfang. I will owe nothing to you, White Bear. The Elder saved my life, thus, I honor his word and welcome you to the fire. May dragons of this land save us from ourselves."

He looks up at the Djondarma leader, judging him worthy opponent even at his full health. Right now, he has to live with the dishonor, allowing bandits into the camp and maybe owing them his life. The debt may be intended for old Guo, but R'ad feels the weight of it on his own soul.
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High in the Great Drakeshvar Valley

Ra'd Alim said:
R'ad Alim stands up eyeing the group with suspicion.

"I am Ra'd Alim Abd Al-Halid of Djonfang. I will owe nothing to you, White Bear. The Elder saved my life, thus, I honor his word and welcome you to the fire. May dragons of this land save us from ourselves."

He looks up at the Djondarma leader, judging him worthy opponent even at his full health. Right now, he has to live with the dishonor, allowing bandits into the camp and maybe owing them his life. The debt may be intended for old Guo, but R'ad feels the weight of it on his own soul.

Ayuoso: Persists with a steady stare, nodding slightly as you speak. "I appreciate your welcome. It is good that you show respect to your elders. Rest assured you have nothing to fear from me young shaman. Guo has spoken highly of you during many fireside chats with us. I have looked forward to meeting you."

Guo and the Djondarma leader have already moved over to the fire. It is several steps away from the cart. A seemingly small effort yes, but in your present condition covered in bruises, with multiple fractures and broken ribs, you will need to make a difficult Constitution Check to walk over there without passing out from the pain. If you fail that check, you will collapse. You will then need to make a Fortitude Save to stay conscious, avoid internal bleeding and subsequent death.

[sblock=State of injuries and Required Checks]
You are presently at 2 Hit Points with 3 broken ribs, a fractured right collarbone, a fractured left wrist, a fractured left shin and a fractured skull. You will not recover hit points at the regular rate of 1hp per hour with such extensive injuries. You will eventually heal naturally, but at a much slower rate of a typical man because your supernatural healing powers are presently not functional.

Constitution Check to avoid collapse:
DC 16

Fortitude Save IF you collapse:
DC 16

[R'ad Alim: What do you do?]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Hard-headed and determined not to show too weak, young warrior joins them at the fire. He doesn't sit, not risking his leg sitting down. But standing then returning for an early bed seems feasible.


[roll1] hopefully not needed

He is no stranger to pain and bears it stoically.
OOC: why would I heal slower than human without powers?
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