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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (1VP), Aerin 30 (1S, 1VP), Vince 28, Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP), Monica 22 (1S, 1HP), Loki 21 (2HP, Suffocating), Mantis 19, Straightjacket 18 (1HP), Mole 15, Metal Mistress 13 (1HP), Neutron 12 (1HP), Anithos 11 (2VP), Johan 7 (1S, Both duplicates suffocating, 1 unconscious), Anna 6 (3S, 3HP), Rebound 5 (1HP, Suffocating)

Vince streaks out of the elevator and heads at flick, running up the side of the containment unit. There is a small BOOM as he tries to mach one punch her. An energy tendril snakes out from her and slaps Vince's hand aside before he can connect. She barely even moves, seeming very confident in her body's ability to protect itself.

Attack roll: 26 (natural 20, crit)
Deflection roll: 28 (attack deflected)

Cosmo's eyes flutter open and he gets up, shaking his head. Monica regains consciousness as well, rolling to her knees even as she starts to transform.

Both spend HP to gain a KO recovery check (DC10): Cosmo 14, Kitten 12 (both succeed).

Loki is up.

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First Post
Still gasping for Breath, Loki will attempt an illusion. With an audible "Ding!" the elevator doors open again, revealing a group of security robots, blasters in hand. The robots wheel out of the elevator, and raise their weapons. "Taget: aquired" they drone as one, and open fire on the nearest foes.


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (1VP), Aerin 30 (2S, 2VP), Vince 28, Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP), Monica 22 (1S, 1HP), Loki 21 (2HP, Suffocating), Mantis 19, Straightjacket 18 (1HP), Mole 15, Metal Mistress 13 (1HP), Neutron 12 (1HP, Suffocating), Anithos 11 (2VP), Johan 7 (1S, Both duplicates suffocating, 1 unconscious), Anna 6 (3S, 3HP), Rebound 5 (1HP, Suffocating)

Loki's robots swarm out of the elevator blasting at Aerin as they advance.

"Crap! Nobody said anything about robots!" Aerin exclaims.

OOC: Heh, I've been forgetting this is a mental attack and using the wrong attack bonus for you and wrong defense for your targets. Also, if you don't give me hero point benchmarks, and you fail a save or miss an attack, there is no hp useage to re-roll for you. You are desperately close to losing consciousness.

Constitution check (DC11): 11 succeeds
Attack roll: 19 hits
Will save (DC17): 10 (VP to re-roll becomes 14) fails (1S)
Concentration check (DC17): 23 succeeds (Suffocation still going)

Mantis leaps at Aerin, slashing at his guarding elementals. She impales one with her insect arms, and it vanishes in a puff of wind.

Straightjacket leaps at the Mole, trying to wrap him up. While he starts to get a hold on him, the Mole shifts enough to hold him at bay.

Attack roll: Natural 20 (no crit as the Mole is immune)
Opposed grapple: SJ 16, Mole 16 (draw)

For this, I am just adding the net bonus to the superior grappler. In this case, it's the Mole. He's not a novice grappler, you can tell that for certain. Plus he's a size category larger.

The Mole holds off Straightjacket, but focusses still on Neutron. "You're cutting into my profit, punk," he growls, and with that launches himself straight at you in a powerful bull rush. You are carried backwards 35 feet where you are slammed into the wall.

Opposed strength: Mole 39, Sanjay 9

With speed that belies his size, the Mole clamps a massive paw over your face, nearly blocking you from breathing completely! Then stars flood your vision as you impact and drive into the wall, head first.


Attack roll: 21 hits
Opposed grapple: Unwinnable and you are grappled one handed! (he gets 31 on a roll of 1)
Damage save (DC23): 23 success (WOW!)
Constitution check (DC10): 18 success (you are however, in danger of suffocation! Your endurance feat counts towards your check)

Metal Mistress and Neutron are both up. Johan may want to attack someone else, as Flick is atop a containment unit, some 20 feet off the ground. Aerin and his elementals are on the ground, as is the visible Anithos. Loki, you can see the invisible Anithos flying near the trucks.


"Iinle hemf ere?" <Translated from Smotherese: Little help here?> Neutron begins to panic, less about the fact that he's currently being smothered by a very big man, and more that he's being kept away from the containers. "I tot mo's eh sfosed ta ve vind, lemme hemf you wi dat." <I thought moles were supposed to be blind, let me help you with that.> He creates a small bottle of mace in his hand and tries to spray it in the Mole's eyes.

Using Transmutation to create the mace and EE to simulate a Dazzle +7 attack (at -4 'cause I'm grappled), but I won't be using an HP to counter fatigue.


First Post
Michelle flys out of the elevator her forcefield springing up around her.

Do you have any idea the amount of people that can be killed if this virus gets loose? Are you willing to risk the lives of millions of people just to line your pocket book? She tells the mercs in an angry tone.

Mon, help Straight Jacket and Neutron. The rest of you double team the ones here, Johan stop the men loading virus.

With that she will turn and face Aerin, if there are no containment devices behind him she will let loose a blast of magnetic energy at him. If he is still standing then she will use a heroic surge and shoot at him again.
(use a hp if the attack roll is less then 14)

Powers and stuff: Flight: half move, Forcefield: free action, Energy blast: half action, Heroic surge: energy blast - half action, Leadership (+1 to all checks including initiative) free action


"Affirmative," Johan says as he changes his plan from tackling Anithos to stopping mooks from carrying the canisters. Move to get to the cars, if not needing a double move, duplicate to create four duplicates at +5. Both previous duplicates dismissed.


