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Doctor Who - The Colour of Fear


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Jane smiled in appreciation at the outhouse. Its incongruous presence had broken her nervous mood completely. Clearly the engineering students had been at it again. Or maybe it was some kind of avant-garde art piece. The wonderfully weird was one of the things that attracted her to the academic lifestyle in the first place. She approached the "cowboy" and said good-naturedly, "Hey, there, Pardner. You fixin' to leave that Necessary there all year?"

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Lobo Lurker

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Wesley looks at the new englander quizzically. What the..., is she mockin' me? "Erm... Afternoon." he says, taking his hat off and giving the woman a shallow bow. "Necessary?" Wes looks around to try and figure out what she's talking about and notes the TARDIS again. He winks at the Sage and lets out a good-natured guffaw and slaps his knee. "That's a good one, so much for it blendin' in and bein' unnoticeable-like."

He extends his hand, lightly kissing the woman's fingers if she extends her hands, instead of shaking it. "I'm Wesley. This here's the Sage. We's--" Wesley notes the Sage's arched eyebrow and sighs. "We are looking for..." he glances at the sage, hoping to see him mollified and continues. "...for someone who kin tell us about local cave systems. The Sage here has an unhealthy-like fascination for them. Do you know of any scholars here that kin help us?"
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Jane is taken aback by Wesley's, manner, but only for a moment. She gives a shallow curtsy and replies without the mocking accent, but in a rather formal tone, "Well, Wesley, my name is Jane Emory. I was born and raised in this town, so I expect I know as much as most. There are some people I know who are spelunkers, though. I'm sure they could tell you much more. Why are you gentlemen so interested?"

Taking some liberties here. If there are caves in the area, I'm sure there's some kind of spelunking group on campus. And if there's an obscure sub-culture, I'm sure Jane has made a point of getting to know it. :)

Raven Crowking

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Ilium said:
Taking some liberties here. If there are caves in the area, I'm sure there's some kind of spelunking group on campus. And if there's an obscure sub-culture, I'm sure Jane has made a point of getting to know it. :)

I feel certain that Jane is aware of the existence of the New England Student Speleologists Club.

Raven Crowking

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Professor Jon Merryman is the Head of Geology department, and would certainly know about whatever caves are in the region, as well as being able to point you in the direction of the NESSC. A rather short man, growing a bit round in the gut, he is known for delivering lectures that he believes are exciting although they are frequently far more dry than he realises. Still, his real enthusiasm for his subject has made him a somewhat popular teacher.


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I hope everyone wasn't waiting for me. I was waiting for the travelers. :)

"Come along, gentlemen," Jane continues. "I think we should go see Professor Merryman. With any luck he hasn't yet left for the day." She heads at an angle across the quad toward the sciences building. "You can tell me of your interest in the caves on the way."

Raven Crowking

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Jane led the couple across the quad, and into the Sciences building. Professor Merryman was still lecturing, so they had to wait for several minutes. They could clearly hear the man droning on from where they waited in the hallway. When the class let out, there were some students who shuffled the slow walk of the groggy, while others seemed glad to be done. As soon as was feasable, Jane led the pair into the classroom. The Geology Department Head was packing his notes and materials into a leather satchel at the front of the room.


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As they get near the geologist, Jane says brightly, "Dr. Merryman, I'm glad we caught you. I'd like to introduce a couple of gentlemen interested in the local caves." She turns to the travelers. "This is Mr. Wesley..." she trails off hopefully, realizing that she hasn't gotten either man's last name. Once Wesley fills in the blank she continues, "And this gentleman... I'm sorry, sir I don't think I got your name at all, did I?"

Raven Crowking

First Post
The Geology Head's face brightened as Jane began speaking, but it drooped a bit as she mentioned the caves.

"Of course, Professor Emory," he said. "Any friend of yours and all that." He continued to pack his things. Once finished, he glanced up at the two strangers. "You must forgive me. I was hoping you were from animal control. A raccoon or something tore up my flowerbeds last night. Now, what is it I can help you with?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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