D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


Lucious is too awe struck by everthing to have contributed to the conversations. As the group herds toward the barn his feet absent-mindedly follow.
Picking out a place to lay his head for the night was no trouble, as his standards for comfort were much lower than the others.

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First Post
Mikel was too cold to protest or argue, a barn was as good as a good inn at the moment. It was out of the rain and weather, he was a little sad he had to be up before dawn, but spending the night out of the weather and a decent warm meal would be worth it.


First Post
Shara nods appreciatively toward Hunter. "I can take the next."

She chooses a spot in the corner of the loft, lays out her cloak in the hopes that it might dry a bit, and then climbs into her bedroll.


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

As everyone settled into their routine Edgar approached Magen intent on his evening lessons. "Not tonight, I'm afraid." Magen said, "We cannot risk spooking the cattle."

Hunter and Shara offered to cover a watch each, "I'll cover my share of the watch as well."

Heading over to where Warian had set up their bedrolls, Magen pulled out his dragon chess set and said to Edgar tonight we'll exercise your mind."

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 23
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
Longbow: +2 150/600 1d8P

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3


Hunter Brightwood

The sun had faded from the sky hours ago, and all his companions were sound asleep. Hunter looked at the stars and judged that a quarter of the night had pasted.

The villagers, while they had appeared to be less than open and friendly didn’t seem to have anything planned against their visitors. Hunter moved silently over to Shara and shook her gently, “Second watch is on. The night is quiet so far. ”

Hunter gave a smiling nod to Shara and then climbed down the ladder and picked at what was left of the chicken and broth. Once he was done he crawled up to the loft to lay down to his night of semi-comfortable sleep.


First Post
The heroes bed down for the eve, taking turns on watch throughout though night, but it passes uneventfully. About an hour before sunrise the half-orc peasant and his son return to the barn to take their animals out into the fields. The sheriff is there also along with a few other villagers come to see the strangers off.

"Well no damages so's ye ant all bads I suppose" says the peasant. The sheriff nods in agreement and ads "I supposin' ye all are headin' fer Muntberg? Then I give thee fair warnin'. Lots of strange folk about these lands of late. Most don't stop by here, instead avoiding us and traveling cross country. All of dem heading north. The few thinkers who pass our way say they be cultists of various dark gods. With the Dwimmermount open again that they have come to despoil and lay ruin to the lands. To seize the mount for themselves."

"Dark times" he ads after a moment.


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

While Edgar stowed their gear and Galan loaded the mule Magen spoke to the half-orc. "Thank you for your hospitality. We'll keep an eye out, I think our little group can handle themselves. I won't pretend I am not going for personal gain, but maybe we'll strike lucky and solve something"

"Dark times indeed. I wish you well."

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 23
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
Longbow: +2 150/600 1d8P

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3


First Post
There is a thick layer of frost on the ground and ice pellets from the previous nights rain. The air is very cold and again the company clutches their cloaks tight against the chill but at least it is not raining. The cloud are dark and low in the morning but slowly rise and break up a bit by mid-afternoon. As you crest yet another hill the grey Dwimmermount itself can be seen in the distances!

This tall grey rock stands out from the darker, tree-covered granite of the Wintercap Mountains beyond it. No trees cling to its' side and little snow can be seen (at least at this distance). It appears to be grey sentinel protecting the mountains beyond, lonely but powerful and steadfast.

As the day wears on a few walled farmsteads can be seen along the road and then the black stone walls of Moutberg come into view. It is growing dark as the company weirdly makes the downed drawbridge that spans a short moat of semi-frozen black water below. The gate itself is also up with a raised portcullis. But the gate is not undefended as four crossbow can be seen on the thirty foot gatehouse above and two additional spearmen in mail armor and heavy fur cloaks are standing just inside the gatehouse itself.

One them, a ugly man with a pockscared face, steps forward and shouts "Hold there stranger. What business have ye in the Moutburg? State yer names and what company ye be?"


It was too cold for Luscious to be his normal curious self so he was on auto-pilot when the the man asked his name and as such Lucious instinctively snapped to attention and rendered the salute of his people, a closed fist placed perpendicular across the chest, and spoke,"Lucious Grahm of the Blackened Tribe! The Primordial demands retribution of those who would use His power for evil! Sir!"

OOC: even if the primordial chaos is inherently evil, Lucious' tribe does not believe it to be true. No clue where exactly Lucious should be from, perhaps a mountain far to the south-west from our current location...

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First Post
The guard looks a bit confused at Luscious, muttering at his companion "Whats he talking about?" The other simply shrugs. The first guard says back "What evil do you speak of lad and are ye heres to cause us trouble? Cause iffin' ye are ye can turn right around and get back with yer tribe..."

He looks at the others adding "That be going fer all of ye's. We have a peaceable town heres and we likes it that way. Ye cause trouble and we lock ye out of the gate to freeze fer all we cares."

Voidrunner's Codex

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