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[Epic D&D] Peace No More (Full-Again)


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Hey Jemal...I took the liberty of starting ya a thread for your "core rule only" game...hope ya don't mind. :)

Jemal has all the details, but this is for people who want to be involved in a CORE RULE BOOK ONLY epic game (PHB, DMG and ELH).

Let me ask for a spot officially here.. :)

Edit: Just FYI for the newcomer, this is Jemal's game, I just started the thread. You'll find all the necessary game stats listed here, so please address Jemal when asking the questions.
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Guilt Puppy

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If he's into running it, and there's room, count me in. I agree a lot with the core-rules philosophy (esp for PbP, where you can't just pass a book around), but maybe that's just cause I don't have the cash to shell out for all the books involved :)

Character-wise, I wouldn't mind playing "the Cleric" (haven't done that in a while), but I don't have much concept beyond that (although the archetypal cleric can still be pretty interesting to roleplay on its own).

Out of curiosity, would all the player-characters be assumed to know each other, have adventured together, et cetera? Could require some in-party group history, but that could be fun itself.


First Post
Out of curiosity, would all the player-characters be assumed to know each other, have adventured together, et cetera? Could require some in-party group history, but that could be fun itself.

I think that would be very cool...count me towards that vote...


Guilt puppy - That's the exact reason I prefer it as core rules, b/c not everyone has the resources for much more than Core books. (Including me..) Most of my 'splat' rules come from either Dragon Mag, or whatever books I manage to borrow off of my friends.

Arknath - thnx, it's not a problem for me.

Now, onto details.
Books: As said before, PHB, DMG, ELH.
Races: PHB Races, I might allow some of the ones that have EL adjustments on table 2-4 in the DMG, but that's on a case-by-case basis.
Classes: ALL PH classes, all DMG prestige clases, and the classes from the ELH other than the psionics (I have nothing against it, I just don't have the book)
LVL: depends on what the players want, I'ld like everyone who's interested to vote for a lvl. anythnig lvl 21-50 is acceptable to me, and After everyone votes, I'll take the average of all the lvls(Rounded up).
Everything else depends on what lvl you vote, so I'll post the rest of the details in a new post once lvl is decided.
First 3 (Maybe 4) people to vote for a lvl are in. Plus there's a spot reserved for Arknath once he votes.
So final total should run 4-5 people. That should be enough, especially if people end up with Cohorts.

OH, speaking of which.. I don't allow cohorts to have Leadership.
Another vote - for Cohorts should we recruit people to play them, let the PC with the Leadership play their own cohort, or should I play them.

So what I need from everyoen:
LVL you wanna play, Race/Class concept, and vote on the Leadership thing.


First Post
I vote on 35, that's just me. Also, I would like to play a druid...half elf possibly. As far as leadership goes...well, I think it would be cool to recruit...but then we may run into confusion and space problems...so I vote for recruitment or DM controlled.

What is going to be your take on epic spells?

Guilt Puppy

First Post
My vote for level: 30. Well into epic power, but still somewhat within the realm of earthly concerns, which allows for more storyline options.

Probably won't take Leadership, but if I did I'd prefer someone else (either you or another player) to play the cohort, as that leaves room for more beneficial conversation.

Edit: Missed where you asked for race/class concept. I'm thinking somewhere between Half-Orc Cleric of Cuthbert or human Monk... Basically, someone who is both extremely wise and extremely humble. Along those lines, I'm also considering playing a character not unlike Exantrius from my sig game (I really started to enjoy playing him, even as an NPC, so there's a certain appeal.) Also wouldn't mind playing a vastly more advanced version of Vopha from a Game of Improvising (which, sadly, died) if you want to look that up for reference... Although I might need to talk to you about a few house-rules to make that character work.

In short, not really too decided, will get more clear once I see what everyone else is playing. Playing a cleric would be first choice (epic spells are fun to design!), but hardly required.

Also, a big factor is going to be whether or not we have a group history... If we've been supposedly functioning as a party for some time, then that rules out certain character concepts which I might otherwise go for. Anyway... Yeah, I guess that answers that part of the question :)
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First Post
Level 30 or 35 would be fine with me. Perhaps level 33 since everyone gets an extra feat.

The board ate my first post, but I was thinking of playing a cleric, an aasimar sorcerer/paladin if that race is available, or fighter rogue for lots of feats and skills.

If you wouldn't mind me playing, I'm interested in making an epic level wizard.

Around level 30 sounds fun to me, though I can adapt to whatever is decided if you let me join.
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First Post
This sounds like an excellent idea! I very much appreciate the concept of a core-books-only epic campaign. I put my vote in as a level 30th sorceror with a cohort to be run by the DM.


First Post
I would like you consideration to run a cohort if you decide to go that route. Would the cohort be epic level as well?

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