Vandrok the Relentless
Vahr's chanting crescendos, his utterings rising to a fevered pitch moments before the sound of his voice breaks in sudden surprise as his eyes snap open. The look he gives the old priestess across the fire is transfixed with awe and fervor, as if to convey by stare alone a revelation of purpose.
Akehra's small dark eyes stare right back like two lifeless black beads in a sunken wrinkled face. She already hears the voice in his head. It is the voice of the dark goddess that's ruled over her since birth, a voice of terrible whispers that obligates with insuperable evil will. It is the voice of Kalia.
Akehra lifts the lamb off her lap, feeling its heartbeat quicken while Vahr's fingers clamp over the back of its neck, steadying quivering legs. Painful BAA's cry out for a moment before Vahr's dagger slices open its throat. Hot blood sprays into the sand beside the cookfire as the lamb collapses. This time it is the old woman who begins chanting Kalia's name as she collects spurts of blood into a ceremonial bowl.
Vahr stands once again re-sheathing his dagger, turning to Vandrok, stepping over quickly.
Vahr: -Speaking in the language of the Hill Tribe in a low voice with a very serious tone- "It is fitting that you should take interest in these visitors Vandrok. Kalia's black magic has granted me divine insight. I know now that the one-eyed half-dwarf was once a captive of the Thralgrimik." (original name for the Black Network) "His memories attest to that, as do his burns, do you see?" He asks casting a stare over to their cook fire. "That smuggler has sheltered here several times before, it shames me that we had no idea."
He leans in closer. "They were chased here by the Quresh!" He says spitting that name with utter hatred. Nothing elicits the ire of the of the Hill Tribe so much as the Quresh. You are not aware of all the specifics of the feud, but they are ancient enemies, dedicated to eradicating each other for over 2,500 years. Vahr continues.
"Quresh scouts and their dire jackals should have easily tracked them here. They are probably out there right now, beyond the boneyard..." He says suggestively. "There is more, MUCH more to these strangers than we realize!" He says, hinting at further secrets he has likely already seen. "Of course there is no need yet to wake the great Kumbakarna, we are safe here. Yet surely it would be prudent to go on a hunt of our own to capture one of their scouts; to better understand the value of these visitors? I can think of no one more suitable for this task than you Vandrok. Will you gather some of your brothers together and remind our mutual foes why they should never dare come near these hills?!"
[Vandrok: What do you do?]
Vahr's chanting crescendos, his utterings rising to a fevered pitch moments before the sound of his voice breaks in sudden surprise as his eyes snap open. The look he gives the old priestess across the fire is transfixed with awe and fervor, as if to convey by stare alone a revelation of purpose.
Akehra's small dark eyes stare right back like two lifeless black beads in a sunken wrinkled face. She already hears the voice in his head. It is the voice of the dark goddess that's ruled over her since birth, a voice of terrible whispers that obligates with insuperable evil will. It is the voice of Kalia.
Akehra lifts the lamb off her lap, feeling its heartbeat quicken while Vahr's fingers clamp over the back of its neck, steadying quivering legs. Painful BAA's cry out for a moment before Vahr's dagger slices open its throat. Hot blood sprays into the sand beside the cookfire as the lamb collapses. This time it is the old woman who begins chanting Kalia's name as she collects spurts of blood into a ceremonial bowl.
Vahr stands once again re-sheathing his dagger, turning to Vandrok, stepping over quickly.
Vahr: -Speaking in the language of the Hill Tribe in a low voice with a very serious tone- "It is fitting that you should take interest in these visitors Vandrok. Kalia's black magic has granted me divine insight. I know now that the one-eyed half-dwarf was once a captive of the Thralgrimik." (original name for the Black Network) "His memories attest to that, as do his burns, do you see?" He asks casting a stare over to their cook fire. "That smuggler has sheltered here several times before, it shames me that we had no idea."
He leans in closer. "They were chased here by the Quresh!" He says spitting that name with utter hatred. Nothing elicits the ire of the of the Hill Tribe so much as the Quresh. You are not aware of all the specifics of the feud, but they are ancient enemies, dedicated to eradicating each other for over 2,500 years. Vahr continues.
"Quresh scouts and their dire jackals should have easily tracked them here. They are probably out there right now, beyond the boneyard..." He says suggestively. "There is more, MUCH more to these strangers than we realize!" He says, hinting at further secrets he has likely already seen. "Of course there is no need yet to wake the great Kumbakarna, we are safe here. Yet surely it would be prudent to go on a hunt of our own to capture one of their scouts; to better understand the value of these visitors? I can think of no one more suitable for this task than you Vandrok. Will you gather some of your brothers together and remind our mutual foes why they should never dare come near these hills?!"
[Vandrok: What do you do?]
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