Eldon the Summoner Intro.


First Post
A man approach a nearby village. He is wearing a dark blue
outfit. With black soft soled shoes. He carries with him a
black wood staff. He is bald and has no facial hair either.
He is of medium build and average height.

The man strolls into the village and enters a nearby
tavern. To get a bite to eat and rest his feet. For he has
traveled many miles to reach this land.

As he sits and eats. He notices two men staring at him and
speaking softly. He just shrugs it off as no big deal. He
finishes eating and gets up from the table.

As he gets out the door he is shoved from behind. He falls
to the ground. He rolls over to see the two from the tavern
standing there with daggers.

"Hey, give us your money or we will kill

The man slowly gets up and brushes himself off. He looks at
the men and smiles.

"I'm sorry have I offended you some
the asks.

"We don't like foreign types. Now give us your

"I'm sorry I can't do that."

"But I can give you this"

The man starts to mumble some foreign tongue.

The tiger moves underneath the pillars;
shields against the punch of the teardrop!

The wind begins to wipe around and his staff begins to glow
a bright yellow. The men looking
scared toss there daggers at the man. Only to strike an
invisible shield in front of him. As the staff grows
brighter an shape leaps forth. Landing in front of the men
is a tiger. The two men's jaws almost hit the ground as the
tiger lets out a mighty roar. As they see this the two turn
tail and run leaving a trail of yellow on the ground behind

The man once again speaks and the tiger leaps back into the

"That will teach you to mess with Eldon the
Summoner again!"
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