D&D General #Dungeon23


Will be renumbering the hallway 50 to be 31 and adjusting the description slightly at some point soon.

Room 49 - The Common Room

This 40'x20' room with a 15' ceiling has double doors to the entrance hallway (north), the kitchen hallway (south), and the center court (east). Each set of double doors has the right door (as you approach) marked with an upward arrow and the left door marked with an X. They open in the direction of the side with the X. There are two decorative glass chandeliers with four continual flame each illuminating the room.

The room is typically set up to have six tables with benches that can seat up to three on each side, a serving table near the center, and three small circular tables with removable tops that are used to return the dirty dishes. Many of the residents apparently prefer to sit alone -- but all generally show up (to keep up appearances if nothing else).

Breakfast and lunch are typically cold meals set out from 5am to 8am and 11:30am to 2:30pm respectively, while dinner is typically hot and set out at 7:00pm. When the meals are ready, a Red and Yellow checkered cloth is hung on the entry door from the center court. The northern two tables are unofficially reserved for the Legionnaires.

The room can be rearranged on special occasions for combat practice, dancing, entertainment, a hospital, or a community meeting. A black flag indicates the room is closed for private use by the Legion.

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Room 83 - Hall of Memories

This unlit natural cavern is 40' from east to west and has a 30' ceiling.

A 15' long "stone ship" is the rooms largest feature. Finding she couldn't bring his soul to Valhalla, Berhgildr (room #57) dug a resting place for Arne Frodeson, set the outline with large stones, and then piled more to cover it to around a yard deep.

There are three exits: the 15' wide one to the north-west (to #85) slopes downward, and has the smell of salt water; the 15' wide one one to the south (to #89) slopes downward and has the smell of not-too-cleanly living things; and the 10' wide one to the east (to #78) slopes upward and doesn't have any particular odor (or at least nothing that shows over the other smells).

She mounted the two headed half-giant/half-hag that Arne and his men came to kill on either side of the south tunnel - the left head and half on the west wall, right head and half on the east wall - using large iron stakes. The Jötunn that live down that tunnel have decided to take it as a warning, at least for now.

Finally, the monster's pit (#84) near the west wall has a large stone slab over it with more stones piled on.


The next room created (#84) is in post #526 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I really don't know where I'm going with this goblin theme, and I'm tired of drawing natural caverns, so let's go find out what happened to the tunnel leading east off of area 1.24, The Fungal Forest...


2.7 Stone Gates
  • Tunnel west leads ~1/2 mile to area 1.24
  • First Glance:
    • Natural stone gives way to expertly finished rock
    • Large stone doors are unadorned and closed
    • Alcoves east and west are empty; look like guard posts
  • Closer Look:
    • (skill check) Stonework is dwarven craftsmanship
    • Doors are unlocked
    • (skill check) It doesn't smell like dwarves here


Day 38

Getting bitten and almost eaten alive is a good way to get your wits and survival instincts back. Those damn mermaids had me trapped pretty good... but I managed to convince them not to eat me and to let me go. I can be quite charming when my life depends on it. Being able to throw a few magical fistfuls of magic helps too, I suppose.
The mermaids showed me their shop. It's quite a business they've set up. They lure unsuspecting sailors from the beach or the sea, make them comfortable and then eat them. Their equipment and clothing is then cleaned, repaired and taken to the market in Freehaven where it is sold. It is very efficient and nothing is wasted.
What should I do with them? I can't really let them keep eating people. But I don't want to kill them, they seem so nice and they have quite a business sense. Maybe I can convince them to change their business model to something less lethal.

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Day 39 - the mermaidshop in Freehaven

The mermaids took me back to Freeport. Could see their shop. Very neat. Used but well kept and fully repaired goods and good prices. Located right on the harbour.


