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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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Loki will spend the HP to get the check to regain conscienceness.

If he makes the check: "Damn..." looking around at the after image of Anithos' illusion. It's obvious that some of the EPIC team have been fooled and are now incapable of seeing the bad guys, "cool illusion." Loki then trys to counteract Anithos' illusion with an illusion of his own (OOC: Not sure how this will work). He will create illiusions of the trucks, the hole, and the mole, where they actually are, hoping that his teammates can now see them.

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Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

After Kevin mimics X's tracking abilities, and with Michael transformed using similar skills, the scent to all three of exhaust fumes is strong enough to lead the group through the forest with little difficulty. The terrain is rough and rocky, and the valleys are filled with trees. After about an hour of hiking, you find a wide dirt trail with obvious use recently by a large group of motorcycles. Staying to the forest you follow the trail to its conclusion.

The trees stop at the base of one of several large connected hills. Caves dot the hillside, but the road leads upwards to a large cave opening, outside of which, about a half mile ahead, about a dozen motorcycles are parked. You can see people moving outside that cave.

Carl looks up at the caves. "Not much cover," he says.

"There are sixteen men with guns outside the cave. Two are hiding behind the boulder to the left, two more behind that outcropping on the right, keeping watch. Two near the campfire are sitting a foot off the ground, legs crossed, in mid air," Li says, the whites of her eyes turning deep blue. She looks around at the other caves. "There is one man up in that cave on the left wall with a rifle. There is another there, atop that ridge."
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With the warehouse suddenly empty and all the damage having vanished, Vince easily knows this is an illusion. He will hold his action, readying a Mach One Punch to the first bad guy that takes a swing at him or appears within running distance.


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Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP), Vince 24 (1HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 1S, 1L, powerless), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19, Straightjacket 18 (1HP, stunned, powerless), Mole 15 (1VP, 1L, 2S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP), Neutron 12 (2HP, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S, powerless), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying, powerless), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mooks 0, Anithos 0 (4VP - powerless)

Vince stands there wondering what is going on.

Cosmo pauses for a moment, unable to attack Anithos.

Will save (DC22): 14 fails

Instead he closes his eyes and gets a very intense look on his face. "If you are flying, land!" he shouts, and then a pulse bubble of black energy flashes outward from him. It strikes everyone in the room except Sanjay. The bubble stops barely two feet from him.

OOC: Everyone gets reflex saves, but I won't bother listing them. Too many. The lower DC Will save is for those that made it. Continuous/Permanent powers are not affected nor counted towards the highest power rank.

Will save (DC15): Vince 12 (HP 17)
Will save (DC20): Damaged truck 18, Undamaged truck 25, Flick 27, Aerin 22, Anithos 17 (VP 17), Mole 22, Monica 16 (hybrid form unaffected), Loki 21, Mantis 22, Straightjacket 14, MM 29, Johan 18 (HP 18), Anna 19, Rebound 10 (HP 26)

The energy field remains crackling around Anithos, Straightjacket and Johan, as well as the unconscious forms of Monica and the dying Anna. The blood pooling about her head is only accentuated by the energy coursing about her. Near her, the damaged truck's force field conks out, sparks shooting from beneath the vehicle. As a shocked Anithos drops out of the air, the illusions vanish. Cosmo continues to look strained as he tries to maintain his power.

Vince dashes forward at the Mole, the closest opponent now that he can see things again. He punches at the burly beast who suddenly shrinks down as well, though he's still immense! The punch causes a ripple in the fur of the Mole.

Attack roll: 24 hits
Damage save (DC16): 6 (VP 18) succeeds

Monica groans and pulls herself to a standing position near the wall.

Loki shakes his head and sits up, dazed and confused.

Recovery check: 21 (you are dazed, my mistake. You can't take actions until next round)

Mantis, leaps towards the final truck with a force field over it, slamming her insectoid arms into it in an attempt to pierce the bubble, but the force field holds.

Straightjacket, with both his and the Mole's sizes reduced suddenly, finds himself in the unenviable position of trying to pin the hulking brute without the aid of his super strength! It proves too difficult, and the Mole barely has to work to keep SJ from holding him immobile.

Opposed roll (+14 for Mole atm): SJ 10, Mole 21

The Mole growls in extreme anger, snorting through his nose to clear it of the remnants of the mace. "I'm through playing around!" he bellows. He rips free of Straightjacket, then turns and slashes violently at him.

Dazzle recovery check (DC16): 17
Opposed grapple check: Mole 21, SJ 4 (mole escapes grapple)


Attack roll: 17 hits
Damage save (DC30): 21 fails (1L, stunned)

As Straightjacket flies back fifteen feet and impacts the wall of the main containment unit, the Mole spins and dives his claws straight at Vince's chest. The chest of Vince's uniform is shredded as he barely sucks his chest and stomach back far enough to avoid getting eviscerated.

Attack roll: 31
Damage save (DC30): 30 succeeds

The Mole doesn't hang around any either, using the momentum of his attack to carry him barrelling towards the tipped over truck.

Metal Mistress, Neutron, Johan are up. And that didn't quite go as the bad guys had hoped.


Neutron turns towards the trucks, concentrating on the overturned one. "Coz, can you get that last force field down?," he yells out, disintegrating the back of the truck and focusing on doing the same to the container and its contents within.

