My very first game was in 3e. I sat down, looked through the alignments and realized that only CG, CN, NG and LE would be fun for me to play. DM said no Evil or CN -why were they even in the book then? Fine CG. As long as I don't have to be Lawful non-evil because they sound like jackholes and not in the fun way.
Second session Paladine himself makes us pull from the Deck of Many Things. I pick 3. I get a dwarf fighter friend (cool), a keep (which would have been cool but we never actually got a chance to go find it) and the Balance card. What that? My character is LN now. And I'm expected to play as LN.
So he 'accidentally' closed in combat with some draconians as a sorcerer because hell if I was going to be LN.
I roll up a bard, an advisor to a noble house, fiercely loyal and a proctor to the children. DM says the concept is LG and bards can't be LG.
Fine. Barbarian who is basically a Klingon, all concerned with honor and his family. DM say that's LN and Barbarians can't be LN. I'm confused how either of these were lawful considering they were interesting, but fine.
Fine. Druid. Read the entry. Druids can't be CG. How can I be an eco-terrorist and not be CG, CN and CE, all of which are off the table with this DM.
Fine. Fighter who is a barefisted brawler. DM says that's better was a Monk.
Monks have to be Lawful.
I leap out of a window.