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Doctor Who Series 3 Episode guide - Spoilers

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
For those who are interested, the Radio Times listing magazine gives details of the episodes in the current series. There really may be spoilers here, so don't look if you don't want to know!

Text typed up verbatim, hyperbole all from the source document and not from me!

1. Smith and Jones
Introducing Martha Jones, she's 23, a medical student whose family is going into meltdown. Mysterious storms are sweeping across London, sinister motorcycle couriers are stalking the hospital and Martha finds herself transported to the Moon.

2. The Shakespeare Code
The globe theatre, witch-like creatures at work and a plot dating back to the dawn of the universe.

3. Gridlock
5 billion years in the future, on New Earth again. Greedy pharmacists, hapless kidnappers and terrifying beasts from below, all because the Doctor told a lie. Also sees the Face of Boe waiting with a secret.

4. Daleks in Manhattan
5. Evolution of the Daleks
Script elements include 1930's New York, pig men, sewers, showgirls and the empire state building. Plus daleks.

6. The Lazarus Experiment
A good old mad scientist, with an experiment going wrong and a supervillain on the loose on modern day earth. Pay attention to the enigmatic paymaster of Professor Lazarus as a trap plotted across the whole of time and space begins to close.

7. 42
The 42nd century, a spaceship in a far-flung galaxy, sabotuers at work, crewmembers possessd and the terrifying catchprhase 'Burn with me'

8. Human Nature
9. The Family of Blood
Takes place in a boys public school in 1913, the winter before the war, with a chill in the air and mysterious lights in the sky. If ever you thought scarecrows were scary, you ain't seen nothing yet.

10. Blink
Written by the guy behind the gas-mask child in series 1, this is apparently going to be very scary.

11. Utopia
Jack's back. the tardis hurtles out of control and goes to the distant planet Malcassairo, where a lonely and patient professor is giving his all to save his people from extinction.

12. The Sound of Drums
13. Last of the Time Lords
The season finale, and the trap closes as the doctor, martha and captain jack find themselves in a desperate fight for survival. Who are the Toclane? What is the power of Archangel? And what terrible secrets are stored at the heart of the Valiant? Its an epic and heartbreaking story as the Doctor faces his greatest enemy yet. Now, I wonder who that could be?

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