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Dockside Diversion/Still Waters


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

OOC: Thanks for that, SD. But I am not sure jumping into the water is the best course of action. :hmm:
Borric nocks another arrow and shoots at the wounded attacker off to the left. The arrow is a shot that is rare indeed, flying true in the dark and taking the halfling in a place that really hurts, sinking deep.

"Everyone take cover! Nate and Syl, lie down or get behind me."

"Lass, I appreciate the spell, but we hold the high ground and if those fooks want our boat, the need to come to us.

The fighter kneels to reduce his exposure and take advantage of the cover offered by the side of the boat.
[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Kneel for cover of gunwale
Standard Action: Ranged attack @A6; Arrow (1d20+9=29, 1d8+3=8); Critical Confirm Arrow (1d20+9=29, 1d8+3=6, 1d8+3=6); Concealment<20 miss (1d100=76)= 20 dmg :) Makes up for Laria!
Free Action: Talking[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Platemail
AC: 20 (17 without shield, 18 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Chain shirt
HP: 53 Current: 53
CMB: +8 CMD: 21 (23 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +3 (+4 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (night), Bless (+1 Attack)

Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins

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First Post
Syl targets halfling number three with his Hold Person magic, hoping to quickly nuetralize one of the threats. (Will DC 18). He then follows Zelena's lead and flops to the deck, hoping he couldn't be hit in that position.

Mini stats [sblock]

Sylvain, 5th level witch
Init. +6; Perception +2

Conditions currently:Bless

AC 13, Touch 13, FF 11
HP: 42/42
CMB +1, CMD 14
Fort. + 3, Ref. +3, Will +4
In Hand. Empty
Spells. 0 level-Daze (DC 16), Detect Magic, Message, Stabilize
1 level-Charm Person (DC 17), Enlarge Person, Burning Hands (DC 16), Shocking Grasp
2 level-Flaming Sphere (DC 17), Hold Person (DC 18)^, Vomit Swarm
3 level-Dispel Magic, Heroism
^means used for the day.

Hexes. None used for the day.[/sblock]


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nathan staggers from the hits. Blood trickles down one temple as he holds his ribs. "Ah, broken ribs. Reminds me of grandpa," he says in a lame attempt at humor. It's clear the sorcerer is concerned with the wounds he's taken. He pulls himself together, though, a disturbingly calm smile spreading across his face, made all the worse from the blood in his teeth. A faint glow seems to emanate from the crown of his head as he speaks.

"Halflings always were good sling throwers. Bully for you for heritage. Here's some more. You remember these from festival, I'm sure?" He points, and the glow disappears as a fizzing, whizzing spark darts across the water, exploding into a sickly green dragon-shaped fire in one halfling's face. Three more sparking motes hover near Nathan, at the ready.

"And now if you'll all pardon me, I need to bleed some more…" Nathan says more softly, falling to the deck with a groan and a hiss. "Ow. ow. ow," he mutters as he takes advantage of the same cover as the others lying down and digging in his backpack. "All right, where's that damnable potion...?"

[sblock=actions]Standard: Casting Snapdragon Fireworks. If Borric's shot didn't kill the caster, I'll send the first firework there. If not, let's go with Halfling 2. Takes 4 fire damage and dazzled one round, Reflex DC 15 for half damage and no dazzle.

Fireworks damage (1d4=4)
Free: Drop prone
Move: retrieve potion of CLW[/sblock]

Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0

Conditions: Mage Armor (+4 AC / 1 hour), Bless (+1 attack and save vs. fear), Prone (+4 ac vs. ranged, -4 vs. melee)

Fireworks: 3/4 remaining

AC: 15 (19) (23 ranged, 15 melee)
touch: 14 (18) ; flat-footed: 12 (16)
(value in parenthesis w/ mage armor)
HP: 8/22
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +3* Ref: +4* Will: +5*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.
In Hand: Potion CLW
Spells: Cantrips (DC 14): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 15): Bless, Grease (DC 16), Magic Missle, Snapdragon Fireworks, Summon Minor Monster. Remaining: 5/7
2nd (DC 16): Glitterdust (DC 17). Remaining: 3/4

Heavenly Fire: 7/7 remaining
Wand of Mage Armor: 47 charges remaining


Borric's arrow hits the caster and the chanting abruptly cuts off. A few choice words waft over the waters to the boat. It's clear Borric managed to disrupt the spell being cast but didn't kill the caster.

Sylvain isn't entirely sure since he can't see the halfling clearly but movement from the halfling he targeted with Hold Person seems to have stopped.

