Do you sell your books?


Game Designer
I have never sold any of my books. I did lose track of my 3E books when I moved away, I think my mother might have sold or trashed them. But aside from that, I'm keeping every book I own.

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Elder Thing
I buy WotC D&D books with the intention of selling them. That's worked out well on occasion- I sold my copy of Volo's Guide for like $750 and my copy of Mordenkainen's Tome for over $300.

I don't sell pre-WotC D&D books. I did once, back 20+ years ago, and I've regretted it ever since.


Staff member
I’ve kept most of the RPG and TT wargames, etc. I’ve acquired over the decades. At one point, though, I did feel the need to streamline a bit.

Instead of selling them, though, I donated them to the USO and DAV. I also donated NEW stuff at the same time, including some dice.


So I was curious, do you keep your old TTRPG books or you sell them after a while?
I sold almost all of my RPGs back around 1998. There was a lot, and I mean a lot, of 2nd edition AD&D material in there. I don't remember how much I sold it for but I'm still friends with the guy who bought them. He still owns them too. I've sold some other books since then. I sold my special leather bound edition of the original Deadlands game to some guy in Great Britain (maybe Morrus knows him). But I've also given away a lot of books as well.

I moved around a lot as a child and had to get rid of things every few years. So I'm just not attached to my books like some other people are. There are some books I kind of regret getting rid of, but not many. And these days I am much more selective of what I buy not because of the price but because I don't want my house cluttered up.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I give away my books to people who will use them. I've brought boxes of books to gaming groups and told them to grab what they wanted. Heck, my last set that went out I paid to ship my AD&D 1st books to Florida for someone who was teaching students with them.

I don't look at RPG books as an investment in money that I might get back, I look at them as an investment in fun that pays dividends when shared.


If you are discontent with the offer, ask if they'll give you store credit. In all likelihood, $250 cash is the same as $400 in merch for you, and that's more than ten bucks a book. I mean, even if you have to spend it right away, you'd get a good deal.

(And if you don't think swapping your collection for 6 or 7 new books, or 4 or 5 games (or dice...somanydice) isn't a good deal -- if that makes you feel like you're losing out -- then keep the books!)
They offer 325$ in store credit. But I'm trying to go more the PDF route since I got a Kobo Elipsa.
When I want to get rid of books, I typically donate them to my local library, rather than sell them.
Yeah, that's what I do with novels but those books are still quite valuable I think. At the same time, 250$ won't make much a difference on my budget, it's more that I feel bad seeing them gathering dust when they could be used by someone else.

I think I'm still quite emotionnal attached to several of those books, I guess it reminds me when I was mentally healthy and was able to DM some games. Maybe that's the trigger that happens.


Hey guys, I'm looking at my bookshelf full of TTRPG (mainly D&D 2nd, 4nd, 5nd and Pathfinder 1ed) and I was wondering what to do with that. My local gaming store is offering me 250$ CDN for 35 books, I'm not too sure about that. I remember that I was really upset when my mom trashed my Cyberpunk books back in '90 and I wonder if I'll missed them in the long run. I want to sell them because I feel ashamed that I don't read/use them, not really for the money (but I still prefer having a few bucks than trashing them).

So I was curious, do you keep your old TTRPG books or you sell them after a while?


Long story short...


Trust me. I've bought friends and acquaintances books several times over the decades...usually in large lots (as in "I'm selling all my 1e books for $150"). Without fail, every single time, I learn they REALLY hate having sold them and they go try and buy them somewhere again...for WAY more than they sold them. It's why I have multiple copies of many 1e, Basic D&D, etc books and modules. For example, I have two "Scourge of the Slave Lords", two "Temple of Elemental Evils" and two "Queen of the Spiders" (maybe three Temples, actually) well as multiple copies (in most cases) of every module that those compilations are made up of. And 1e rule books? Pffft! A half dozen of each in several cases, with 2 or 3 being the norm.



Paul L. Ming

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