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Diplomatic Immunity: Wedding Bells a'Ringing

Rystil Arden

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unleashed said:
“That sounds a rather equitable solution you’ve come up with, though I can understand some other kingdoms wanting to know who the Dolathi are. Yes, the situation does sounds rather complicated, especially with its links to the wedding and such...perhaps you can explain it?”

“Yes, I have been a bit reticent, haven’t I. Well, we don’t inherit titles from our parents in the Empire, and when I was talking with your father before, he said the military was something second or third sons usually entered. Which is why I asked about Plydek, as I was wondering, if either of you are next in line for the throne, what a first son does in a society where title in inherited? You see, all High Praetor males serve in the military after attending the academy, well unless they want to be considered less than a man, as it’s considered a mark of shame, cowardice, and dishonour, for them not to do so. Also, High Praetor females are given the option to attend the academy, though it’s not mandatory, and like the males, if they do attend they must serve in the military.”
"Oh, the situation? It's a bit complicated," Kastor explains, "Basically, you need to understand that the only people who want to even be near Helena are various suitors who want her as a wife, considering the many advantages of having her as a symbol of the angels' favour, as a sex toy, and as the mother of their daughters. Various dignitaries from every kingdom on Tymadeau and some that are not, even the King of Rowain, who could crush us militarily if he wanted, have made offers for Helena's hand. Now, you do have to realise that Helena has an effect on everyone, and that includes mother and father. They don't want to see her mistreated, and some of the most powerful suitors are also the ones most likely to do so. What's more, actually marrying her off to one of them will anger all of the others--she's weaved her involuntary spell on enough of them that they might consider going to war to retrieve her from her proper husband, particularly were he not among the most powerful, not to mention diplomatically isolating us from them. On the flip side, by making overtures and hinting that he is strongly considering them specifically for Helena's hand, father has been able to bring our little kingdom to a new height of diplomatic importance and alliances. Nobody on all of Tymadeau dares make war with us. Even when the visiting king of Iragon was overcome by Helena and lost his wits and abducted her, and then Kastor and I chased after him, beat him and his guards up, and took her back, he didn't retaliate, instead publically apologising. Do you follow so far?" Kastor asks, "So how does it tie in to this wedding? Well, there's a law that Rowain originated long ago and all kingdoms on Tymadeau technically have that indicates that daughters must be married in order, eldest to youngest. Now, almost nobody follows this law, but they all must respect anyone who actually does so, and so father has proclaimed that our kingdom still follows it, and thus Lynestra must be wed before Helena. Never mind the very slight amount of time that Lynestra is actually older. Well, anyway, the suitors had to accept that. However, they kept making offers to marry Lynestra to relatives to get rid of her and free up Helena for themselves. Father rejected this on the grounds that he couldn't marry his eldest daughter to someone of such significantly lesser status than his younger. And so they began clamouring for him to find a prince for Lynestra--none of them would take her. When he heard about this crazy journey tradition on the Lyradar Sphere, and when Ammon and Lynestra hit it off fairly well--say what you want about father, but he is much more compassionate for both of his daughters than most, as most wouldn't care if she would be happy--he sent her over here to keep her away from nobles in the intervening time, and then announced her engagement to Ammon. Of course, soon later, Ammon had to leave, as tradition demanded he could not marry until he completed his journey-thingy. And the journey lasted years, neatly delaying marrying off Helena. But now...well, there's no putting off the marriage any longer, I'm afraid. This wedding is going to have some of the most powerful nobles ever seen in the Lyradar Sphere, and I'm afraid many of them have come to make sure it is done and start after Helena, rather than to wish the new couple well. So you see, for father and for me, this wedding is an unfortunate occurance as well. At least, that's my analysis--I was never told this directly."

*Kastor laughs.*

"Boy, that was a mouthful! Let's talk about something lighter--yep, I'm the heir apparent of Lacadia. What do you guys do if you don't inherit from your folks, then?"

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First Post
Tiberius Lucius Magnus, Male Praetor Warmage

“Yes, that was a rather lengthy explanation. Well, to continue what I was saying before...once we finish our mandatory military service, for attending the academy, we can then attempt to enter the political arena, where we can attain a powerful non-military rank, such as senator. Though at times, the political arena is more dangerous than soldiering, as family does have some influence in gaining political power, even though we can’t directly inherit.”

Rystil Arden

First Post
unleashed said:
“Yes, that was a rather lengthy explanation. Well, to continue what I was saying before...once we finish our mandatory military service, for attending the academy, we can then attempt to enter the political arena, where we can attain a powerful non-military rank, such as senator. Though at times, the political arena is more dangerous than soldiering, as family does have some influence in gaining political power, even though we can’t directly inherit.”
"Hmm, that all sounds like it would be very complicated and full of intrigue and secret dealings. I guess experience with that makes the situation I just explained seem simplistic at best."


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
"Hmm...okay. Why is bad for vacationing? Is it dangerous there?" Kastor grins.
"Well, one of the cities there at least deals in slaves, and the Dragonlords are slowly sucking the essance of the planet dry for magical power to make their lives more comfortable. Daddy was killed there for standing up to them.... for me..."

Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
"Well, one of the cities there at least deals in slaves, and the Dragonlords are slowly sucking the essance of the planet dry for magical power to make their lives more comfortable. Daddy was killed there for standing up to them.... for me..."
"Oh dear! That sounds like a troublesome place, indeed, Vasha. Are they after you, then? Do you need somewhere to stay, as sanctuary?"


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
"Oh dear! That sounds like a troublesome place, indeed, Vasha. Are they after you, then? Do you need somewhere to stay, as sanctuary?"
"I think I'm fine for now, though I think Ammon can help me. And dispite that, Arris still remains strong, and I try to remind myself of her loving embrace as often as I can."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"You mean you can be one with the planet? Hmm...well, Nymphs are connected to nature, like nature spirits, so I guess that makes sense," Kastor nods, "Just be careful, my lady."


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
"You mean you can be one with the planet? Hmm...well, Nymphs are connected to nature, like nature spirits, so I guess that makes sense," Kastor nods, "Just be careful, my lady."
Vasha nods, "I was one with Arris for a long time, though I did not understand it. Now, I am less so, but I hope to be again some day."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Kastor laughs.*

"Well, I'm not sure I understand that one, exactly, but it sounds like you do and you are sure of what's important to you, and that is what matters."


The man with the probe
Vasha smiles, "Every day I can, I bathe in the waters of Arris. It keeps me close to home, and refreshes me heart and soul."

Voidrunner's Codex

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