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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Jackal 28 (4HP, 1L, 1S), Sho 23 (2VP, 3L, fatigued, disabled), Kevin 22 (5HP, 1L, 3S, KO), Dara 20 (4HP, 2S), Xi 15 (1HP, 1L), Li 14 (1HP, 1L, disabled), Havok 13, Amazon 12 (3HP, 1L), X12 10 (4HP, 8S, KO), Carl 4 (5HP, 2L)

Raisa hits the helpless Sho again with lethal force, much to the same effect. Dara is urging her on. Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!

Attack roll: 25 hits
Damage save (DC23): 4 (VP 12) fails (1L, disabled)

Carl finally shakes free of his daze and picks up his gun. He says something to Raisa, but she doesn't hear him. Jackal has a strange look on his face, unsure of what to do. Dara continues to urge Raisa on, and keep Sho motionless while Xi looks on impassively, not interfering.

Raisa is up again.

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Calinon said:
Loco takes the tracking pad and examines the direction the truck is heading. "The majority of the Elite Forces are very distant," he says. "But I shall see about heading Ghost off myself, though I doubt I have the ability to stop him alone," he says, stepping over to where the hole had been filled in by Mason. "The tunnel is obviously down here," he says, as he starts to spin, obviously with the intent of tunnelling downward.

A couple of us can travel pretty quickly, we can help you if you want. Michelle tells Loco before he starts to drill.

If he agrees she will call Vince over.

Come on we are going to see if we can catch the truck.


First Post
"The rest of you," Raisa says coldly, her eyes never moving from Sho. "Go after Master Wen. Dara and I can finish off in here."

Raisa will hit her again.

OOC: Until Sho stays down or someone stops me, assume I'll keep pounding the witch.
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Loki will create an illusion of Michelle. "Thank you Loki, you are so very brave," says the illusionary Michelle. "We are forever in your debt, what would we do without you."

"It was my pleasure to be of service your imperial highness," says Loki, kneeling before the illusion. "You have only to command, and I shall obey."


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Jackal 28 (4HP, 1L, 1S), Sho 23 (2VP, 4L, fatigued, disabled), Kevin 22 (5HP), Dara 20 (4HP, 2S), Xi 15 (1HP), Li 14 (1HP), Havok 13, Amazon 12 (3HP, 1L), X12 10 (4HP, 2L, 11S, KO), Carl 4 (5HP, 2L)

Jackal is stunned at Raisa's attitude, even Xi, with obviously no love loss towards Sho, is beginning to get the same look. Dara continues to urge Raisa on, and Raisa drives her fist into Sho's stomach, drawing a trickle of blood from Sho's mouth.

Attack roll: 8 hits
Damage save (DC23): 11 (1L, disabled... again!)


Something very cold presses against the back of Raisa's head. "Raisa," Carl says, pressing his gun forward. "You've already finished here. Should I do what you asked me to. You know, if you lost control of yourself?"

Screw that! Dara exclaims to Raisa's mind. He wouldn't dare shoot you! Just kill the witch! She then adds darkly, I can take Carl out.

"There are at least three powerful mutants still able to fight us," Xi says, watching the exchange but not interfering. "We'll need all of us to ensure Master Wen can be recovered safely." He drags Kevin over to X12, touching skin to skin. Kevin jolts awake. Without much concern for X12, he follows that up by dragging the nearby Li over to him, and touching X12 himself as well. Li's injuries rapidly heal, and she sits up with a gasp.

X12 is looking like a giant mass of wounds, though most are bruises. The injury from Li fortunately mends quickly on him and his wounds are already healing.

Jackal looks completely unsure of what to do, between Raisa's violence, Carl's endangerment of Raisa and Xi's callousness towards X12.

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area

Metal Mistress, Speed Demon
"Against a powerless Mason you have barely prevailed. Ghost, who's true abilities we barely know, will not suffer from that hindrance," Loco says. "The dangerous virus has been destroyed, and even if Ghost escapes, he does so empty handed by your admittance." Loco gestures at the gathered injured. "The other young members of your team are badly injured. Let's not add to that today. I will do what I can to harass Ghost, but I do not hold any illusions that I shall be able to stop him, even with your aid. You should remain here and look after the others," Loco says.

"Oh puh-leeze," Monica says, coming over. "You just want a shot to hog the glory. Three of us can keep up no problem, and we're not afraid of any Ghosts."

