Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape From Old Korvosa


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
In preparation to combat, Edmond channels Touch of Fatigue into Deaathwail, just in case.

OOC: Is Vudran a race, religion or region of the world? I could google it, but I'm afraid of running into spoilers.

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Ignatius nods, bowing slightly, and backs away from the doors, motioning for the others to do the same. If the man wishes to parley surely he will come to meet them.

OOC: Vudra is a region.

Dr Simon

The man glances up at the group and stares at you intently.

"You're looking for the labyrinth," he says. "Upstairs." He points op, then to his right and back, pretty much the direction that the more elaborate doors are in. This done he goes back to gazing upon the enormous snakes.


Ignatius very carefully closes the door, then turns towards the tunnel. "A very curious family, these Arkona's," he comments in Celestial.


First Post
Mhairi had stayed at the back, confused and somewhat intimidated. "Umm, thanks?" she replied uncertainly. "Guess we'll be going then."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
What do you think, was that a gardener? Lets explore the rest of the cave before going through the door.

ooc:Dr.Simon, if tnere is nothing, just get us through with some description :)

Dr Simon

The rest of the watern cavern is empty, apart from a small boat and a lingering smell of fish, so there seems nowhere else to go except back to the double doors with the elaborate tiger carvings. This the group does and soon Edmond and Ignatius see the doors that Mhairi and Manachan have already examined. Shiny bronze doors with four tiger heads surrounded by four rings of tigers chasing their tails.

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