Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

Vandrok the Relentless

Vahr's chanting crescendos, his utterings rising to a fevered pitch moments before the sound of his voice breaks in sudden surprise as his eyes snap open. The look he gives the old priestess across the fire is transfixed with awe and fervor, as if to convey by stare alone a revelation of purpose.

Akehra's small dark eyes stare right back like two lifeless black beads in a sunken wrinkled face. She already hears the voice in his head. It is the voice of the dark goddess that's ruled over her since birth, a voice of terrible whispers that obligates with insuperable evil will. It is the voice of Kalia.

Akehra lifts the lamb off her lap, feeling its heartbeat quicken while Vahr's fingers clamp over the back of its neck, steadying quivering legs. Painful BAA's cry out for a moment before Vahr's dagger slices open its throat. Hot blood sprays into the sand beside the cookfire as the lamb collapses. This time it is the old woman who begins chanting Kalia's name as she collects spurts of blood into a ceremonial bowl.

Vahr stands once again re-sheathing his dagger, turning to Vandrok, stepping over quickly.

Vahr: -Speaking in the language of the Hill Tribe in a low voice with a very serious tone- "It is fitting that you should take interest in these visitors Vandrok. Kalia's black magic has granted me divine insight. I know now that the one-eyed half-dwarf was once a captive of the Thralgrimik." (original name for the Black Network) "His memories attest to that, as do his burns, do you see?" He asks casting a stare over to their cook fire. "That smuggler has sheltered here several times before, it shames me that we had no idea."

He leans in closer. "They were chased here by the Quresh!" He says spitting that name with utter hatred. Nothing elicits the ire of the of the Hill Tribe so much as the Quresh. You are not aware of all the specifics of the feud, but they are ancient enemies, dedicated to eradicating each other for over 2,500 years. Vahr continues.

"Quresh scouts and their dire jackals should have easily tracked them here. They are probably out there right now, beyond the boneyard..." He says suggestively. "There is more, MUCH more to these strangers than we realize!" He says, hinting at further secrets he has likely already seen. "Of course there is no need yet to wake the great Kumbakarna, we are safe here. Yet surely it would be prudent to go on a hunt of our own to capture one of their scouts; to better understand the value of these visitors? I can think of no one more suitable for this task than you Vandrok. Will you gather some of your brothers together and remind our mutual foes why they should never dare come near these hills?!"

[Vandrok: What do you do?]
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"I've been living on the lam ever since, hiding my face, spending many years abroad in Maharatha or the mountain lowlands, assorting with but avoiding the same bandits and dishonest merchants the RajKhan invites to his court. Secretly I am still known as the former-Khan of the Harachaandee, but I dare not show my face in my home again."

"When I met Guo Jiang and heard his claims about the corruption among the dragon shamans, and heard about you, R'ad Alim, a thought occurred to me, that perhaps we were fated to meet. Two men, wronged by our unjust rulers, left for dead for no good cause... Survivors! We could do well to help each other and seek justice."

"I have a family now, a wife, two fine warrior children, the very same who keep watch over our camp now in fact. I do not want them to live their lives in perpetual exile as I have. I have secrets to share with you, knowledge of plots and dangerous forces at work trying to seize control over this region and this valley in particular."

"I don't bear any ill-will against you or any other Djonfang, but from what Guo Jiang tells me your leaders don't sound much better than mine. I'd rather help you prevent the same sort of corruption that cost my people so dearly. Does that sound agreeable to you?" He asks pouring himself a bowl of Chang.[/I]

R'ad Alim listens and considers, judging and deliberating...and finally, after some time he asks
"I'm not sure what you're offering...do you want me to join you in some cause? To topple your khan and establish yourself? To defeat dragon shamans? This would leave my people at djondarma mercy. Or do you simply want me to join in life of banditry? You would obviously benefit from first option...but you could simply choose to forget your debt then, not dishonorably, of course, but simply because you would be too busy trying to establish the relations with other khans or force the compliance. And yet, if we go and somehow defeat dragon shamans...I would choose to free the dragons. And they may or may not choose to help. And worse, I don't even know if they would attack djonfang people. I have much to learn, but I am young. I can agree to live with you until I have better view about the future. But I will not be useful for some time as I heal from my injuries."

[MENTION=6677509]narayan[/MENTION], you didn't finish with [What do you do?] and I waited for additional post...but it seems obvious from the content I need to respond :) I still haven't filled the questionnare, sorry about that, I'm going to knee therapy afterwork and thus, my whole day is filled for the last several weeks. This ends next Monday so I'll take the time to answer in peace. As you can see, R'ad Alim is stubborn and contemplative...slow and steady, but once angered or started...convinced...he is hard to stop.

@narayan, you didn't finish with [What do you do?] and I waited for additional post...but it seems obvious from the content I need to respond :) I still haven't filled the questionnare, sorry about that, I'm going to knee therapy afterwork and thus, my whole day is filled for the last several weeks. This ends next Monday so I'll take the time to answer in peace. As you can see, R'ad Alim is stubborn and contemplative...slow and steady, but once angered or started...convinced...he is hard to stop.

