Great Old One
Definitely something important to consider!
Yes, sometimes it's best not to delve to deeply in how magic interferes with our understanding of the real world.
This is called "Verisimilitude" and is the presumption one makes when dealing with a work of fiction. Any work of fiction. D&D isn't special in this regard. Unless specified otherwise, stuff just works normally.
And I'm fine with this, but this is also why I prefer that the game doesn't go into too many details of of the world and magic works, otherwise you get into contradictions really fast.
General Relativity is great in theory. nudge nudge. But we've learned a lot since Einstein. And we'll learn more. We already know that quantum teleportation is possible (Spooky Action at a Distance, FTW!) and we're learning a ton about different structures of reality that may eventually unseat our current understanding of physics based on quantum physics. Hence the desire for a Unified Field Theory. It may be that Teleportation is entirely impossible.
There is certainly a contradiction, but what we've seen is instantaneous transmission of information, not matter yet.