Dockside Diversion (level 1-2)

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
The spinning red light on the beetle reflects off of Marcus' lucern hammer held before him in ready to strike position. He shakes his head and squints his eyes instinctively.

With one last shake of his head his vision focuses in on the beetle buzzing nearby and gives his hammer a swing.

OOC: Not sure if we just double that roll or need to roll again but...squish. His target is beetle #1
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Kazanto squints her eyes in response to the beetle's flash, and lets out a flash of her own. She speaks some deep, rumbling, gurgling sound, extends her hands, and a wave of magma bursts forth, instantly vaporizing in smoke.

OOC: Cast Burning Hands due left, DC 15. It should hit Beetles #2 and #4 from this position.


Marcus' instincts prove true and he squints just in time to prevent his sight being damaged. Fae'Shiel and Kazanto aren't as lucky and the flash leaves golden motes floating in their eyes.

Despite her slightly impaired vision, Fae'Shiel's sword strikes the beetle dealing it a serious wound. When she goes to cast her color spray spell the beetle clicks its mandibles and bites but fails to connect with the young elf. Vivid light splashes out from the elf's free hand but the beetle seems totally unaffected.

Marcus' focus is intense and there is a loud >CRACK< as his hammer connects with the beetle sending it spinning to splatter against the side of the nearby ship. The dead husk splashes into the waters of the bay.

Kazanto doesn't need perfect vision to send a spray of magma out from her hands. It engulfs two of the beetles. The beetle that emitted the flash of light is seriously burnt while the other is only lightly burnt.

OOC: Combat: Round One

[sblock=Combat Info]

Party Status
Fae'shiel: 10/10 hp remaining
Marcus: 12/12 hp remaining

Spells Cast: Bless (Kazanto), Color Spray (Fae'Shiel), Burning Hands (Kazanto)
Conditions: Bless (Party), Dazzled (Fae'Shiel (2 rnds), Kazanto(3 rnds))

Enemy Status
Beetle 1: 18+ dmg. Dead
*Beetle 2: 3 dmg
Beetle 3: 7 dmg. Unconscious and dying
Beetle 4: 1 dmg
Beetle 5: 3 dmg
Beetle 6
*Beetle 7
Beetle 8[/sblock]
GM: Ehdge, Darius, & Zaphyn yet to act in Round One


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With a toothy grin Zaphyn wades into combat, stepping in front of Darius and lunging at the nearest beetle with his gaping maw!

Darius squints shrugging off the effects of the beetle's light before he steps backwards and starts intoning a spell, both his and Zaphyn's tattoos glowing furiously with the strange blue light.

OOC: Zaphyn to L5, attacking beetle 4, Darius to N5, casting Enlarge Person

Fort Save:1d20+2=13

Attack Roll (with power attack): 1d20+6=12

Damage (if applicable): 1d6+9=13


First Post
Ehdge moves to attack the beetle to the right.

OOC - He moves to N1, I am sorry for being late, I did not see the link in the other thread. I'm new to this, so I'm not technically sure how to proceed.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
For Ehdge

OOC: No worries. Haven't been in games on Enworld that long myself. Now, to make rolls (attacks, saves, damage and all that) you have two choices. Easiest to use (at least at first) is the board dice roller. After you write a post that needs a roll (for example, your attack), after submitting the post, if you go to it you will see an "Add Dice Roll" button. Click that and it will take you to the die roller. To roll your attack you would first, in the blank at the top enter something like Attack or Attack with Longsword (example) You would then look down the screen, you see a vertical list of various dice. You would go to the twenty sided (d20) die and enter a 1 in the blank next to 'd20'. Below the list of dice are a few other options in text. The top row is where you add your bonus or penalty to your roll. It should default to '+' being marked, but I always double check that. You then enter the amount of your bonus (if any) in the blank to the right on the same line (this would be your Total Attack Bonus for the weapon you are using as resolved on your character sheet). If you are only making one roll you could then click the 'roll' button in the middle of the three buttons at the bottom of the page. If you need to add another roll, such as damage, you would click 'Save and add another' or whatever the button to the left says. :) Repeat the process for, in this case, your damage, a 1 next to your damage die, add the bonus in for the damage. Once you have set up all of your rolls, click the 'Roll' button and it will automatically add graphical representation of your rolls to your post for you. You have seen with some of the other posts how that looks.

