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design the perfect mate


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Heretic Apostate said:
Personally, I see nothing wrong with the first fem-bot from the Buffy series. The one Warren created for himself.

But maybe without all that jealousy and maybe a bi streak. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll second that. Or the one that looked like Buffy.

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"That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!"


Edit: added the following

WILLOW: And I will therefore fix it. I got her head back on, didn't I? And I got her off those knock-knock jokes.

BUFFYBOT: Ooh, who's there?

XANDER: You know, if we want her to be exactly-

SPIKE: She'll never be exactly.

XANDER: I know.

TARA: The only really real Buffy is really Buffy.

GILES: And she's gone.

BUFFYBOT: 'If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
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Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
Krieg said:

heh. am i the only person who never thought kelly lebrock was at all good looking... the chick from the tv series based on that movie was much prettier


First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
heh. am i the only person who never thought kelly lebrock was at all good looking... the chick from the tv series based on that movie was much prettier
Perhaps, but the other "Lisa" had about as much sex appeal as mashed potatoes. Kelly knew what sexy was.

Hand of Evil

Mmmmmmm, there would be wit, charm, mischief and humor in her, she would be petite, Asian-American/Polynesian-American, fit and toned, a gamer and she would make me a better person.

Okay that is a dream but the perfect mate would make me a better person.

I don`t know how exactly she should look like - probably not to big, not to small, long hair; big, round eyes? A pleasing look. Maybe not too much, her looks shouldn`t constantly take my attention - I need to be able to concentrate on other things, even if she is around :) .

She should love me, know and understand me - though maybe not everything of that immediately - sometimes the process of getting there is as much as fun as being there :).
She should be intelligent, and knowledgeable - but preferably not on all my fields of expertise (she should have their own strengths), but she should be interested in them (not bored, and not to challenged to understand them).
We should share some interests, but perhaps also some differing. It would be nice if she was also in roleplaying and science fiction, but I don`t want a copy of me. :)
She should be friendly and helpful, a bit more extroverted than me. And a good sense of humour (and sillyness sometimes) would be good.

Oh, and obi

The perfect mate is different from the perfect wife or partner. The perfect mate would just be ridiculously attractive, and smart enough to teach her children to prosper. The perfect wife would enrich my life.

And be ridiculously attractive.

And be a sorcerer, so she could teleport us and save on travel expenses.

For some reason, I just thought of a weird fantasy annoyance: teleportationmarketers.


First Post
I would have to say that my hubby is really perfect. We are just different enough to make life interesting and bring different things to the table, and just enough alike to have great conversations and really be good friends.

I guess I'm cynical. I'd find a way not to enjoy the perfect mate/spouse. If she were perfect, she'd do no wrong. I'm not perfect, so all "wrongness" in our relationship would by definition be my fault. Not even I could hide behind calling it her fault: she's perfect. So if something is the matter, it's my fault. No, I prefer my wife, faults and all.


I'm taking Galethorns format to better express my views.


Intellect; Needn't be as smart as me, butit would be nice. I wouldn't like a, not stupid, but below average inteligence.

Personality; I don't want someone who would drag me to clubs or be too much of an extrovert, nor anyone extremely shy. I would like them to be playful, have a good sense of humour, and understand that my mind is odd.

Interests; If she likes computers and can stand dungeons and dragons that would be perfect. If she enjoys books and movies about fantasy or sci-fi or comics that would be even better.

Height; I'd dislike anyone taller then me; 5'10.

Build; I dislike the model type of girl; anorexic. I like the larger kind of woman, not flab, but a proper size. I'm not adverse to the skinny sort of woman, but not silly-thin.

Colors; I like the hair to be mousy to dark, and any colour eyes. Any length hair is fine.

Face; I like oval-ish faces, not perfect ovals with no cheeks and chin, but not rounded or square. Like Kirsten Dunst.


Morals; Has to be good, I don’t want to live with a saint. As long as she understands when rules can be bent/broken and when they shouldn’t.

Ethics; so long as she doesn't drive while talking on a cell phone, drive an SUV, support spam/spyware, or bury chemical waste in the garden to save money, she's ethical enough for me. (Ditto) Also I think hunting purely for sport is wrong.

Religion; I believe in the existance of something more to the universe than science will ever be able to explain, but I don't worship it, whatever it is. Thus, she would have to feel the same way to to be 'perfect', but I could live with a practicing religious person/sworn atheist if they didn't accost me for feeling differently. (again ditto)


Politics; I have no strong feeling on politics, apart from tyranny=bad. That doesn’t mean she has to agree, but I don’t want here to be campaigning on something I disagree on.

Glasses; Makes no difference.

Age; My age (15.5) give or take a year.

Lefty/Righty; Either.

PC/Mac; either. But a pc girl would fit better.
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