Nathan's follow up to Borric's arrow briefly limns the halfling caster with a flash of sickly green light before it fades. Strong words again sound across the water; clearly the caster isn't done for yet.

"Oi! Take 'im out, already!"

"Dunk that biggun in the river! I bet he'd sink right good."

The two chatter as they reload and the familiar whirr of a sling in action is heard just before the lead bullets fly. Both bullets fly over the top of the cabin missing their targets entirely. After firing the two halflings drop down behind the hillocks of grass they were hiding behind. They are obscured but not totally out of sight.

The halfling caster pronounces words of power and then also drops behind his hillock of cover. There is a rumble like the sound of thunder, or rather more like the sound of stones grinding together or a wagon wheel rolling over stone and then the sky over the boat breaks open into a painful shower of rocky debris pelting everyone aboard and a good bit of water around with small stones, gravel, pebbles and dirt.

OOC: Combat: Round 4
[sblock=Combat Information]
Stones pelt the boat dealing 7 dmg to everyone and making the deck difficult terrain for a period of time.

The group
Halfling pirates


Party Status:
Borric: 46/53 hp remaining
Nathan: 1/22 hp remaining
Sylvain: 35/42 hp remaining
Zelena: 27/34 hp remaining
Celebfedhiin: 6/13 hp remaining

Abilities Used:
Spells Cast: Zelena: Bless; Nathan: Glitterdust, Magic Missile, Snapdragon Fireworks; Sylvain: Hold Person
Conditions in Effect: Party: Bless; Nathan: Mage Armor; Borric: Air Bubble; Boat: Difficult Terrain 5/6 rounds.

Enemy Status:
Halfling (unnumbered): 26 damage
Halfling 1:
Halfling 2:
Halfling 3: Held 4/5 rounds remaining

Map Notes:
Bright light in the golden circles; Dim light beyond.
Scattered trees 20 feet (off map) beyond the grassy mudbanks.
Green squares are tall grass (undergrowth, e.g. R4), cost 2 movement to enter, provides concealment, +2 DC to Stealth and Acrobatics.
Brown squares (e.g. H3) are muddy but do not impede movement.
Blue/Brown squares (completely or partially filled, such as P3 and M4) are considered shallow bog: 1 foot deep mud/water, costs 2 movement to enter, +2 DC to Acrobatics.
Squares adjacent to Blue/Brown squares (e.g. G5) are considered deep bog: 4 foot deep water, costs 4 movement to enter or may swim, small creatures must swim, Acrobatics not possible.
Anything farther out is deeper water, all must swim.
GM: Everyone is up for Round Four.


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nathan, lightheaded and weak, quaffs his potion, but doesn't seem much better off than before the rain of stones. He does seem angrier, though.

"I'm still not dead, you nasty pigs, and I'm going to send you all to your worst hell if you don't run!" he calls out. Another spark zips over the water and to the spot the halfling caster cowers, this time the dragon shaped fire a blood red.

For all his bravado, it's hard for those nearby to miss his ragged breathing. "You'd think grandpa would have toughened me up better," he mutters.

[sblock=actions]Move: Send off firework 2. Same target.
Standard: Drink potion.

Fireworks damage; CLW healing (1d4=4, 1d8+1=5)[/sblock]

Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0

Conditions: Mage Armor (+4 AC / 1 hour), Bless (+1 attack and save vs. fear), Prone (+4 ac vs. ranged, -4 vs. melee)

Fireworks: 2/4 remaining

AC: 15 (19) (23 ranged, 15 melee)
touch: 14 (18) ; flat-footed: 12 (16)
(value in parenthesis w/ mage armor)
HP: 6/22
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +3* Ref: +4* Will: +5*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.
In Hand: None
Spells: Cantrips (DC 14): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 15): Bless, Grease (DC 16), Magic Missle, Snapdragon Fireworks, Summon Minor Monster. Remaining: 5/7
2nd (DC 16): Glitterdust (DC 17). Remaining: 3/4

Heavenly Fire: 7/7 remaining
Wand of Mage Armor: 47 charges remaining
Used: CLW potion


"May the blessings of Ral heal our wounds." the woman calls out in a quiet voice as she clutches her holy symbol and a wave of holy energy rolls over the those near the gnome.

Zelena calls over her companions, "I'll get to you soon Nathan, keep down."

She looks to Borric with a mischievous grin, "You could alwys oblige the little guys... Give them a nasty surprise when you do not die."

