D&D (2024) Does anyone else think that 1D&D will create a significant divide in the community?

come 2024 my bet is that it will be closer to the 3/3.5. Heck, way back in the 90's I was playing 2e and my buddy had started in 1e... he homebrewed a monk class twice that was pretty much a slightly moded (two diffrent sets of mods) to the 1e class... no one assumed that meant 1e books were aloowed in

We played 3.0/3.5 side by side with rules taken from both for 2 or 3 years at least.
We played 2e with only some rules taken from skills and powers, sometimes more sometimes less.
So I just think you are overthinking it. Most people will just buy the newest books and use them side by side.

If one comes to a 2024 table with a 2014 book, they will most probably not turned away and they will find a solution.

I think people on the internet are making a mountain out of a molehill...
New books won't pose more of an issue than deciding if you use tashavs rules or not.
Actually I bet it will make less of a problem, as everyone will find a complete class in the 2024 book instead of many variant rules that need to be approved one by one.

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We played 3.0/3.5 side by side with rules taken from both for 2 or 3 years at least.
right and I played 18 months of a D&D game that used the willpower mechanic form Wod...and I played for a long time (not sure how long less then a year) with a jedi, aflash like super hero and our D&D characters...
that doesn't make the default of the game that WoD and 4e (the system we did it with) being compatable... it means we took ideas and made house rules.
You used some rules from 1 game in another game. nobody brough the 3.0 phb to your 3.5 game and just used it like it was a splat book expansion.
We played 2e with only some rules taken from skills and powers, sometimes more sometimes less.
So I just think you are overthinking it. Most people will just buy the newest books and use them side by side.
no they wont... some will pick and choose like we (both you and I by the sound of it) but nobody is going to have 1 character play by the 2014 rules and another by the 2024 rules without HEAVY houseruleing and player buy in
If one comes to a 2024 table with a 2014 book, they will most probably not turned away and they will find a solution.
right that solution is simple "update to the 2024 book" I would say 9 out of 10 but I bet MORE then that will just be "no we use this book update to it"

it is no different then showing up to a Pathfinder 1e game with a 4e warlord... you wont be turned away but you have to remake the character.
I think people on the internet are making a mountain out of a molehill...
it is neither a mountain or a mole hill... it's a new version fo the game. It's the same divide we have always called editions and in last 20 year include 'half editions" or .5s
New books won't pose more of an issue than deciding if you use tashavs rules or not.
Actually I bet it will make less of a problem, as everyone will find a complete class in the 2024 book instead of many variant rules that need to be approved one by one.
that's the thing... if I make a Mountian dwarf bard with teh 2014 PHB I can still PLAY A mt dwarf bard... but I have to remake him useing the rules in the new book.

If I go to a 10 tables, 1 is playing 1e, 1 is playing 2e, 1 is playing 3.0, 1 is playing 3.5, 1 is playing 4e, 1 is playing 5e from 2014, 1 is playing 5e from 2024(or playtest), one is playing pathfinder 1e 1 is playing PF 2e, and one is playing level up... I can make a Dwarven cleric. I can name the character the same and have the same personality and back story... and I can say "I am playing D&D as a dwarf cleric"
What I can't do is transfer from 1 game to another without modifications.
Those modifications range from ground floor rewrite to make some class and race and spell changes and remember condition changed and some basics got adjusted...

2014 to 2024 is not the most change needed... but it is in teh same category as several of them

If you don't see a difference here, there is no point in discussing further, as we have no common base.
they are both D&D... I did go the most extreme change I could think of... I would say close but not quite would be a 1e monk showing up to a 2014 5e game....

If you or I show up to play the expectation will not be "pick what ever edition PHB you want and make a character... but I mean that COULD happen I doubt I would want to type the .000 before the 1 for the % of games that is true for.

You wont show up with the 2014 PHB to a 2024 PHB game, you wont show up to a 2014 game with a 2024 built character and rule set... they are VERY simillar... but you will make your character from 1 or the other. You may mix and match individual rules (again like 2024 exhaustion rules in a 2014 game) but even that is just a house rule...
the systems will be as compatable as ANY D&D or even any D20 system can be... and with some work modifiing and home brewing you can make one work in the other...

but out of the box as of what we have seen it will NOT be compatible on the PC side.


but out of the box as of what we have seen it will NOT be compatible on the PC side.
depends on what you consider compatibility to be I guess. You can not really mix the two, but you can play both in the same game (whether this will be a common case or not is irrelevant).

If you couldn’t, then the other side of the equation (playing a 2014 adventure with 2024 chars, or vice versa) would also not be compatible.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
depends on what you consider compatibility to be I guess. You can not really mix the two, but you can play both in the same game (whether this will be a common case or not is irrelevant).

If you couldn’t, then the other side of the equation (playing a 2014 adventure with 2024 chars, or vice versa) would also not be compatible.
Adventures are a completely different kettle of fish. Very little rules content anyway.

depends on what you consider compatibility to be I guess.
I mean I had a real long post you cut down explaining what I think compatibility is...

If I bring the 2014phb to a game called 5e I expect that I can use it (with maybe some house rules). I however (based on what we have seen) in 2024 will need to choose what version of 5e I am playing... and the choice will be on the table. 2014 or 2024, or some mix where you do something like this rule from 2014 and that rule from 2024...

this makes it a different version of the game (we used to call those editions or half editions)
You can not really mix the two, but you can play both in the same game (whether this will be a common case or not is irrelevant).
no you can't. At least not by the playtest. You have to replace rules in order to play them or again find some mix and match with some house rule.

I can't run 2 characters useing the 2014 exhaustion rules and 2 useing the 2024 any more then I can run a TORG character next to my 3.5 character.
If you couldn’t, then the other side of the equation (playing a 2014 adventure with 2024 chars, or vice versa) would also not be compatible.
no because on the Dms side you just need to decide on the rule set and make minor alterations... the players side needs much more and constatn and would hit into each other...

if you have a bard useinng the 2014 rules and a cleric useing the 2024 rules and the cleric gets a bardic insperation does it change to the 2024 one?

if you have a bard useinng the 2014 rules and a cleric useing the 2024 rules and the cleric gets a bardic insperation does it change to the 2024 one?
Why should it?
The bard uses a reaction to grant the bonus instead of a bonus action beforehand. Nothing from the 2014 cleric interacts with how they get the bonus to the roll. It is the bard who grants it. If I use a 3pp 2014 troubardur that uses a troubadouric inspiration as reaction to add a die to the roll, the cleric will just use that bonus.

Once again, you are really overcomplicating the matter.
There is not a single rule in the 2024 bard, that anyone using the 2014 rules set would raise an eyebrow about, if the bard was just a 3pp class that resembles the original bard.


no you can't. At least not by the playtest. You have to replace rules in order to play them or again find some mix and match with some house rule.
yes, you agree on common rules, like how exhaustion is handled, these are not char specific however. There is nothing stopping you from playing a 2014 cleric next to a 2024 cleric (or fighter…).
Yes, there will be differences, but nothing that makes it impossible to have them in the same game (including their relative power level). There will be the same kind of differences between the 2014 classes/subclasses as between 2014 and 2024

Voidrunner's Codex

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