D&D 5E Deal Breakers - Or woah, that is just too much


Speaking of evil games, I've had an idea bouncing around my head of doing a "Suicide Squad" style game where the PCs are all criminals and villains who have been placed under a Geas to aid the kingdom. Haven't nailed down the particulars, though.
I would have to be the stubborn one and accept the geas damage with my middle finger in the air.

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Speaking of evil games, I've had an idea bouncing around my head of doing a "Suicide Squad" style game where the PCs are all criminals and villains who have been placed under a Geas to aid the kingdom. Haven't nailed down the particulars, though.
So much win right there. Kudos.



The orc is probably not even under their legal jurisdiction, and no real legal orc authority to turn him over to.

If the Orc did this to a Human, Elf, etc. living somewhere in a Human, Elf, etc. kingdom, that puts the Orc's act under the King (or Queen)'s jurisdiction. Their territory, their laws. (And the Orc authorities, such as they are, probably wouldn't consider what the Orc did to be a crime, as long as the victim was non-Orc...) Just to be clear, I'm NOT talking about a situation where the Orc charges, weapon drawn, and the Paladin (or whoever) cuts him down in self-defense. I'm just pointing out that when a criminal COULD be taken alive (i.e. he surrenders), a Human or Elf might be brought to justice, whereas an Orc, Goblin, etc. just gets killed on the spot. Why, other than simple racism ("Orcs don't deserve a trial!"), should an Orc criminal be treated differently than an Elf criminal? Because Elves are handsome and Orcs are ugly...?

Why, other than simple racism ("Orcs don't deserve a trial!"), should an Orc criminal be treated differently than an Elf criminal? Because Elves are handsome and Orcs are ugly...?
The Humans have been at war with the Orcs for countless generations. If you're at war with someone, then you don't bother giving them a trial, and you don't expect one in return. It's not a matter of racism, except in as much as each race belongs to a separate kingdom/empire/whatever and those states are at war with each other.

In nine out of ten settings, the Orcs don't even have any formalized states, unless it's that the various tribes are being gathered under the banner of a single warlord. In the rare exception, Orcs are as civilized as anyone else, and in those settings you can't get away with just killing them on-sight.


Call me old fashioned but I believe the modern day obsession with equality and political correctness has no place in a fantasy world.

Fantasy intrigue and conflicts are driven by racism, brutality, and hatred. Elves and dwarfs should have issues getting along, halflings are fat, orcs are scum, drow are worse. Barmaids are buxom and blacksmiths are burly blokes. The Barbarian tribes of the north are brutal and illiterate, and their society is driven by male supremacy.

Give me the stereotypical fantasy realm and I'll be happy.


Besides, who says morality extends across species bounds? Orcs in most settings are an "invasive species". We certainly don't grant zebra mussels and Asian carp three cheers and a high five for being successful at the Darwinian ecological niche game. No, we eradicate them indiscriminately.


Besides, who says morality extends across species bounds? Orcs in most settings are an "invasive species". We certainly don't grant zebra mussels and Asian carp three cheers and a high five for being successful at the Darwinian ecological niche game. No, we eradicate them indiscriminately.
To be fair, if I lived in incredibly terrible places and had a knack for beating people up I might be inclined to move someplace nicer.

Or integrate myself into their culture as bodyguards. Or both. Have one orc protect a merchant from another orc, with the understanding that orcs do not kill each other. Then both orcs secretly split the profit the next day.


Call me old fashioned but I believe the modern day obsession with equality and political correctness has no place in a fantasy world.

Yeah, I would not want to give Orcs 'hurt feelings' or anything.

What is next, singing Kumbaya with Trolls? Can not do it around the camp fire though, that would definitely cause 'hurt feelings'.

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