Dwimmermount IC:


Midgrim and Gargrim: The two of you have been living and working within the dwarven ghetto of Adamas for several years. Though there are only about 100 dwarves within the city it has never been difficult to find work, and the Despot of Adamas has always treated your people fairly. When rumors began to circulate about strange happenings within Dwimmermount you decided to pull up stakes and investigate. The elders within the dwarven enclave agreed to fund an expedition to the dungeon to investigate what has been happening to the custodians of Dwimmermount over the past 200 years as well as to try and locate an ancient dwarven cemetery where many great heroes are interred. An acolyte of Tyche named Brother Tevantir who has close ties to the dwarven community was hired and the three set off to Muntburg. You were also told the location of the secret dwarven entrance known as the "Stone Wrought Stairs" which is how the custodians have been able to gain access to the dungeon. They suggest that it may be a safer entrance to use, as the only other one they know of are the "Great Red Doors" that everyone knows about. That said, they are unsure if any non dwarven members of the party will be able to gain access that way. It all depends on the condition of the arcane barriers.

Upon arriving in Muntburg you find the castle town abuzz with rumor and speculation pertaining to the dungeon. According to some of the trappers and other hardy folks who make their living in the mountains it sounds as though there have been sightings of suspicious characters around the mountain for several months. Rumors abound that these are Termaxian Cultists looking to release the man become god from his imprisonment within the dungeon. Even these rumors are overshadowed by the fact that no more than two weeks ago an adventuring group under the patronage of the Church of Typhon in Adamas calling themselves "Typhon's Fists" was able to gain access to the dungeon itself. They have since returned to Adamas to report, and were very tight lipped about what they encoutered, but one thing that was clear is that although over a dozen adventurers entered the dungeon, a mere six returned.

You are able to use what remains of the limited funds provided to you by the Dwarven elders of Adamas to rent a room for two nights at the "The Passwatch Inn", the only inn in town. Once quite a grand establishment during the days of the Thullian Empire when Muntburg was an important stopover not only for caravans traveling the mountain pass to the north but for the innumerable personages who traveled to Dwimmermount itself as the dungeon was an important religious, magical and government site. The decline of trade during the reign of the Termaxian Cultists followed by the almost total cessation of trade following the sealing of Dwimmermount when Termax's mad reign was brought to an end has brought about a similar decline in the inn's (and town's) fortune. There are a significant number of vacant and crumbling houses, particularly outside the castle walls and the Passwatch Inn's once grand suites show signs of significant neglect, the inn itself having turned largely into a watering hole for the local garrison with most rooms being rented out by ladies of ill repute who make a living providing their own services to the same garrison. That said, the proprietor, a rotund man named Asce takes pride in his establishment and the rooms that are still in use are clean and well maintained. Of the four private rooms that are not rented out by regulars two are currently occupied. One is a young human named Klyman Sillar who agreed to join your expedition in exchange for a share of the spoils. He assures you that he is a capable adventurer skilled in bypassing locks, traps and other dangers that may be encountered within the dungeon. The second is occupied by a human Neophayte magic user named Climent who claims to be awaiting the arrival of the rest of his adventuring band called the "Red Shields".
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Midgrim thumps his rotund stomach, declaring: "What say yee we fill our bellies and get a good night's rest before setting off, friends? My feet are aching something fierce after all that endless walking!"

If the others agree, he'll go down to the common room and claim a table in the name of adventure!

[sblock=OOC]I'm hoping a meal's included with the room, because otherwise Midgrim is flat broke. :)[/sblock]

Klyman Sylar

Klyman is a quiet sort of human, usually given to keeping to himself. He is just under six feet in height, a bit slender, but with the start of a small paunch just beginning to show. His blonde hair is worn about chin-length but shorn in front to keep his eyes and face clear. His eyes are very dark, almost black in color.

Hearing Midgrim's suggestion, Klyman says, 'Yes, Midgrim, that sounds wise," but looking around the room, he continues, "Besides, I don't see many likely prospects for a game of chance to provide a little more gold lining for my pouch."
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Gargrim was mentally preoccupied with his beard, after the travel from Adams the left braid had begun to come undone, by the makers he had been seen in public like that, great-great-great grandfather Gorin Goldhammer would be ashamed. He picked up in the middle of Midgrim’s suggestion. Gargrim smiled wide and raised his big bushy eyebrows.

“Aye! I c’ use a strong drink and then a bit a’ rest.” His accent was strong, almost difficult to comprehend when he spoke quickly. He didn’t speak common all too often. “Perhap sa' songs ta' the makers fer luck.”

When his temple superiors had asked for a volunteer to investigate Dwimmermount, Jimi didn't know what to expect. Certainly not two rather... colourful... Dwarven brothers, and a man of alleged larcenous skills whom they had only just met. Nonetheless, he smiled at the situation that he had found himself in. He knew that he had a Goddess watching him, and was eager to prove himself worthy of her greater attentions.

