D&D 5E Dmsguild and known rpg companies

Sir Brennen

Well, I didn't say "big", I said "bigger". As in, "bigger than the people/companies that will post things on DM's Guild." My point was that companies like Kobold and Frog God and Evil Hat and Monte Cook (and EN World for that matter) don't need to use DM's Guild because they already have the cache to use crowdfunding and get the money up front from the patrons who already trust them and the quality of their work.

But again, even those companies (well, not Monte.. I doubt we'll see any 5E material from his company) can use the DMGuild to put up small supplements to increase market awareness. It may not be a significant (or any) part of their revenue stream, but it can be another advertising vector. And some are indeed already doing this.

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But again, even those companies (well, not Monte.. I doubt we'll see any 5E material from his company) can use the DMGuild to put up small supplements to increase market awareness. It may not be a significant (or any) part of their revenue stream, but it can be another advertising vector. And some are indeed already doing this.

Wasn't my point. My point was in response to the person that said "big companies don't use crowdsourcing" (who misinterpreted my original phrasing of "bigger companies" in relation to the regular folks who were posting on DMGU. IE - actually established companies like Frog God and Kobold Press.)

My point's not really all that outlandish here. Established companies do not HAVE to use DMGU if they don't want to... because they have the name recognition that allows them to run Kickstarters for OGL products instead and get the money up front. That's it. That's my entire point.

Sir Brennen

My point's not really all that outlandish here. Established companies do not HAVE to use DMGU if they don't want to... because they have the name recognition that allows them to run Kickstarters for OGL products instead and get the money up front. That's it. That's my entire point.
Well, yeah, that's true. No company, regardless of size, or individual for that matter, HAS to use DMGuild if they don't want. And for certain products, you absolutely CAN'T. There's lots of ways to get the word out about products, some more effective than others. DMGuild seems to be an effective one, if it fits into a company's marketing strategy. I can't think of any RPG company that wouldn't welcome a little more exposure, regardless of name recognition they may already have within the community.

Voidrunner's Codex

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