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design the perfect mate


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Well, let's start by defining mate as 'significant other who I would want to live with, along with procreate'. So, by that definition...


Intellect; at least as smart as me, if not smarter. Fortunately, I'm not a genius or anything, so it's not an unachievable thing to want.

Personality; I'm not certain, but I like a girl with a playful streak, and a good sense of humor. Also, I wouldn't be able to get along with a girl who doesn't have the same morals as mine, but I'll get to that in 'spirit'.

Interests; so long as she doesn't mind computers, isn't consumed by an interest in pop culture or sports, and is willing to give gaming a try, she's good enough for me to call perfect. If she's an avid tolkienist, gamer, and sword expert, that would be guilding the lilly.

Height; above average to 'quite tall', since I'm 6'6" tall myself, and wouldn't want to have to kneel to give/recieve a hug/kiss. I'd estimate 5'8" as about the minimum 'huggable' height, 6'0" as 'just right', and 6'3" as about the tallest.

Build; definately not super-skinny or toned, let alone muscular. I like girls kinda pudgy, but not large, and I'd be fine with a fairly petite one so long as she's soft around the middle. Not sure why, exactly, but that's how I like members of the opposite sex.

Colors; either fair (red or blonde) or very dark hair, blue eyes are a plus, but not necessary for her to be 'perfect', and creamy/pale/fair (or whatever word you like best) skin is a necessity. I don't know why, but something about a tan looks unnatural to me.

Face; I like round faces with soft features, and small chins. Miranda Otto (Eowyn) would be pretty close to 'perfect', but her chin is just a little bit too small, her other facial features are a little bit too fine, and not quite rounded and soft enough.


Morals; she has to be at least as 'good aligned' as I am, if not a bit more, but not by too much. I abhor the idea of betraying friends and loved ones, am sickened by real selfishness (like undertaxing the rich at the expense of the poor, rather than choosing the biggest muffin), and think the greatest achievement of the human species is compassion, rather than any technological marvel.

Ethics; so long as she doesn't drive while talking on a cell phone, drive an SUV, support spam/spyware, or bury chemical waste in the garden to save money, she's ethical enough for me.

Religion; I believe in the existance of something more to the universe than science will ever be able to explain, but I don't worship it, whatever it is. Thus, she would have to feel the same way to to be 'perfect', but I could live with a practicing religious person/sworn atheist if they didn't accost me for feeling differently.


Politics; I will suffice to say that my perfect mate would have to have similar views to mine on major issues.

Glasses; I like girls with glasses, but the 'specs aren't necessary for her to be perfect.

Age; close to mine (~16.8 years as of today), for obvious reasons.

Lefty/Righty; righty, but I might be pleasently surprised by a southpaw.

PC/Mac; PC, but I'd love a chance to convert a Mac girl.

And that's about it. If I met a girl who met all those criteria, and she liked big, tall, sensitive, red-haired and blue-eyed me, then I'd be set for life.
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I used to have a long list of what I'd want in an ideal mate. Every time I've met a chart-topper, though, some of my "must haves" were shattered. That, plus I like some surprises, so I'd be quite content to let the computer randomize some of the variables. But for some parameters, here goes;

Looks: I tend to fall hardest for the "girl next door" type. "Roving therapist type" might be a good description too. Both appearance and attitude make her the type of gal who total strangers come up to and share "I've never told anyone this, but..." things with.

Big eyes help a lot. Historically, blondes have been all my important firsts, but I don't really have any of those left. Hair length is a trickier issue; blondes or light redheads can pull it off in a shaggy paigeboy cut, otherwise it has to be shoulder to mid back length. (Blondes and redheads can do that too, I'm not going to mind.) Build-wise, she has to be active (I don't mind a little weight, I do mind jiggling where she shouldn't), preferably a gymnasts build, and just a tad on the short side; 5'4 to 5'6 is about right. And I hate to admit this, but I only date white gals. Never found other races that attractive.

Personality: First and foremost. She has to read for fun, and she has to be able to hold up her end of a conversation. If she's not fun to talk to, nothing else can make up for that. Along the same lines, she has to be active. I'll help take her out at times, but I've learned my lessons about girls who insist that I be the sole engine of activity. (She also always has to see us as friends first and foremost. Girls who insist that either of us is going to "save" the other or insist that the boy/girl has certain obligations get dumped fast.)

She has to be open and upfront. I'm not the type to demand that I know what she does all the time, but I want her to be the type who tells me anyways. Not out of paranoia, but because she actually has the right attitude to look on the bright side of everything, and makes listening to her day interesting. She'll be highly emotional but overall good-natured, letting bad moods out of her system easily. (I had an ex who did that, called me to task when I did bad and let me off after reading me the riot act, that "upfront plus forgiving" is perfect.)

Background: I'd kind of like to date older for a change; I'm 25, so 26-27 seems good. I'd be fine with down to 21 like most girls I date, though. Below that I'd feel kinda creepy, above 30 or so and I wouldn't have much to relate to. Never married, no kids: Those are absolutes. No real creepy sex history either. Virgin would be nice, but it's tremendously hard to find one who has a realistic attitude towards sex and relationships, so 2-3, maybe 4 prior boyfriends/sex partners. No high kink or records of her sexual history, though. (I dated a girl with videos out. Wasn't pretty.) I dislike tattoos and extreme piercings. Basically, has to look nice and normal, and not too much strange baggage. Has to have her own life, and realizes that codependency is a bad thing. And that's all I can think of for now.


