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[Eberron] Queen with Burning Eyes


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ShaggySpellsword said:
((OOC Further study of the journal, does it tell me anything about possible dangers?))
OOC: The journal mentions that the archeologist had been looking for the schema, and that this dig had been an early possible location. He mentions that the dig itself is located down a long-abandoned access tunnel leading north from the Hager's Foundry about a quarter of a mile.

The earliest mention of the dig is over a year-and-a-half old, and involves notes copied from ancient texts describing life in the ancient human city of Dorasharn, and the possible location of a House Cannith workshop. There are more notes about the dig dated about four months ago.

At first he had felt pretty safe, greasing a few palms here and there in order to be left alone. The territory which included the excavation site was not claimed by any particular group in the Cogs. After about a month of digging, however, he started feeling uneasy, and began seeing movement out of the corner of his eyes. Eventually he had to hire two hobgoblin mercenaries to watch his back. He hadn't trusted them entirely either, but he figured that as long as he kept paying them on time they would leave him alone.

Later notes indicated that he realized that this couldn't have been the location of the schema, and he had abandoned the dig site. Unfortunately, it seems that he had also dismissed his guards shortly before you found his body.

Although you don't know the Cogs very well, you have heard of Hager's Foundry. It is located near the Platform which is a magical device that carries passengers and cargo from the Iron Bucket (a local inn) down to the levels below. You've never traveled on it, as you accessed the ruins of Dorsharn through the sewers last time.

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Anvuss, Warforged Fighter 2

ShaggySpellsword said:
"If we don't feel too bad about infringing on a site of ancient treasures that others MIGHT consider theirs, we could probably uncover some items of value, and sell them to continue our existence until our patron decides to contact us."

"The thought of a treasure hunt fills me with no bad feelings whatsoever. While dangerous, it seems more interesting than sitting in this inn. In fact, sitting in the Inn has proven somewhat dangerous in any event. Even if the sight is thoroughly picked over and empty, at least it will be an opportunity to stretch out legs. When can we go?"
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First Post

"Well, if you truly wish to explore that site, Tok, I'm with you. Like Anvuss said, it's better than sitting around in an inn. Who knows? Perhaps ancients relics of the Host were lost in Dorasharn!" A wide smile appears on Magnus' face. "I don't have much funds left to finance your scroll making however."


Saric Acoma Human Ranger 2

Saric brightens at the potential for some travel out of this smoke-infested tavern. He sat up straight in his seat, leaning in close to the rest of companions.

"I, for one, am excited to get out of here. Time is being wasted here in this place, and I grow restless."

ShaggySpellsword said:
"With 500gp, I could attempt to make a full contingent of spell scrolls and potions to aid us on our journey. I will have to study the journal a little further to determine what we might need..."

"I must confess, Tok, I have little to contribute to the fund. I can appreciate the need, so I will do what I can. Magic has saved me in the past, and I would like to continue that legacy," he says with a smile. He reaches into his purse, weighing it carefully. He passes over a large handful of coins, careful to shield the action from roaming eyes.

OOC: Saric can put 40 gold towards the scroll construction fund.
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Anvuss' savings

"All that I have, I am willing to lend to you, my friend. As always. Perhaps you could scribe more while we travel?"

OOC: Anvuss had agreed to lend Tok anything up to his entire savings, 226 gp and 8 sp, even before we arrived in Sharn. He trusts Tok entirely to pay him back. Can't we assume Tok used some of that money while we've been stuck in this inn? Surely there are some scrolls Tok wants around on general principals for all occasions.


Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes - Shifter Barbarian

"Tok my friend, leave it to you to think of the future." Reaching into my money purse I pull out 100 GP an handing it over to Tok, "By all means get what items you think will best help us on our journey. I do suggest that we can leave for this site as soon as we are able. I gro very tired of this Inn and all these dirty people and for the good of all, I need some form of distraction."
"So Tok, when do you think you will be ready to leave?"


First Post
OOC Comment

OOC: OK, it seems that you've pretty much made up your mind to head towards the dig (not that I gave you other options). :uhoh: Let me know if you'd like to make any purchases, and subtract the proper amount from your inventory. Please be sure to check the inventory on the RG thread, as that list will determine what you take down below with you.

Also, Tok, we can assume that you've spent part of the last month creating any scrolls, et al., so don't worry about doing that now.

Also, also, let me know if you'd like to do anything else before you head down, otherwise I will move the action towards the Iron Bucket.

Oh, and PS, if you could title your posts with your character name, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


First Post
((OOC: Scroll production: 2nd level spells (CL3, 2nd lvl spells. Market price: 150 gp, To create: 6xp, 75gp DC 23.) Create in this order: See Invisibility, Invisibility, Levitate, Lesser Restoration. If I fail one scroll, try again on that same spell until I get it right. Only make 4 total attempts total for 2nd lvl spells, using up 300 gp and 24 xp. 2 rolls attempted per scroll.

1st level Spells (CL 2, 1st level spells. Market Price 50 gp. To create: 2 xp, 25 gp, DC 21) Create in this order: Comprehend Languages, Faerie Fire. If I fail one scroll, try again on that same spell until I get it right. Only make a total 2 attempts on 1st level spells, using up 50 gp and 4 xp. 2 rolls attempted per scroll.

I will take 210 gp from Anvuss, 40 gp from Saric, and 100 gp from Elocin.

As soon as I find out what scrolls I have after these attempts, I am ready to go.))


First Post
Item Creation

OOC: I was a little confused by the phrasing, so I hope I got it all right.

See Invisibility: (Roll 1) 16 + 10 = 26, success!
Invisibility: (Roll 1) 19 + 10 = 29, success!
Levitate: (Roll 1) 17 + 10 = 27, success!
Lesser Restoration: (Roll 1) 5 + 10 = 15; (Roll 2) 20 + 10 = 30, success!

Comprehend Languages: (Roll 1) 3 + 10 = 13; (Roll 2) 1 + 10 = 11, failure, materials cost and XP lost.
Faerie Fire: (Roll 1) 3 + 10 = 13; (Roll 2) 11 + 10 = 21, success!

Total materials cost: (75gp X 4) + (25gp X 2) = 350 gp
Total XP cost: (6XP X 4) + (2XP X 2) = 28 XP

I'm assuming you're subtracting the XP cost from your craft reserve.

Remember that the caster level on the 2nd-level spells is still only 2, which means that See Invisibility will last 20 mins, and Invisibility and Levitate only 2 mins.

Let me know if I got everything right.

Voidrunner's Codex

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