Loves Your Favorite Game
Behind? Who's behind? Certainly not me, ha ha ha ha


22. Foyer - Carvings in Draconic on the wall espouse the glory and symbiotic nature of Dragons and Mushrooms. A disaffected kobold, Teklu, is carving graffiti below making fun of those ideas.
23. Steam Room - Making use of the water that trickles through the porous rock, this room is kept refreshingly steamy. Several kobolds nap in the heat.
24. Laundry Room - The walls are lined with loose, flowy robes, mostly kobold sized. Krillok happily keeps this room stocked, spending most of his time here.
25. Meditation Chamber - Soft surfaces and intricate abstract tapestries cover almost every inch of the room. It is never empty, though sometimes it is for quiet discussive murmurs and sometime for joyous revels. One corner is full of crafting tools and materials.
26. Dining Hall - Buffet style. Long communal tables are the only seating.
27. Rest Hall - Lined with varied sorts of bedding, including a wall full of stacked hammocks.
28. Mushroom Tunnels - The source of the tribe's sacrament, these are exceedingly well maintained, cared for, and protected.

29. Sentry Post - Drartol grumpily mans the small outpost. A pull string lined with small bells runs from this room down the stairs.
30. Waterfall Chamber - Water thunders down a natural opening in the floor. A small stockpile of armaments are mounted on the wall.
31. Neutral Territory - A meeting room, spartanly decorated. Small traces of blood stains are still present.

There's month one, level one!


Room 83 - Hall of Memories

This unlit natural cavern is 40' from east to west and has a 30' ceiling.

A 15' long "stone ship" is the rooms largest feature. Finding she couldn't bring his soul to Valhalla, Berhgildr (room #57) dug a resting place for Arne Frodeson, set the outline with large stones, and then piled more to cover it to around a yard deep.

There are three exits: the 15' wide one to the north-west (to #85) slopes downward, and has the smell of salt water; the 15' wide one one to the south (to #89) slopes downward and has the smell of not-too-cleanly living things; and the 10' wide one to the east (to #78) slopes upward and doesn't have any particular odor (or at least nothing that shows over the other smells).

She mounted the two headed half-giant/half-hag that Arne and his men came to kill on either side of the south tunnel - the left head and half on the west wall, right head and half on the east wall - using large iron stakes. The Jötunn that live down that tunnel have decided to take it as a warning, at least for now.

Finally, the monster's pit (#84) near the west wall has a large stone slab over it with more stones piled on.

View attachment 274966

Room 84 - The Pit

The giant-hag would dispose of her refuse, unwanted food, and sometimes living enemies/playthings by heaving them down the pit in the SW corner of her cave (room #83). The hole is currently covered by a stone slab and a few hundred pounds of loose stone. Uncovering it will reveal the 3' diameter tunnel reaching at least 30' into the ground. Scattered small bones line the side of the pit and the smell from the bottom is ghastly.

Parts of the dozens of creatures at the bottom were animated into a Bone Collective by the malevolence she chanted into it. At the time she was growing it she would send it out on missions of exploration, collection, and terror - alone for decades now it has started to fade. Ideally it would like to get enough of itself out quietly that it could move the rocks later if the pit was recovered. One way to do that would be to move some of the treasure at the bottom of the pile to the top when it heard the pit being uncovered. That way any light shining down might make it be sparkly and attractive. Assuming someone tried to climb down the skeletons it would animate to provide a distraction for the bone parts on the sides (and maybe more) to make a run for it. Once at least 30 hp of it escaped, it may or may not decide to attack the party (getting a single victim isn't worth risking partial destruction... getting several on the other hand).

The treasure at the bottom includes 150gp worth of different coins, 250 gp of various gems, a pearl of power, a ring of evasion, and a (Cursed) Frost Brand Dagger in a Sheath. The Dagger functions as a Frost Brand until a natural attack roll of 1 occurs when an ally is within range. In that case the dagger attacks the ally with advantage (+5 to hit). If this occurs while it is being used as a melee weapon, the wielder may make an STR check to control it. 20+ indicates the attack fails, 15+ indicates the attack is with disadvantage, and 10+ indicates it is a normal attack (not with advantage).