(( Channel Energy 1d6=4 healed to all. ))

[sblock=Zelena's Stats]Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: Bless (18 rounds)
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 31 of 31
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: nothing
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level At Will (Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 4 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 10 of 10
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric shoots an arrow at the halflings, the shaft plunking into the water beside his target.

"Hey, you half-pinted lil' pri-" he insults their manhood as well with a few really obscene words about the halflings giving each other the business.

As he kneels behind the gunwale, Borric remarks softly to his companions, "We remove that spell caster, the others might flee. But, it might be a good idea to bluff them into boarding us. Easier to deal with them."

[sblock=Actions]Move Action: None
Standard Action: Ranged attack @A6; Arrow (1d20+9=17, 1d8+3=8); Concealment<20 miss (1d100=2) - Not that is matters if his target is alive or not after Nate's turn.
Free Action: Talking[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Platemail
AC: 20 (17 without shield, 18 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Chain shirt
HP: 53 Current: 53
CMB: +8 CMD: 21 (23 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +3 (+4 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (night), Bless (+1 Attack)

Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


First Post
"I can't really get at them from up here," the witch grunts as he shakes off the rubble around him. "I can make it a little easier for you to hit them, Borric<" he says, as he uses his now familiar hex on the warrior.

OOC: Standard Action-Fortune Hex on Borric. Free Action-speech.

Mini stats [sblock]

Sylvain, 5th level witch
Init. +6; Perception +2

Conditions currently:Bless

AC 13, Touch 13, FF 11
HP: 42/42
CMB +1, CMD 14
Fort. + 3, Ref. +3, Will +4
In Hand. Empty
Spells. 0 level-Daze (DC 16), Detect Magic, Message, Stabilize
1 level-Charm Person (DC 17), Enlarge Person, Burning Hands (DC 16), Shocking Grasp
2 level-Flaming Sphere (DC 17), Hold Person (DC 18)^, Vomit Swarm
3 level-Dispel Magic, Heroism
^means used for the day.

Hexes. None used for the day, other than Fortune on Borric.[/sblock]


Nathan's next firework explodes right in the caster's face and he stumbles back with the sound of splashing and a cry of surprise. Nathan's downed potion helps with his injuries, as does Zelena's divine healing that washed over him and everyone else as well, but not nearly as much as he needs.

"Fall back!" calls out the halfling caster. The halflings, except for the one to the far right that Sylvain cast his spell upon (#3), go quiet and vanish into the shadows of tall grass along the bank.

OOC: Combat: Round 5
[sblock=Combat Information]
GM: Not entirely sure how to do this, so I'll try it like this: The halflings are hiding and their stealth checks are as follows: A6: 30; D3: 36; N2: 35; R4: 0. Roll Perception on your next post and if you beat one or more of the above DCs (already modified for distance, etc) then your character can spot those particular halflings and act as you see fit. Otherwise, you'll need to take into account that you can't actually see them.

The group
Halfling pirates


Party Status:
Borric: 50/53 hp remaining
Nathan: 10/22 hp remaining
Sylvain: 39/42 hp remaining
Zelena: 31/34 hp remaining
Celebfedhiin: 10/13 hp remaining

Abilities Used:
Spells Cast: Zelena: Bless; Nathan: Glitterdust, Magic Missile, Snapdragon Fireworks; Sylvain: Hold Person
Conditions in Effect: Party: Bless; Nathan: Mage Armor; Borric: Air Bubble; Boat: Difficult Terrain 5/6 rounds.

Enemy Status:
Halfling (unnumbered): 30 damage; dazzled
Halfling 1:
Halfling 2:
Halfling 3: Held 3/5 rounds remaining

Map Notes:
Bright light in the golden circles; Dim light beyond.
Scattered trees 20 feet (off map) beyond the grassy mudbanks.
Green squares are tall grass (undergrowth, e.g. R4), cost 2 movement to enter, provides concealment, +2 DC to Stealth and Acrobatics.
Brown squares (e.g. H3) are muddy but do not impede movement.
Blue/Brown squares (completely or partially filled, such as P3 and M4) are considered shallow bog: 1 foot deep mud/water, costs 2 movement to enter, +2 DC to Acrobatics.
Squares adjacent to Blue/Brown squares (e.g. G5) are considered deep bog: 4 foot deep water, costs 4 movement to enter or may swim, small creatures must swim, Acrobatics not possible.
Anything farther out is deeper water, all must swim.
GM: Everyone is up for Round Five.

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