D&D (2024) Monk Playtest

Changes that I would implement for the monk if a player at my table selected the class:
  • If you are unarmed, your martial arts die increases by one step.
  • Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind do not require ki points, just your bonus action.
  • Stunning Strike is replaced by something else. I'm not sure what. Probably levels of exhaustion.

You could balance the monk around that, making the basic functionality ki less and then making ki points a per day resource maybe. And stunning strike could be a prof bonus per day thing.
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1. HD improved to d10(maybe even d12, monks should be tough as nails)
2. martial arts improvement from 1d4-1d10 to 1d6-1d12
3. proficiency in light armor, armor calculation 10+dex+wis or 10+dex+light armor or 10+wis+light armor
4. extra ki points equal to wis mod
5. regain 1 ki point when you score or suffer critical hit
6. extra skill proficiency
7. additional extra attack at 11th level(3 per Attack action)

1. HD improved to d10(maybe even d12, monks should be tough as nails)
2. martial arts improvement from 1d4-1d10 to 1d6-1d12
3. proficiency in light armor, armor calculation 10+dex+wis or 10+dex+light armor or 10+wis+light armor
4. extra ki points equal to wis mod
5. regain 1 ki point when you score or suffer critical hit
6. extra skill proficiency
7. additional extra attack at 11th level(3 per Attack action)
Personally, I don't think an HD change is needed. The monk is mobile because he's a skirmisher.
Give the Monk a fighting style at 1st. The Unarmed style increases the unarmed strike damage die.
Unarmored Defense. I don't think that the Monk needs armor and thematically it doesn't 'feel' right. If you want armor, make a fighter with the unarmed style.
I think adjusting Ki Point costs will help a lot. I like ways to get more Ki, perhaps a feat in line with Metamagic Adept?
I haven't felt that skill proficiency was the monk's problem.
If Flurry of Blows gave an extra Attack action, i.e. two attacks with actions and one more with a bonus action or two more with a Ki Point at 1st, or four attacks with actions at 5th and one more with a bonus action ore two more with a Ki Point, that would be strong. The trade off would be a limited resource (Ki) and your bonus action. This many attacks, would be on par with the fighter using action surge and even at 11th would be in the ballpark.

IMO, keep the low AC, and add something else.

Mobile defense (replace unarmored defense)
When you targeted by an attack, spell, trap, or other hostile effect, you can use your reaction to move up to half your unarmored movement bonus (minimum 5'), without provoking an opportunity attacks. If you move out of range the attack misses.
You can use this a number of times per day equal to you monk level.

Blade Catch: as a reaction you can reduce the damage you take from a melee attack by twice your monk level. If this reduces the damage of an attack to 0, and it is a weapon attack, you disarm the enemy and take the weapon.

Extra reaction: you can expend 2 ki to take an extra reaction.

IMO, keep the low AC, and add something else.

Mobile defense (replace unarmored defense)
When you targeted by an attack, spell, trap, or other hostile effect, you can use your reaction to move up to half your unarmored movement bonus (minimum 5'), without provoking an opportunity attacks. If you move out of range the attack misses.
You can use this a number of times per day equal to you monk level.

Blade Catch: as a reaction you can reduce the damage you take from a melee attack by twice your monk level. If this reduces the damage of an attack to 0, and it is a weapon attack, you disarm the enemy and take the weapon.

Extra reaction: you can expend 2 ki to take an extra reaction.

Really the ideal monk ability would be Uncanny Dodge. :-/

If I were put in charge of re-writing monk, I would:
  1. Remove extra attack (yes, really).
  2. Instead, give it extra reactions at the same levels that Fighters get extra attacks.
  3. Give it all kinds of cool reactions, both defensive and offensive, and some of which are attacks.
There: the fluff of monks is that they are unarmed/unarmored, but their unique play style is the bonus reactions.

Really the ideal monk ability would be Uncanny Dodge. :-/

If I were put in charge of re-writing monk, I would:
  1. Remove extra attack (yes, really).
  2. Instead, give it extra reactions at the same levels that Fighters get extra attacks.
  3. Give it all kinds of cool reactions, both defensive and offensive, and some of which are attacks.
There: the fluff of monks is that they are unarmed/unarmored, but their unique play style is the bonus reactions.

Also, since your action isn't as much of your turn, using stuff like Dodge, Disengage, and Dash effectively cost less.

But I think 4 reactions would bit much turn order disruptions. So to tweak it a little...

Level 1, ki pool equal to half your level (minimum 1). You can use your action to regain all your ki.
Level 5, you gain an extra reaction, must be different triggers
Level 11, you gain an extra bonus action, must be different from the first one
Level 17, you gain an extra action, must be a different, must be different from the first one.

Now fill in with a bunch of maneuvers that cost and scale with ki. As well as the movement passives.

Flurry (action or bonus action): 1 ki, make an attack, +1 for each additional 2 ki spent (so 3 attacks is 5 ki). If you made this as an action, increase the number of attacks by 1.

Mystic Defense (reaction): Reduce damage by 5* ki spent, if reduced to 0 it misses.

Stunning Strike (action): 3 ki

Jump (bonus)
Double the distance per ki spent.

Trip/Push (action or bonus action), 1 ki per size level

Plus the sub-clssses
Shadow, teleport (action or bonus), 5' per ki spent. If you use your action, you can also take along a friendly creature.

Element monk, breath of flame (action), cone 15', 1d8 per ki spent. Increase cone size by 5' per 2 ki spent.


Really the ideal monk ability would be Uncanny Dodge. :-/
Which goes to another point.... realistically the rogue chassis is a good monk. Fast, agile, skillful, able to hit "pressure points" through sneak attack, evasion, blindsense. I mean if you just removed the rogue name and a few trappings (like thieves' cant) you could argue that chassis would make a very solid monk.

Which goes to another point.... realistically the rogue chassis is a good monk. Fast, agile, skillful, able to hit "pressure points" through sneak attack, evasion, blindsense. I mean if you just removed the rogue name and a few trappings (like thieves' cant) you could argue that chassis would make a very solid monk.
The Rogue is an excellent historically accurate Ninja.

Moreover, a Rogue subclass can supply a mythologically accurate Ninja.

Interesting idea, but how then to do the sub-classes? If you only want one kind of monk, but then 3rd, 9th, 13th and 17th are not a lot of chances to give him everything you want a monk to have.

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