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (2S, 2VP), Vince 28, Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP), Monica 22 (1S, 1HP), Loki 21 (2HP, Suffocating), Mantis 19, Straightjacket 18 (1HP), Mole 15 (scent-dazzled), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP), Neutron 12 (1HP, Suffocating, fatigued), Anithos 11 (2VP), Johan 7 (2S), Anna 6 (3S, 3HP), Rebound 5 (2HP, Suffocating), Mooks 0 (dead last)

With everything going on rapidly, Aerin and Flick don't even acknowledge Michelle's comments. She cuts loose a blast downward at Aerin so as not to hit any of the many, many containment units around by accident, but one of his elementals steps in the way of the blast, poofing to nothingness.

Attack roll: 19 miss (strikes cover)
Damage save (DC25): 19 (destroyed)

A second magnetic blast streaks downward, and just as it is about to hit the man, who doesn't seem able to move out of the way, another elemental streaks in to block the shot! It suffers no better than the other one, vanishing, leaving only 7 elementals swirling about Aerin.


Attack roll: 21 miss (strikes cover)
Damage save (DC25): 10 (destroyed)

Neutron isn't faring so well. In desperation he thrusts his hands towards where he hopes the Mole's head is, and blasts a black beam that turns into a wet cloud of mist. The mist surrounds the Mole's snout and eyes, but he doesn't look overly affected.

"I am blind, you idiot," he growls, ears twitching. Then he sneezes, and his breathing seems labored. He sneezes again, then again, and keeps sneezing, but his ears start twitching, as if he can use them as well to help guide his actions!

Attack roll: 14 hits
Reflex save: 11 fails

Result: Mole (already nearly blind) is under scent dazzle, rendering that blindsight sense useless.

Anithos, exiting the office pauses for a moment, then nods towards the trucks as if agreeing with something. "I'll ready our exit," he says calmly to the Mole, who barely acknowledges the statement with a grunt, then Anithos vanishes.

Johan rushes towards the three armored cars, making it there and creating two duplicates as his other two vanish. The two mercs that had the cannister Sanjay destroyed both draw weapons and line him up. He can see two more mercs carrying another cannister from the containment unit, hustling towards the middle truck.

Anna's rockets fire and she launches through the air, launching a freezing ray at Flick. In the blink of an eye, an energy tendril snakes up, batting at the beam, knocking it down into the container. The container rocks slightly, but the freeze ray does nothing to puncture it's skin.

Attack roll: 22 hits
Deflection roll: 27 succeeds

Rebound slams into the roof, rebounding downward at Flick with ludicrous speed. He seems rather blue in the face, on the verge of losing consciousness. He bounces back upwards, away from the woman.

Constitution check (DC11): 11 succeeds
Attack roll: 14 (HP to re-roll becomes a 24)
Damage save (DC 24): 8 (VP to re-roll becomes 20) fails (1S)

Another pair of soldiers hustles out of the containment unit, enterring the middle truck and securing the cannister they hold within. One of the two cannisterless mercs slams the doors behind them and a force field springs up around the truck, making two such protected vehicles. The other merc shoots at Johan.

Attack roll: 18 hits (duplicate is hit)
Damage save (DC15): 13 fails (1S - KO!)

... round 4...fight!

With the only two surviving cannisters locked into two of the three armored cars, Flick puts a finger to her earpiece and says, "That's it! Anithos, do your thing and we're home free! Aerin, let's move!"

Flick leaps down from the container, running towards the trucks. She comes right up behind Johan and slams her staff into the back of his neck. "Get lost, punk," she says with a confident as Johan reels from the clipping shot.

Attack roll: 24 hits (real Johan is hit)
Damage save (DC17): 3 (HP to re-roll becomes 12) fails (1S)

Aerin sends his entire horde of elemental swarming at Metal Mistress and Mantis as he runs full out towards the trucks. As he gets to the first force field protected vehicle, he says "Recognize Aerin!" and passes right through the force field, opening the door and climbing behind the wheel.

Four of the elementals swarm at Metal Mistress, while three attack Mantis.

Attack rolls: MM -- 7, 11, 16, 20 (miss, miss, hit, hit); Mantis 12, 18, 15 (miss, miss, miss)
Damage save (DC10): 20, 12 (successes)

Vince, Loki and Straightjacket can do their actions. Leadership saved Johan from being stunned and Rebound from falling unconscious hehe.

Lancheng, China
October 25, 2120

The truck bounces along the dirt road towards Pai Mei and soon enough, you arrive on the outskirts of the town. Everything seems relatively normal in town, though the townsfolk look oddly at most of you, decked out in EPIC uniforms. Li passes through the town fairly quickly, and after about fifteen minutes more travel, parks on the side of the road.

Pointing into the forest and towards the hills a few miles distant, Li says, "The hills are that way. We should probably go on foot from here, yes? There are caves all around those hills; we will have to find the right ones."

Let me know what you guys are going to do :)
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First Post
"It seems we will need your tracking talent, X. If they hide, your smell will be the more usefull. Do you want to do it by yourself or do you want some help?"


First Post
"Your not getting away that easy!" Leaping down after Flick, Vince will run her down from behind to give a Mach One punch and use Move by Attack so he is in front of her in case she doesnt drop.

Voidrunner's Codex

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