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Full Moon Storyteller
Bugbear sneaks up, grabs a party member, and runs away whilst repeatedly bonking the grabbed character in the head with a tiny hammer 🤣
I call him Maxwell.
Apparently present, but not in the summery and downplayed in the highlights reel.
Those that read the official website know the headline is "What's new"
So repeating things that were in 2014 wouldn't be mentioned there, as variant rules aren't new

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Light Hammers are not actually very small going by the PHB.

Well, all of those weapons are implausibly huge, so I’m not going to put any stock in them. More importantly though, it’s much funnier if the hammer is tiny. Bonus points if it squeaks.


The Tomb of Horrors has cleaners in it’s lore, Demons that pop up every month or so to clean up corpses and reset traps (they are also summoned when people use magic in certain ways to try and bypass the tomb).
In my mind, I want to believe that the art director knew this and included it in their art notes for that piece.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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