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Death of the Dragons


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Well, um, magister Karamon is it? I'm not sure if I can answer your questions. I just envisage what I want to happen and it does. So I guess that means my abilities are mental, or just plain innate. Anyway, you probably don't have to worry about accidently hitting me when you can't see me. I won't be in the line of fire."[sblock=Telepathically to Alariass]I've never tried to boost somebody else's powers before. But yes I can mindspeak, so maybe it would work. We'll have to try it some time.[/sblock]Hareka turns to Grabhar with a grin before he leaves, "Not a shy one are you? My neckline and I would rather, er, shade our glory, or what have you, than get clawed or bitten or otherwise violently ravaged. But yes, that is a good look on you."

She then looks over the curiousities on the table and shrugs, "I don't really know how to use this stuff. Except for the crystal, you affix to a weapon right. But life drinking? I don't think so. Seifer dear, would you be willing to just owe me a favor?"

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Alariass nods to himself seemingly,

"Well my new companions I suggest we ready ourselves for the morrow."

With that he departs and makes his way back into the Inn. Once there he takes a room and spends the night as usual thinking and flicking through the well thumbed pages of his prayer book.


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Grabhar returns to the Inn and spends the rest of the sultry young barmaid's shift whispering honey sweet nothings into her ear until business starts to die down. He then retires to his room with the barmaid in tow, much to the chagrin of the barkeep who meticulously picks the evenings payment off the bar.


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"Goodnight, see you soon." Seifer say as people take an item and leave

Once everyone has left but Hareka, Seifer says "Please have a seat." Motioning to the cot. It is surprisingly soft, like feathers. "You wished to talk to me?" starts putting the left over items back in the crate.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius Goldleaf

Marius went toward the inn with the others, but got lost somewhere along the way. He found himself cosy log to sleep under, covered himslef with his voluminous cloak and promptly fell asleep.


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After the others head out, Haraeka flashes Seifer a smile, half sheepish, half sultry. "I really don't have a particular favor in mind. But I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something, while we're out, travelling under th stars. Is that OK?"

After a bit more flirting Haraeka wishes Seifer a good night, gets a meal and rom at the inn.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius Goldleaf

Waking at first light, Marius finds some berries for light breakfast, exercises for short while and meditates on draconic might inherent in his teachings.

Then he starts toward the inn hoping the others are already up and knowing for sure that at least an abomination is awake.

OOC: Haereka might take something and let somebody else use it (such as scrolls or something) and 'have IOU note' within the party.


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The spearsage rises silently before dawn. He gently untangles his limbs from the exhausted maiden, still unconscious from the evenings festivities and pulls the blanket up over her slender soft form. He grabs his gear as quietly as he can and heads out for his morning training before breakfast.

In a grassy clearing just to the west of town, he spends an hour whirling his spear about in a complicated series of patterns and thrusts. Throughout the routine, the spear changes length several times from short to standard to long, while he alternates fighting from the ground and executing a dizzying array of swoooping dives and aerial charges.

After bathing in the river that divided the clearing, he returns to his room, placing a small bunch of wildflowers and a couple peices of fruit on the small stool next to the matress by the girl's quietly snoring form. He brushes a strand of her long dark hair from over her eyes, with his large hand, just before the roosters in the village start to wake everyone else. She opens her eyes to his warm expression and very nearly purrs with contentment.

"I think its time for the day to start my pet. I saw these in the field and they reminded me of your sweet scent. So I brought them so you could have something wild to remember me by. I'll be away for a while, but I'll find you when I get back to conitinue our... discussusion at even greater length."

Sharing the craving to just crawl back into bed with eager young woman, he shakes the lust from his eyes and heads down into the common area again to meet up with the others. The smell of cooking food is a welcome distraction to replace the other scent still strong in his nostrils. The morning light pouring in through the open windows invigorates him further, and he takes a seat at the bar where a steaming plate of food set in front of him which he devours without any hestitation. Waiting for the others to finish their morning rituals, and join him here before they set out.

When Haraeka comes in and joins him, Grabhar leans over toward her with a devilish grin.[sblock=@ Haereka]"I would have invited you to join us last night, but I remember what that hide of yours actually feels like. Its not something I'd imagine a young girl could... appreciate the way I can."[/sblock]
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[Haraeka] You and Seifer talk while he escorts you to the inn. He wishes you a good night and a 'see you in the morning, making sure you get the free room.

The early morning is quite chilly, and a light fog rises up from the river. The inn is busy even now, with people eating before going on with their day.

As you head down to breakfast (or enter the inn)you see Seifer sitting at one of the tables, rocked back with his feet proped up and a mug in his hand. Across from him is a figure armed in adamentine.

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