"Yes, indeed, a fine meal and a fortifying drink." he replied. "Fortune smiles upon those with full stomachs, as my old mentor Shadrac said. He always told me that was an ancient prayer to Tyche. Although I think he was just keen to cut our studies short when it was time for the evening meal."

Full of that hope and optimism all too common in newly minted adventurers, Jimi joins his companions at one of the spare tables in the tavern. Well, he thinks, I suppose I should make a good first impression.

"Ah, excuse me miss," he calls at one of the nearby serving wenches in an over-enthusiastic voice. "I think a round of drinks is in order for myself and my fine companions. And the finest food you have to offer. We have a most important mission ahead of us come tomorrow!"

Klyman Sylar

Klyman smirks at the priest's generosity. He was all too used to seeing missionary types spreading the gold around to those, like himself, that they considered to be 'less fortunate' than their pious selves. Klyman was never one to refuse a free meal, and if wearing his old clothes, smearing a bit of mud on his face, and limping a bit could put more food in his belly at someone else's expense, then he was all too willing to assist their piety.

Gargrim finally got his beard back the way he liked it before going to the table, presentability was important. His ears perked up as the human sprung in for food and a smile popped out from behind his beard. “Many thanks, good priest.” He spoke slowly, enunciating in a way that came across as gratitude. “Of course the honor of singing the first song of our ancestors shall go to ye.” His smile grew wider and his eyes grew big underneath his bushy eyebrows as he stared directly at Jimi in anticipation.

Asce's wife Doree brings your food, a venison stew with root vegetables. Fairly simple, but good enough. As you eat a few more people arrive at the inn. A couple members of the garrison sit at a table near the bar and order their own food, and a man wearing the rough sewn leathers of the mountain folk has shown up with a brace of coneys and some herbs that he has gathered to sell. It's pretty obvious that the man is a regular supplier for the inn judging by the laid back manner in which negotiations take place and the fact that he sits across from Asce at the bar and continues chatting with him as his meal is brought out. Climent also arrives, and sits alone at his table eating slowly, avoiding the pieces of meat in his stew.

As you are eating, a woman of middling age wearing a simple wool dress and a two faced coin around her neck that you recognize as the holy symbol of Tyche enters the room. She approaches your table and asks if she may pull up a chair. Assuming you don't turn her away she takes her seat and says "Well met, my name is Sister Emelisse, Exorcist of Tyche. Corporal Danthan tells me that you plan an expedition to Dwimmermount, and I wanted to come and wish you good fortune and the blessings of Tyche," with a glance at Jimi "though I see that you may already be well taken care of in that respect. At any rate, I would have a care. Gawain of Had, The Proctor of Typhon has taken note of your arrival and is non too pleased that rivals to Typhons Fists have arrived... G'Had is... well he is a priest of Typhon with considerable influence over the Castillian. If there is anything I may be able to do to aid you, please ask."
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Jimi falls silent for a moment as he tries to read the Dwarf's expression - was he serious? Songs of the ancestors?

The only thing that came to mind was a rather bawdy drinking ballad he had heard in his younger days about a Dwarf and a fishmonger. He was fairly certain it was not a traditional song of reverence.

Thankfully, the arrival of the food and drink allows him to quickly change the subject.

"Ah, this looks alright!" he says quickly breaking eye contact with Gargrim and, reaching for a spoon. He takes a large, noisy mouthful of the hot broth and sits back in his chair as Sister Emmelise sits down next to him. She looks somewhat familiar - perhaps Jimi had once been on one of her sermons or lectures?

"Sister Emmelise" he says warmly, "I am Jimi. Unusual for one of such rank and status to take interest in the particulars of a mere acolyte such as myself... but not at all unwelcome. It seems a shame that the Temple of Typhon considers us rivals in this venture; our faiths would surely both be served better with co-operation. I assume we can't rely on them for any information or insight from their journey into the dungeon - but do you yourself know of what may lie within? We've heard many wild stories and rumours and it is proving difficult to sort truth from fantasy."

Emmelise smiles slightly "Acolyte true, but also the first representative of our faith to pass the Red Doors in hundreds of years... As for Typhon, well you well know the Typhonians consider everyone rivals, us particularly so. I doubt very much they will do anything overt, but still remain guarded around them. G'Had is an insufferable ass, having gone so far as to berate me publicly for failing to attend his sermon on Typhon's holy day... Regarding what is going on in Dwimmermount I afraid I'm as far in the dark as you are. There are rumors that Termaxians were the first to breach the barriers, but then again there are always rumors that the Termaxian's are doing just that. Every now and then the garrison catches a few and burns them so it is certainly possible, especially if they figured out how to use the Alchemists Door, but people have been trying that route ever since the barriers went up to no avail."

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