"You're all nuts," the glowing green man says from off to the side. "You got no way to even touch the guy. And I know all about being incorporeal," he adds, walking back to accompany SJ and the injured to the elevators.

"Hey, dude," Cosmo says with a nod at Loki. "You're kneeling in some entrails there."

Cosmo soon leaves with several guards, accompanying Mason's unconscious form.

OOC: Anyone wanting to go with Cosmo and Mason can do so, and anyone wanting to go to the infirmary can as well.

SJ, along with the other injured, is taken up to a medical facility on stretchers. Immediately, the injured are treated, and though their bedside manner, for the most part, sucks, the doctors know their stuff and manage to do some amazing work. After several hours, most of you have been treated. Rebound seems tired, but fully recovered, while Mantis is resting comfortably. Though he won't be walking for some time and he is held immobile to let his internal organs heal, Straightjacket is in no pain. Only Anna, and some of the guards, remain in the operating room. Oddly, Neutron is also missing.

The other members of the team are allowed in the hospital area, to visit with the injured. The glowing green man is here as well, reading a magazine.

You are taken in an elevator seperately from the others. You don't recognize the floor you get off on, but you know it wasn't on any of the maps provided by SAP. While the others are taken to a hospital area, you are taken to something that far more resembles a lab. You are placed in a high tech isolation chamber, where IV's are run. You are poked and prodded, and after several hours, even to your normally dense self, it starts to dawn on you that you are not feeling better. In fact, you feel like you are being studied more than helped. In fact, the restraints in place are definitely not there to prevent you from hurting yourself.

There are probably a dozen scientists observing you and performing tests and other procedures you don't understand fully. There are also five guards here, and not equipped like the guards that aided you and got slaughtered below. These are all dressed in gleaming silver body armor, a pair guarding each of two exits, and one standing beside your isolation chamber, not taking his eyes off you.


First Post
Kevin Stand up, a hand on his head. "That blast, I didn't see it coming..." he looks around, looking at everyone. "What are you standing for like that, where is Wen?" It is at that moment he see Sho, with large bruises, Raisa ready for another blow, but Carl with his gun on her head. "What the... I would be blame if I wanted to take vengeance on Mia, but it's fine for you to take it on Sho! Wen is in danger and you waste time on a dying girl..." Kevin walks up to Jackal "Can I?" he asks, his hand ready to touch him. "I need some powers if I want to be usefull against Mia."

OOC: Will mimic Amazing Save(Damage), and his feats.


First Post
"It's not a waste until this bitch is dead," Raisa snarls. Between Dara's mental encouragement and her own desire for blood, she hesitates a moment before lowering her fists and backing down. She looks over her shoulder at Carl. "Deja vu."

She steps away from the touch of his gun and looks at the now conscious Li. "Do me a favour mèl, secure Sho so she can't go anywhere. I'm sure the authorities will want what's left of her." Unless we get to her first, she finishes mentally to Dara.

"Let's go save Master Wen then," She says emotionlessly.


First Post
Calinon said:
Metal Mistress, Speed Demon
"Against a powerless Mason you have barely prevailed. Ghost, who's true abilities we barely know, will not suffer from that hindrance," Loco says. "The dangerous virus has been destroyed, and even if Ghost escapes, he does so empty handed by your admittance." Loco gestures at the gathered injured. "The other young members of your team are badly injured. Let's not add to that today. I will do what I can to harass Ghost, but I do not hold any illusions that I shall be able to stop him, even with your aid. You should remain here and look after the others," Loco says.

I think they were after something other then the Anaconda virus, perhaps some other biological weapon and personally I don't think leaving whatever they took in Anarchy's hands is a good idea, at the very least we could cripple the vehicle so he has to leave it behind. She tells him.

We all understand the risks involved or we wouldn't be in these uniforms and I know we aren't very experienced but our help could mean the difference between stopping Ghost or letting him get away, besides the longer we argue the further he gets. If things get to dangerous we will cut and run, ok?

<ooc: cue cheesy patriotic music here>


Beginning to get annoyed, Sanjay tugs weakly at his restraints. "Um, hey, for the record, I'm a member of EPIC, not a lab rat, m'kay? I mean, I don't know what's going on here, but I'm a close, personal friend of Ms. Vaile, and she won't be too happy if I bite it because you guys were busy prodding me instead of helping me. And I mean, really not happy."

That's a lame attempt at a Initimdate check, 'cause Neutron's Initmidate rank is also lame (+2). More of a response gauger before trying something else.

Voidrunner's Codex

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