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Eberron/Horror Game - FULL - Got my three additional players, thanks!


Jor, changeling rogue

changeling rogue 1 (racial substitution 1);
medium humaniod (shapeshifter);
Init +1; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6;
Languages: Common, elven, halfling.
AC 15, flat-footed 14, touch 11;
HP 10 (HD 1);
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2;
Spd 30';
Melee: rapier +0 (1d6/18-20/x2);
Ranged: shortbow +1 (1d6/x3) Range 60';
Attack Options: sneak attack (1d6)
Base Atk +0, Grapple +0;
Action Points: 4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 14.
XP: 0
Feats: Investigate
Skills: Bluff +8, Gather Information +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Spot +6, Listen +6, Decipher Script +6, Disguise +16, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +8, Hide +5, Move Silently +5.
Possessions: chainshirt, rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, traveling outfit, backpack, wineskin.
Money: 5sp, 13cp.

Class/Race Features:
Minor Shapechange
Social Intuition

Description: Jor is and has always been Jorenna Lorren, a curious half elf. She stands at average height with long auburn hair and deep blue eyes. She is of slim build and wears simple clothing. She has a tattoo on the back of her neck of an owl. Her cloak has a subtle tracery of fine leaves of a variety of subdued fall colours and is her prize possession.

Personality: A passer, Jor hides from her own true being, believing that she was meant to be like her adoptive parents ~ a half elf. Throughout her life in Greenblade she has always appeared as Jorenna, never shifting her appearance. Her parents, owners of a small supply shop in the town have brought her up thinking all along that she is a half-elf like them.

History: Found abandoned by her parents, Jor did not know that she was not a half-elf until she was 8 when in fear she altered shape. She had been out in the forest and as dusk fell she heard rustling in the under brush nearby. As she stood frozen in terror a young wolf came stalking out, barring its teeth. It circled around the frightened young girl, its yellow eyes gleaming in the failing light. At that moment, Jor heard a hoot from an owl startling her from her frozen panic. Instinctively she shifted form growing into the form of a large adult human. The wolf caught off guard with the change in form but not smell, backed off a little and when Jor tossed a rock at it the confused animal took off.

Finding out she could shift was hard for the young girl and she asked her parents about it when she came running home crying. The consoled her and told her about her past or what little they knew of it. She promised them right there that she would never do that again. While her curiousity was uncurbed, she is still not comfortable changing shape. She remains curious about her kind but has not yet met another changeling. She had an owl tattooed on her back to commemorate the moment her life changed when she was a teenager.

Now almost an adult she has decided to take her life into her hands and start doing something besides minding the shop.
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Joshua, Jor is complete. How does she look? I was thinking that I could show up soon at the healers, having heard from her friend (the healer) that some strange people had showed up. Her friend said that they had brought someone (someone Jor knows) in to get looked at and he needed her help to find out more about these strangers and what happened to their mutual aquaintance. Sound good?

Sounds great! Everything looks good. Interesting background.

By the way, she would know that there are a handful of changelings who live in town; The Emporium is (in)famous for employing two changelings as prostitutes.


Okay, I'll keep it in mind. Jor would have purposely avoided any known changelings, denying her heritage and fully involving herself in the half-elven community if there is one.


First Post
FYI, I'm near enough to the projected landfall for Hurricane Wilma that I may lose some power or internet. I'm far enough out that I don't anticipate catastrophe, but in case I can't get online and Galec's silent, feel free to NPC him for a few days if he goes silent tomorrow.


Turns out ENWorld itself was down--I was out of commission myself Friday, and then the weekend hit, and I didn't get online at all. Now that we're back up, I'll see if I can get the thread moving again.

Hey, everyone! Sorry I've been AWOL for the last ... wow, nearly a week now! Anyway, I'm more or less back, and want to get this game back in the saddle. What's everyone want to do? Is everyone pretty much decided to go look for the druids now, or what?

Voidrunner's Codex

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