OOC: @Neurotic, Sorry, my bad. You're totally right I forgot to add the prompt to my last post for R'ad Alim. I just edited it, thanks for replying anyway, I was going to PM you soon lol

High in the Great Drakeshvar Valley

R'ad Alim said:
R'ad Alim listens and considers, judging and deliberating...and finally, after some time he asks
"I'm not sure what you're offering...do you want me to join you in some cause? To topple your khan and establish yourself? To defeat dragon shamans? This would leave my people at djondarma mercy. Or do you simply want me to join in life of banditry? You would obviously benefit from first option...but you could simply choose to forget your debt then, not dishonorably, of course, but simply because you would be too busy trying to establish the relations with other khans or force the compliance. And yet, if we go and somehow defeat dragon shamans...I would choose to free the dragons. And they may or may not choose to help. And worse, I don't even know if they would attack djonfang people. I have much to learn, but I am young. I can agree to live with you until I have better view about the future. But I will not be useful for some time as I heal from my injuries."

Guo Jiang: Interrupts "Caishians have enjoyed the guidance and protection of our divine draconic deity, Zu, for over 2,500 years. The strength and prosperity of our empire is unrivaled because of that relationship with that mightiest-of-dragons, and others. Only the foolish short-sighted dragon shamans of this valley believe it is wise to dominate dragons instead of fostering an equitable mutual partnership with them. Their arrogance will lead to their undoing. The only question is, how many others will suffer the dragons wrath when their chance for vengeance takes place?"

"If there are not other, wiser dragon shamans ready to make amends with the dragons when that reckoning comes, all who dwell within and near this valley will suffer. I believe this, the emperor himself believes this. I am here to serve the emperors will, and he wills that this valley should return to rule by the Empire before it's too late!"

"Great darkness draws close, an overwhelming evil, which will surely spread across the entirety of the great continent of Akhenaten if it is allowed to root first in this valley. That is the mutual foe that the Djondarma and the Djonfang must face together, the one manipulating unseen from the shadows long into the past."

"Caishians take it on faith that Zu is the wisest god of all. You may not wish to worship him as I do, but you should certainly take heed of his wisdom, and his warnings, as myself and the emperor have always done. Only ZU understands the full depth and threat of the coming doom."

[R'ad Alim: What do you do?]
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Vandrok Agrees To Vahr's Plan

Vahr said:
"... Will you gather some of your brothers together and remind our mutual foes why they should never dare come near these hills?!"

Vandrok snorts with glee, "Of course, Dark Father. I'd like to take Barrog and Shredder for extra muscle, and I could also use Scratch to do the tracking. With such a team behind me, we will be more than a match for those pathetic wretches. And we will bring at least one scout back as a prisoner, with his tongue intact. But I will probably need to hobble him, to ensure that he does not attempt to escape. But that won't be a problem, I've broken men's legs before."

Vandrok grins widely at Vahr, a small amount of drool escaping his lips.

Vandrok concludes, "But the others... are ours? Barrog and Shredder will want blood, and the trophies that go with such acquisitions..."

Ra'd Alim considers everything he heard.
"I cannot decide after everything I heard right now. Either you're working in tandem to bring down Djonfang by seeding doubt and just waiting for an opportunity to take over the dragons...or you could be working to restore Sogam Kashmir to Khanhood and simply need my strength. Finally, you could be really working to prevent the annihilation of our peoples. But that seems far-fetched. I will think about this. For the moment, I need to meditate, think. Recover. Good night. Thank you for the story and hospitality. You are an honorable man."
He walks away and slowly sinks into his bedroll.
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Vandrok Agrees To Vahr's Plan

Vandrok snorts with glee,
"Of course, Dark Father. I'd like to take Barrog and Shredder for extra muscle, and I could also use Scratch to do the tracking. With such a team behind me, we will be more than a match for those pathetic wretches. And we will bring at least one scout back as a prisoner, with his tongue intact. But I will probably need to hobble him, to ensure that he does not attempt to escape. But that won't be a problem, I've broken men's legs before."

Vandrok grins widely at Vahr, a small amount of drool escaping his lips.

Vandrok concludes, "But the others... are ours? Barrog and Shredder will want blood, and the trophies that go with such acquisitions..."

Vahr speaks in an icy tone as he answers. "Of course, kill as many as you can! Quresh deserve nothing less, least of all from us."

Just then Akehra rises and moves to your side clutching the bowl of lambs blood in her wrinkled, bony fingers. Such close proximity to a high priestess of Kalia was never a comfortable feeling. The daughters of Shelahr had dark magic in their veins. They could cripple or even kill with a touch.

Vahr shares a look with the old priestess before he commands."Kneel Vandrok."

The tufts of hair on the back of your neck bristle. You hesitate at the thought of the priestess laying her hands on you.

Sensing your nervousness Vahr says. "Akhera has prepared a blessing for you. With it, Kalia's power and protection will guard your mind against your former masters. You will be free to roam away from the hills until sunrise."

[Vandrok: What do you do?]

Although Vandrok knows nothing of blessings and spells, he does know that the greater of the two evils would be to fall prey to the magicks of The Black Circle once again. Kalia was not the deity that Vandrok served, but she WAS revered by many of the Children of Kumbakharna, and therefore, he could see no reason to refuse a protective ward, a blessing, even if it was from the dark goddess.

Vandrok had always followed his own path; and although his heart was not blackened completely by evil, neither was it pure and good; Vandrok was ruled by a swirl of chaotic impulses, some of which he did not always understand. But he had faith in the hunt, and faith in himself, as the hunter. The quarry of the hunt was destiny, and though elusive, Vandrok knew in his soul that nothing eludes the determined hunter forever.

All of these thoughts were but an instant's occurrence; and without further hesitation, Vandrok kneels, ready to accept the blessing.
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