Two half actions; one to open up the truck, and one plus an HP to take out container #2.


First Post
OOC: I've mimicked the same thing as last time, which is:

Power: Super-Sense
Feats: Scent, Blind-Sight, Iron Will and Rapid Healing
Skills: Listen

"Guns... Raisa, I know I'll be annoying, but please, let me mimic your powers. You are bulletproof to most guns. There is no reason not to let me. Nova's and Dara's power and wild, but yours are stable. I have use it more than once and I've done nothing stupid with it, and we are better to put all our chance on our side. We are not trining, and it is not a test, it is Wen's and Xi's life we are talking about here."

OOC: If she accept, I spend the HP needed to mimic her power and touch her.

OOC: If she refuse, I spend the HP needed to mimic her power and touch her. and say:

"Well, I'll follow your advice in that case. And it won't told that I havn't try everything to get them out of here."

OOC: In both situation, if I successfully have Raisa power, I'll mimic Michael's regenration, droping his Amazing save damage.


First Post
Michelle flies down towards the ground in order to get a clear line of fire on Mole (preferably with the over turned truck behind him, in case the shots miss.)

Rebound take out Anithos , Vince help Tara get through the forcefield. Johan get Anna out of the line of fire if you can. The rest press the attack, don't let them get away.

Although she notices Sanjay, she will not say anything so she doesn't draw attention to him.

Once she has a clear shot of the Mole she will take a shot at him, followed closely by another.

Powers: Flight-half action, Forcefield-free action, Leadership-free action, Energy blast-half action, Heroic surge-energy blast-half action <hp to negate fatigue>
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First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP, stunned), Vince 24 (1HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 1S, 1L, powerless), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19, Straightjacket 18 (1HP, stunned, powerless), Mole 15 (1VP, 1L, 2S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP), Neutron 12 (2HP, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S, powerless), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying, powerless), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mooks 0, Anithos 0 (4VP - powerless)

Michelle blasts at the Mole as she calls out directions. The blast strikes him, but he shrugs off the hit with only a patch of flattened fur to show for MM's effort. She is feeling very odd, and the blast seems extremely weak, then suddenly she crashes to the ground.

Attack roll: 17 hits
Damage save: Insufficient power to harm the Mole

I'm not going to allow feats to be taken as extra effort. Power stunts, yes, but not general feats.

Michelle finds herself completely devoid of all powers, even though she knows she fought off Cosmo's effects! She figures out why moments later...

Neutron blasts the rear doors of the damaged truck with a destructive beam. While the surface bubbles and somewhat damaged, he fails to get through the doors! Even blasting at the doors a second time, he fails to burn through! They appear to made of some very high tech alloy.

Doors take 14 points of hardness damage.

Johan makes it to Anna's side. Her wounds are severe and mostly on her head, along with an obviously broken arm and dislocated shoulder. You do what you can to try to help her, though it isn't much. Her wounds continue to bleed badly, and she appears in dire need of medical attention or she could die!

Medicine Check (DC15): 8

Anna's con check to avoid death (DC10): 14 (she remains dying and unconscious)

"Get back here, you hairy beast!" Rebound says, tromping after the Mole and grabbing him in a bear hug. The Mole shoves him backwards off him and continues on his way to the overturned truck.

Attack roll: 12 misses

The few Mooks outside each fire a round at Sanjay before retreating through the force field of the undamaged truck. Two shots bounce of the nearby containment unit, while another deflects off his forehead.

Attack rolls: 9, 7, 18
Damage save (DC13): 17 succeeds

Anithos shakes his wand in frustration and seems to shrink, losing about a foot in height, his outfit becoming much less sparkly and attractive. Near Mantis, Hoppy suddenly vanishes and Mantis falls to her knees clutching her stomach and head as if she's very ill.

Mantis and MM have been drained of their powers when Anithos' wands were neutralized. You've been using powers above your normal ability for so long, it has left your systems overburdened and needing some time to recover. This drain includes any powers that had been boosted by 2 points, and any super-feats relating to those powers.

In addition, nobody is affected any longer by Anithos' super charismatic presence, though you do remember you don't hate him, and he's not really a bad fellow.

Round 6... fight!

Flick shakes her staff once and it compresses into a much smaller device. Throwing the driver door open, she leans out and blasts Cosmo with a beam of energy. With Cosmo needing to concentrate on maintaining his massive effect, he fails to dodge the beam and can't even try to neutralize it as it hits him. He staggers sideways, stunned, and those affected by his powers are free to act.

Attack roll: 19 hits
Fort save (DC16): 7 (HP 15) fails (stunned)

She smirks, slamming the door and starting the truck's engine. The force field shimmers once, but fails to reappear, remaining disabled.

Aerin looks out the window with a rather non-to-pleased glare, specifically at the actions of Neutron. A solid white wall, nearly opaque, appears in front of the back doors of the damaged vehicle, adding complete concealment and buying additional time for their getaway.

Cosmo is unable to shake himself free of the stun effect of the blaster of Flick.

Vince, Loki and SJ are up. SJ can use a hero point to unstun and act normally.


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He'll spend the hero point to unstun. Then he'll grow back to full size and go after the van with no forcefield. His goal is to keep it from leaving, either by smashing or flipping it.


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