The base Bone Collective can be found in the Kobold Press Tome of Beasts (5e) and also at 5esrd.com. This collective was never raised to full power and has backslid a little. HP 90, +6 to hit, d10 damage dice +4 (26/20/48 damage instead of 31/25/57), the poison DC save is 13 with the Charisma damage being d4 Charisma points, and it is CR 6 (2,300 xp). Its languages are Common and Giant.


The next room created (#62) is in post #535 D&D General - #Dungeon23.
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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Note to self: start writing room number before drawing grid lines.


2.8 (Formerly) Grand Hall
  • First Glance:
    • High, vaulted ceiling.
    • Mosaic walls badly damaged and vandalized
    • Marble floor cracked and scarred and covered with debris
  • Closer Look:
    • Mosaics used to depict Dwarven myth/history/glory
    • Remains of massive horn, now shattered, in corner


Day 40

I have received a tip-off about a shipwreck near Freeport, the hull of which may contain magical items that could aid our expedition. It's said to be the Star of the North, a small, fast ship from the kingdom of Holderian, one of the elven nations of Bentu, which is said to have carried the mage She'To'Kirilian, one of the greatest scholars of the Lost City of Kyrthar Tahlketh. No one knows why the ship ran aground or what happened to the crew. All that is known is that the last salvage mission failed to return.


Well, so far I've drawn up maps for the local two-story inn/tavern, the local trading company's three-story warehouse run by a member of the thieves' guild (including a smuggling tunnel underneath), and the local smithy run by two retired adventurers (a female dwarf wizard and an elven artificer, both secretly NE) who have a secret underground workshop...
Which means I think I'm actually close to the actual room count I should have by this point, lol.
I've got about a dozen interesting npcs written up with full backstories to populate the town with - including adding in one of my old PCs from a couple decades back, a lizardman fighter that everyone calls Swampgas because that's the closest thing to his completely unpronounceable name, lol.
It's going to be an interesting place - with only three buildings drawn and a dozen npcs, I've already got five secret doors, a secret workshop, two secret tunnels, and five people hiding major secrets about themselves...

I need to clean up the building maps and redraw the larger area maps, as well as write a bunch more stuff but I should hopefully end up posting some of it by the end of the month.


0X.08: Underrealm Depths

Form: Extensive networks of caverns and tunnels leader ever deeper into the earth.

At First Glance: Beyond the Bastion (0X.05) the caverns and tunnels of the underrealm become ever more complex and unmappable. It seems like one could travel for miles, going ever deeper, and never discover anything with certain meaning.

On Closer Inspection: The farther the characters travel, the more certain they are that the dwarven Bastion was there to block the lower depths, not serve as a gateway to it.

Secrets: Those cold, dark, lonely caverns are inhospitable and dangerous. Every four hours the characters spend exploring, there is a chance of a deep encounter. The check gets progressively worse for each four hours spent exploring and eventually the worst will happen.

Connections: If followed forever, these caverns will eventually lead to the Netherdeeps, a hellish subterranean realm beyond the scope of this adventure.

0X.09: Sparkling Death

Form: A vertical tunnel leading down to what appears to be a great cache of gemstones.

At First Glance: As the PCs descend this shaft they see that there are gemstones embedded in the walls, and they appear to be more numerous and larger the deeper they go.

On Further Inspection: The gemstones are real: emeralds, rubies, diamonds and more. The shaft was dug by what appears to have been dwarven skill, revealing greater and greater wealth the deeper the shaft goes.

Secrets: The shaft is not a cache of magical gemstones, but one of the Godecho’s insidious traps. The entire shaft is in fact a hungry chameleon megaworm. It has formed its gullet to appear like a rich mining shaft. Once characters have descended 100 feet into the shaft (nearly within reach of the greatest gemstones). It snaps its maw shut and begins to grind and digest those trapped within. The megaworm is hundreds of feet long: no weapon the characters possess will prevail against it.

Treasure: If the character remove a gemstone and then flee, it reverts to a grotesque hunk of flesh. Nonetheless, chameleon worm flesh is valuable for spell research and as a magical reagent.

Connections: There is no outlet from the shaft/worm.
Whew, I was starting to get the shakes without having included a mimic yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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