D&D General (+) Duelist Gameplay Should Feel Like Playing Zelda or Soul Calibur (Abilities of The Master/Kensei/Diestro/Alt Monk)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
You can also get a flurry in Zelda by dodging at the right time.

This is very similar to how my Assassin does a parry-riposte modeled on the assassin) creed games.

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I like the concept, but I think the mechanics have more restriction than benefit as currently written.

Definitely a good idea for a technique or one of a few choices in a level 1 or 2 “secondary subclass thing” feature.
It’s a nice setup for a rage-like buff for a duelist concept (my last duelist was a “barbarian”).


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It’s a nice setup for a rage-like buff for a duelist concept (my last duelist was a “barbarian”).
Good point!

Especially appropriate since IIRC historically berserkers may eventually have came to be associated with fighters who intentionally got into duels.


I don't know if it matches your particular take, but I did write up a duelist class for my home games. Brief description:
  • Duelist – An urbane dextrous warrior wielding repartee as deftly as a blade. Based on the AD&D duelist fighter variant, the 3.5e prestige class, with stances adapted from 3e Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, and touches from the 3e urban ranger from Unearthed Arcana. Subclasses include Dashing Popinjay, Sellsword, and Vengeful Blueblood.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I don't know if it matches your particular take, but I did write up a duelist class for my home games. Brief description:
  • Duelist – An urbane dextrous warrior wielding repartee as deftly as a blade. Based on the AD&D duelist fighter variant, the 3.5e prestige class, with stances adapted from 3e Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, and touches from the 3e urban ranger from Unearthed Arcana. Subclasses include Dashing Popinjay, Sellsword, and Vengeful Blueblood.
More swashbuckler than I’m going for, but it does sound rad!

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