D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


First Post
Shara looks concerned but unsure. "He seemed confident. Perhaps he wants the villagers to think we're all..." she looks around at the rag-tag group, searching for the most diplomatic way to phrase this. "...like him."

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First Post
Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

Magen headed to the nearest house, calling out when he was close enough to be heard. "Good evening!" Getting closer he continues, "I am Magen from Wodnes in the north, might we trouble you for some shelter for the evening. We can pay. Maybe a chicken or two for dinner as well, dried rations are somewhat tiresome."

The door to the nearest hut opens slightly at first and then fully to reveal a large (but older) half-orc male wearing simple peasant clothing and holding a two-bladed woodsman's longaxe. Behind him in the light spilling out for the interior is a large half-orc female looking a bit afraid and shielding three or four small children behind her.

Some of other doors nearby also open a crack or some fully to reveal more half-orcs. The man from the first house looks Magen over and steps out a bit to look at the rest of the company. Finally he grunts loudly and says "How much ye pay? Gold an't a lot of use for most of us, 'cept come tax time so maybe's. I reckon ye can a put yer lot up in one of the barns iffin' ye ant brigands. No fires in der either. Chickens cost extras..."


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

"A sensible precaution," Magen said in response to the ban on fires, though he could not hide the disappointment in his voice at missing out on the warmth of a fire. "I'm afraid we aren't carrying anything of value that we could part with other than some gold. Twenty silver for me and my eight companions as well as three cooked chickens." He thinks for a minute then adds, "And hot broth from the bones in the morning." Twenty silver was hardly generous, but it struck Magen as fair for a cold barn and two simple meals.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 23
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
Longbow: +2 150/600 1d8P

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3


First Post
"Humph" the peasant grunted again loudly "Ye noble types thinks pretty highly of yer selves yet are tight fisted within' yer coin I see... but I recoken that be's enough. Its a cold eve and we woundent' wants ya's to catch cold now woulds we?"

He looks back at the larger female and says "Gos heat a broth fer our guests there Gretta... use da big pot, there be a lots of them. And pick em' three chickens from the pens I guess. Not the egg layers though."

He glances back Magen and points at one of the nearby barns "Take yer lot ins there and we be by shortly with broth and chickens... ye can sleeps up in the lofts iffin' ye wants and its be away from the animals."

Moving over to the barn indicated the company sees other villagers peeking out of windows and doors to glance at them. Them seem to be something of an oddity. Opening the barn doors you are greeted by the same of cows but it appears to be mostly clean and obviously mucked out at least a few times a day. The cows themselves make their presence know with loud mows and some shuffling as the chilled air enters through the open doors. There is a second level where a great deal of hay is stored and a single latter leading up to it. Otherwise the middle of the barn is fairly open also.

As the company gathers inside another older half-orc man, this one dressed lightly even in the obvious chill and spotting a pair of longswords in back scabbards appears at the door. He looks you over and says "Who's the leader of yer lot? I'm the sheriff here and we don't spot no trouble from outsiders..."


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

"Thank you." Magen said, handing over the silver, then headed over to the indicated barn.

Magen took a look around the barn, both inside and out while Warian and Galan unloaded their mule and started to set up a space for them in the barn.

An older half-orc entered, "Who's the leader of yer lot?" he asked. Magen walked over to the half-orc and offered his hand, "Magen Brigward." he greeted, "I wouldn't say I'm the leader, our little group is too lose knit for that. We're not looking for trouble, just somewhere to spend the night out of the rain."

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 23
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
Longbow: +2 150/600 1d8P

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3


First Post
The half-orc nods with a grunt and ads "Sees that ye don't. We like our peace here and we don't need no ones coming around looking fer trouble. Iffin' ye ant noticed this here be a home for mostly half-orc ranchers and fishers. We wants to be left alone and we makes sure thats the way things go around here..."

He looks your company over and ads "I'll be a by afore first light to make sure there was no trouble." With that he leaves.

About thirty minutes later the first half-orc appears carrying a large iron pot with some steaming broth. A small half-orc boy has three cook chickens tied together with strike (they are plucked and cooked, but still sport their heads and feet). The man sets the pot down in the middle of the barn and the boy hands the chickens off to the first person closes to the door and then runs off. The peasant takes the coin from Magen and says "We comes get the cows before first light. Best be awake and be a ready to goes by then as I don't wants ye here while Ims' out in the fields..."

Charwoman Gene

Corwin speaks up at one point and offers his services as a tinker to the half-orcs, just trying to sweeten the deal. He gladly lets Magen handle the negotiations but would like to contribute.


First Post
The sheriff glances over at Corwin with a weary eye but finally says "Not much ye can do tonight and we probably would prefer you be on your way in the morning. But I will ask around and see if anyone needs something fixed..."


First Post
Shara keeps a low profile while Magen negotiates, but she smiles at the little orc boy, and quietly thanks both the broth-bringer and the sheriff.


Hunter Brightwood

Walking with the rest of the group Hunter kept a friendly expression on his face, while the villagers weren’t overly friendly they did offer them the barn and some food for what appeared to be a decent price. Their conditions had appeared to improve since they had seen the lights of the little village.

Climbing up to the loft Hunter looked around the barn, “I will take first watch, unless anyone else had their hearts set on it.”

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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