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'Perfect' is such a strong word, and to me implies something involving multiple terms starting with 'omni'. If I discussed that, it'd get weird fast. So I'll go for a 'pretty good' woman.

Intellect is the big one. Someone who can stand me, and wants to be around me, and who I can stand and be around. This means someone interested in my geek culture, but probably with a different outlook - so there's always something new to discover. I can scout the geeklands, she can scout the otherlands, and we will enrich each other. When we come together, we shall present the best of both worlds, and pretty much be equals in difference. The differences are ones I don't know about, so I'll have to program that aspect by exclusion rather than strict inclusive parameters.

I want someone as ethical/moral as me, or one able to be persuaded to my point of view (but also strong-willed like me, so if she has a better idea, I want to hear about it). Also, I want her to be able to keep up the pressure on my bad habits - tell me to wash my clothes, take a shower, stop playing that game - these are good things I just don't have the willpower to do, nor a reliable source to pressure me into doing. Fire would be good - so long as it doesn't build out of control.

She better like chilli. I can cook in a pinch, but cooking talent on her part would be a plus (two people can fit in a kitchen, so I wouldn't mind sharing duties).

Physique, probably not so important, BUT if I can choose, why not? I'd like someone about my height (1 or 2 inches shorter) but a little slimmer (should be easy to carry if I don't lose all muscle tone), probably as physical and tough as I (and that includes startling flexibility) but much fitter than I am currently. A curvy figure wouldn't hurt at all. Expressive features are good for quick communication (I like timesaving measures). Hair... I'd like some body to it, the kind of flowing liquid hair they often advertise on TV would seem too fragile to touch much. Colour probably doesn't matter, although I don't see enough redheads out there - so out of my Sense Of Fairness I'd go copper.

Basically, I'm talking about Cat from my webcomic, only with five years on her age, a nicer smile, and intellect instead of homicide. That's a worrying realisation for me...

Andrew D. Gable

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Heh, synchronicity abounds! I've only just posted about my dream girl when who gets hired at work but an Extreme Redhead. No glasses, though, damn. Oh well, can't have the world. Just so she's smart...



the Jester said:
Wow, sounds like you got it bad for her, Ken. :) Good luck!

I do still have it bad for her. But we have not been seeing each other lately. Different shedules, we used to work at same place and I got a better job. We became really close, and good friends, but if its not meant to be, its not meant to be.
Since its been so long since we talked, I sent her a little thank you card, I was i real bad place when I meet her. She helped me back from the edge. I told her how she helped me and how much she means to me. She means so much that I want her to be happy, even if its not with me. In the past when women that i had feelings for, but did not share the same feelings for me find someone else, I got jealous. For some reason I don't feel that way about her, I just want her to be happy, no matter what. If its with me, fine, if not, thats fine too. I know I have changed for the better beacuse of her. I'll never forget Heidi.

Sorry for the rant, but I had to get it out of my system.
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Hida Bukkorosu said:
heh. am i the only person who never thought kelly lebrock was at all good looking... the chick from the tv series based on that movie was much prettier
Don't hate her because she's beautiful.


There's one girl I have in mind. There are only two problems:

1) She lives in California. We used to be together and she moved here to Sydney because of it, but went back when we broke up. However, this may be TWUE WUV and she might move back here in a few years (she prefers Sydney to anywhere in the U.S.).

2) I'm not sure if she's changed her mind from a few years ago about having children. I want them, she didn't.

Other than that, other problems have their root in me and my circumstances. So blah.

But! She's shorter than I, half-Filipina half-German/Polish of Texan extraction, brunette, dark-eyed, smooth-skinned, wide-hipped, gorgeous. Perfect.


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I am an extremely egoistical person. As such, the perfect mate is the one who is NOT THERE. Mmmmh... yet I still need a mate (and my psy keeps telling me that at any opportunity).

Hey, come one, we live in the 21th century, soon there will be no more need for a mate. Damned scientists in search of something new to sell, will find why the brain is asking for a mate in the first place. Then, they will invent the perfect (and totally innocuous) (and extremely cheap) medicine that removes any need for a mate.

I am egoistical but not asocial. I have lots of friends, and between work, gaming (especially gaming), and a few other activities, I have no time for a mate. I am not going to listen to the psy, just still wait a few years more before scientists comes with the thing I need (maybe I could opt for a Real Doll otherwise?). Ah! the perfect consumerist world!

(PS: How could I find the time for a mate when I don't have time to play all those games I have bought? ;) And as a friend says: when we don't have a mate we want one, but when we have one we don't want it anymore.)
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Turanil said:
(PS: How could I find the time for a mate when I don't have time to play all those games I have bought? ;) And as a friend says: when we don't have a mate we want one, but when we have one we don't want it anymore.)

But the mate you don't want isn't the perfect one, and thus misses the point of the thread... feel free to design a damaged, half-mad custom model who suits your needs and is happy with your meagre attentions, if you want. :confused: ;)

(Hey, this whole thing is kinda creepy at its core. Didn't stop me from submitting my idea, of course...)

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