D&D General (+) Duelist Gameplay Should Feel Like Playing Zelda or Soul Calibur (Abilities of The Master/Kensei/Diestro/Alt Monk)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
+ Thread because it’s hard to discuss the class without people crapping all over anything you come up with. Criticism is great, just keep it both civil, on topic, and hopefully helpful.

I think I’ve cracked what I actually want from this class in terms of gameplay. I want to have a simple mix of at-will, build-up/triggered, and resource limited, abilities that make it feel like you are moving and paying attention and thinking on your feet and reacting to what’s going on around you.

Like you do in any 3D Legend of Zelda game I’ve played (Ocarina, Twilight Princess, BoTW, ToTK) or in any iteration of the Soul Caliber fighting games!

Things like a “perfect guard” or “perfect parry” where you time your defense just right and use the attack to make an opening that you then exploit to seriously harm your opponent, or combo-attacks where your first attack sets up a bigger better attack if it lands,

I also think that stuff like higher hit die could be Focus Regimens, as could more advanced tactical moves.

The current setup is close to allowing this, it just needs less oomph at low levels to make room.

So some folks may know I’m building an alternate Monk class. Part of the challenge is to allow the existing subclasses to function with the new base class, but I will abandon that if I have to.

The theme and identity of the class is the esoteric or mystical master-of-arms, trained in a tradition that uses mysterious symbology, possibly occultism, certainly Hermetic principles, but which is not overtly magical.

Subclasses called Mysterious Orders or similar. The cultural specific stuff should mostly live in techniques and regimens.

Current Build:

D10 hit die, Focus Dice start at level 1 with 2, and they’re d6. Proficiencies include light and medium armor and shields, all simple weapons, and 2 martial weapons of your choice.

I’ve replaced ki with Focus, combined the points with martial arts dice into Focus Dice, and combined the basic ki features into the base level 1 features.

Patient Defense - Unarmored Defense is folded into this, as is Deflect Attacks. The bonus action focus ability allows you to reduce incoming damage by a number equal to your focus die, which is passive so it stacks with delfect attacks. Delfect attacks is just the at-will part, and works against all weapon attacks. Level 2 gets the riposte, and level 5 gets to deflect spell attacks and make a weapon attack in reply by spending 1 focus.

No Unarmored anything. You can choose to use wisdom in place of Dex when wearing armor, which makes strength builds easier to pull off.

Step of The Wind - Unarmored movement lives here, and I’m considering a choice here between a bonus to jump distance or the ability to ignore difficult terrain. Then the bonus action doubles speed or Disengages, and either triples jump distance or gives a climb speed, chosen when you use it. This way it’s super jump or super parkour. Level 5 gives an at-will charging attack ability and a focus spending upgrade to it, lets you do the charging attack as a reaction when you roll initiative.

Master-of-Arms - Your unarmed attacks deal damage equal to your focus die plus your strength or dexterity modifier, and as a bonus action you can make a single Focused Strike, which is an unarmed attack or a weapon attack, dealing damage equal to your focus die regardless. (No requirements to use the BA attack, you can just do it, regardless of your action that turn)
Flurry of Blows - You can spend 1 focus die when making an attack. Once per turn until the end of your next turn, when you make an attack, you can make 1 additional Focused Strike.

(This is a serious damage upgrade, combined with the other changes. Enough so to make the class pretty scary without overtuning it IMO)

Level 2 you gain Focus Techniques and Regimens. Techniques are special moves, and regimens are something you do during a rest that influences how the class plays until you replace it, basically like the Artificer’s infusions, including how m at you know and how many you can have active.

Most higher level class features become either techniques or regimens.

Stunning Strikes Training - You practice feeling the energy of another creature and disrupting or blocking it with a decisive strike. 1 focus, Save or daze +focus damage, save every turn, second failed save stuns, lasts until they save, or another creature uses an action to help them come to. If they take damage while stunned, they get an extra save, with a +2 bonus for every save made after the first in one round.

Another level 5 regimen option would be Powerful Strikes Training, which allows you to spend focus when you hit to make it an especially deadly attack, basically smiting.

Things Missing:

Feels like a class that should get fighting styles. Maybe as Regimens? Being able to change your fighting style with a long rest would be wild.