The second is a website where you can link your die rolls to your post via copy and paste after going to the site, signing in and making the roll. Personally, I just use the board die roller because sometimes the web browser at work takes forever to load pages. :) GlassEye or toasterferret could help with the website method.

Hope that helps you out, and don't hesitate to ask questions. We're all willing to help here!:)


First Post
OOC: I am going to post this attack. I moved up to the beetle, and should still be able to attack assuming I had my weapon drawn and ready, which I would have, but did not have a chance to explicitly state. So if the DM rules that I can't attack now, I will delete this post, but in order to keep things moving, I'm going to go ahead and post it now. Thanks.

Ehdge swings his mighty greatsword at the menacing beetle.

OOC: I apologize. I am having problems with the die roller. I added my attack roll and the damage roll, but they didn't show up in the 'pending dice rolls' box. Then I hit 'Roll' and it added 2 damage rolls...

OOC: I just tried to simply roll my attack roll and not 'add' it and it brought me back to my post, but still did not show the attack roll... I don't know if I am doing something wrong. I will try again in a different browser...
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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
OOC: No problem.

Side note, if you want to post an ooc comment you can use the following "ooc" and "/ooc", with [ ] instead of the quotations marks. Just type your text between them and you're good to go. :)



Zaphyn leap-frogs over Darius to the beetle in front of him and chomps down biting it in half. He chews the beetle's head while its abdomen falls to the dock legs twitching in its death throes.

Darius clambers up on the crate behind him and begins casting his Enlarge Person spell.

Ehdge steps forward and brings his sword down in a deadly arc. He cleaves the beetle into two pieces; one spirals to splash into the water off the dock and the other piece splatters on the dock at his feet.

One beetle spirals up in erratic flight only to drop down nearly on top of Kazanto and attacks the merfolk woman with a extremely lucky snap of its mandibles.

Buzzing forward, the other beetles attack Marcus, opening up a nasty wound, and Zaphyn. One bite misses the demonic eidolon but the second snips out a chunk of flesh though it could have been much worse.

OOC: Combat: Round Two

[sblock=Combat Info]
Ehdge: you're doing fine. If you have troubles, just ask. Or look for someone who looks like they know what they are doing and mimic what they do. As for the dice roller, I've never had luck at getting more than one roll to work at a time. I always have to do one roll and then go do the second roll. When it's your turn (and it'll be your turn again after this post) feel free to post all of your actions for the round (move, standard, free, etc.). That way I'll have everything that I need to update without asking you questions. Finally, it's a good idea to pay attention to the map and what your companions have done, particularly movement. N1 is off the dock so I modified your movement.


Party Status
Fae'shiel: 10/10 hp remaining
Marcus: 7/12 hp remaining
Zaphyn: 16/20 hp remaining
Kazanto: 17/20 hp remaining

Spells Cast: Bless (Kazanto), Color Spray (Fae'Shiel), Burning Hands (Kazanto), Enlarge Person (Darius)
Conditions: Bless (Party), Dazzled (Fae'Shiel (1/2 rnds), Kazanto(2/3 rnds))

Enemy Status
Beetle 1: 18+ dmg. Dead
*Beetle 2: 3 dmg
Beetle 3: 7 dmg. Unconscious and dying
Beetle 4: 14 dmg. Unconscious and dying
Beetle 5: 20 dmg. Dead
Beetle 6
*Beetle 7
Beetle 8[/sblock]
GM: Party is up for Round Two


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