Apart from those errors I noticed a few differences in the wording of the D&D Beyond version above to the Enworld
Stone Giant Wight, which I've just edited to match.
Nothing important. The Camouflage and Rock Catching has "stone giant wight" rather than "giant."
Wight rejigged to
OK, I just re-rejigged the
Stone Giant Wight's Camouflage & Catching abilities. I'd already edited the "stone giant wight" to "giant" and now they're back to ""stone giant wight" again!
Never mind, they both match now!
Re nightcrawler, I can be flexible. CR will be high (aiming for higher than nightwalker but not strongly). If any one of the existing homebrew 'works' and has all internally consistent numbers then that is a big plus.
Well I've glanced through all the ones on the link you sent. Two of them aren't the Nightshade Nightcrawler so can be excluded (the
Faerunian Nightcrawler and the
Ooze One). Of the rest, I noticed inconsistent numbers for all of them just from checking the save DCs and CRs and seeing if they matched up.
Didn't care for the interpretations by
SadHorizon (no special vision, too low AC, skills & mental stats, bit simplistic) and
Brock1990 (wouldn't make it a regular spellcaster, shouldn't speak).
As for the rest:
Lyxen Nightcrawler has too low an AC, but is overall pretty true to the original. Perhaps
too true. The
Limited Magic Immunity trait doesn't seem right for a 5E conversion. Why not just give it the Fifth Edition version of
globe of invulnerability? I like that it's got the
Reduction Curse like the original monster, since none of the other ones do.
Nick_Sykas Nightcrawler seems to have a Challenge Rating way higher than I eyeball it at but the other numbers appear to match up.
Sundragon2660 Nightcrawler has the benefit of simplicity and I think covers the basic abilities you'd expect a 5E Nightcrawler to have, although it's missing some abilities of the BECMI version and some of its numbers are wonky (for example: how can its Bite have a DC 19 Dex save? Its STR +8 and Proficiency +7 should make it DC 23 or 25 depending on base; why is its spell save DC 18 when it has CHA 24 (+7)? It'd need a +4 CHA bonus to get that DC. I think Sundragon used its WIS 19 (+4) for spellcasting despite writing "The nightcrawler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma"!).
If forced to pick, I'd probably go for Nick Skyas's version after reevaluations its CR. I'm guesstimating it as being around CR 25, but 27 is likely a bit too high.
Or we can stat one up from scratch!