A telekinetic subclass, with ranged unarmed strikes.

Some social stuff.

Tool proficiencies for stuff like forging documents, disguises, writing,

A Romantic Chevalier with a mount.

Robust stats for offhand weaponry like Main gouche, buckler, knuckle knives, cloak, etc.

Anyone see any glaring omissions?

Got a better name than Kensei or Duelist?
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
On Deflect attacks. I’ve generalized the deflect missiles mechanics to other classes, with the [this class] being the only one that can do it at level 1.

I am going to probably change the step of the wind feature. Maybe “Uncanny Step”, and you can choose “Step of The Wind”, “[reference dancing or dancers]”, and maybe one more option.

I want to add a skill based feature that you either are very good at academics, performance and disguise, or social graces and diplomacy.

I may move some focus ability stuff to later levels to make room at low levels for it.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Perhaps a mechanic were you focus on a single enemy, and gain the ability to give them disadvantage to attack your as a bonus action?

I’m thinking 2 focus dice and 2-3 at-will features and a couple focus features at level 1, is about equal to other half casters that get casting at level 1.

Then level 2 is regimens which are your big regularly gained class features that you can switch out, like a cross between invocations and infusions.

Level 3 is slow fall, 4 is just the feat, 5 is extra attack and unarmed strikes can do a throw or disarm in addition to the grapple, damage, shove, options.

Most of the monk class features become focus techniques or regimens.


Dusty Dragon

With a defiant shout, you alert all that combat is about to begin. This shout has the following effects:

  • En Guarde can only be used on the first round of a combat
  • Shouting En Guarde is meant to be "honorable" - you, instead of rushing and stabbing your enemy before he's ready, have formally announced the battle. En Guarde has no effect if you haven't beaten at least one foe on the initiative order (it's kind of silly to be shouting En Guarde when everyone is already fighting).
  • You cannot attack or cast a spell if you use En Guarde, or any offensive powers/abilities. Dash, dodge and withdraw are allowed.
  • Your warning cancel surprise in all friends and foes within 30 feet of you.
  • Your honorable action grants you inspiration.

I'm not sure what level this should be, but I thought of this yesterday, and today I see this thread...


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I tend to think more of three musketeers, but I think this is a good show of the variety of things you might expect a swashbuckler to do:

Absolutely, and I think aiming for that “perfectly timed parry lets you counter” and “setup-followthough-finisher” combo, will get the class most of the way there. It just needs some social juice, and fine tuning of when you get the various offense and defense stuff.

I think the “focus on a single enemy, challenge someone” thing can come in in tier 2, as a sign that you’re really coming into your own as a weapon master and duelist. The mechanics of that, Im not settled on yet.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle

With a defiant shout, you alert all that combat is about to begin. This shout has the following effects:

  • En Guarde can only be used on the first round of a combat
  • Shouting En Guarde is meant to be "honorable" - you, instead of rushing and stabbing your enemy before he's ready, have formally announced the battle. En Guarde has no effect if you haven't beaten at least one foe on the initiative order (it's kind of silly to be shouting En Guarde when everyone is already fighting).
  • You cannot attack or cast a spell if you use En Guarde, or any offensive powers/abilities. Dash, dodge and withdraw are allowed.
  • Your warning cancel surprise in all friends and foes within 30 feet of you.
  • Your honorable action grants you inspiration.

I'm not sure what level this should be, but I thought of this yesterday, and today I see this thread...
I like the concept, but I think the mechanics have more restriction than benefit as currently written.

Definitely a good idea for a technique or one of a few choices in a level 1 or 2 “secondary subclass thing” feature.


Riffing off the above…

Call To Battle

  • You and all allies gain Advantage on initiative checks
  • You may swap initiative with one willing ally
  • You and your allies gain one of the following for 1 minute: +1 bonus to AC, +1 bonus to Hit or temporary hit points equal to your level.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Riffing off the above…

Call To Battle

  • You and all allies gain Advantage on initiative checks
  • You may swap initiative with one willing ally
  • You and your allies gain one of the following for 1 minute: +1 bonus to AC, +1 bonus to Hit or temporary hit points equal to your level.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.
I do love every class having a way to contribute to the team as a whole. Nice!

Voidrunner's Codex

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