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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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Rushing towards the trucks to help Tara, Vince gets in a Mach One cheapshot from behind on the Mole as he passes him.

Powers: Superspeed, Dodge focused on Mole (Def 29), Mach One Punch, Move by attack.

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Raisa's eyes are narrow as she counts the Red Rose goons herself and shakes her head slightly. There was little chance they were getting in without someone noticing. Lost in her own thoughts on the situation, she almost doesn't hear Kevin, but when he takes a step toward her she snaps her staff up and presses it against his chest, keeping him more than arms length away from her.

"I am far from bullet proof," She snarls. "I just can ignore it a little better than most. And I meant it when I said no. Is there something in that brain of yours that is physically unable to comprehend when a girl says no? You so much as touch me and I'll be knocking your ass into next week and then I'll haul your carcass down there myself and exchange you for Master Wen and Xi. We have an understanding?"

She pushes him away for emphasis and turns her attention back to the goons ahead, but still wary of any action taken by Kevin. "We need to take out the snipers first, but they'll be hard to get to unless we can distract the others. I'm thinking a small earthqake to get them scrambling. Any other suggestions?"


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Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

Michael, Li, Carl and Dara watch Raisa and Kevin wondering what is going to happen, but quickly turn their attention towards the hillsides and the snipers.

"I could take out a sniper," Michael says confidently. "He wouldn't even hear me coming I bet," he says confidently.

"This isn't exactly my best terrain," Carl says, watching to see if Raisa is going to club Kevin like a baby seal. "Raisa could sneak up I bet."

"Or Kevin if he mimics my sneaky sneaky bits, he could," Michael adds.

"If we take that ridge," Carl says, "I could use their rifles to take out people in the camp while people run in."

"I am very much in support of any plan that doesn't involve us running up a road in plain view, yes?" Li says. "I would offer to share my limited powers, Kevin, but I fear they would bring you the discomfort that accompanies them," she adds without much elaboration, hands tucked into her sleeves as she watches up the hillside.

"Well, we'll have to approach in the open at some point," Dara says. "I can't really do too much but..." Dara says. "I bet I could make them think we are part of their gang if I gotta, but the less of them their are, and the less of us I have to make them buy the trick, the easier it will be. And someone might see through it."

"Yeah, but if we can take the high ground, Raisa could do what she said and create a heck of an avalanche," Michael says. "That might be just as good."


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Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP, stunned), Vince 24 (1HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (0PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, stunned), Mole 15 (1VP, 1L, 3S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 0PL Magnetic Control), Neutron 12 (2HP, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mooks 0, Anithos 0 (4VP)

Vince dashes towards the trucks, punching the Mole in the oversized bottom as he passes. The jiggle effect is somewhat comical, though Mole's curse is anything but.

Attack roll: 18 hits
Damage save (DC15): 14 fails (1S)

Monica leaps to her feet and charges the Mole as well, moving as fast as Vincent does. The streak of orange and black slams into the Mole's side, staggering back from the impact as she shoves the Mole into the truck before him.

Attack roll: 17 hits
Mole damage sace (DC15): 17 succeeds
Monica damage save (DC18): 14 fails (1S)

Mantis is ignoring the truck, Michelle... well, everything, and instead is heading slowly towards Anithos, who already appears to be regaining his height and appearance.

Straightjacket shakes free of his momentary stun and strides towards the damaged vehicle, growing as he moves. He slams into the side of the truck, trying to bear it over onto its side. The truck rocks, but while he could lift a car or truck, the weight of the armored vehicle proves too much to do anything other than cause it to rock on its wheels.

Truck weight, roughly 30,000 pounds, which is greater than your ability to tip over.

"Flick, Aerin, get ready to drive!" the Mole bellows.

Loki is up. Then the Mole, and Neutron, MM and Johan can declare actions if you want.


First Post
"Michelle! Snap out of it!" Loki yells, not understanding what has happened to her.
Calinon said:
Anithos shakes his wand in frustration and seems to shrink, losing about a foot in height, his outfit becoming much less sparkly and attractive
"You!" pointing at Anithos, "It was all an illusion! You're no better than your mercenary friends! What have you done to Michelle and Tara?" Loki will try to blind Anithos with a dazzle attack.


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Sanjay, get rid of the tires. John get the driver before they can get the forcefield back up. Michelle calls out while looking for something that can be used as a weapon (some loose metal, rifle, chair etc.)

If she finds something she will head towards the non-protected armored car and hurl it through the broken window at the driver.

While she is doing that she will attempt to think of someway to stop the mercs (hp for inspiration - go go superbrain)


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Kevins starts to become red. He seems to move in her direction, but stop immediatly, and seems to take a deep breath.

Stupid girl, maybe it is true she is just a bunch of muscle... calm down, it isn't the time to fight, not against her.

"An earthquake? Before thinking of doing that, we must be sure the cave won't cave in on Xi and Wen. Does someone know are stable are those caves?

I've got an idea. But I must know one or two things. Carl's, you have the power to pass through object, right? Can it be use to affect others too? Li, do you think your power could be use to spot Wen and Xi?

Here what I am thinking. I could become as sneaky as the best one here. With Li's power, I could find Wen and Xi. With Carl's power, I could get them out of there though the walls. With some luck, we could be on our way back without nobody knowing it. Rough and dangerous for me, but I would be willing to try if we can get out of here without a fight."


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"How long do you think it would take us to skirt to the backside of the ridge and come down from above the guard? With a wide enough berth, we all could make the trip, a pair of us could make the descent and assault the guard, and then the rest of us could join after he is down," X12 proposes. "Once we have the high ground, we can decide from there if we start picking off guards with the sniper's rifle, or if Raisa can start a rockslide for a diversion. If we wanted to, however, only a few of us would need to skirt around and assault the guard -- probably Carl and Raisa, so we'd have a marksman and a possible rockslide. Once they took out the guard, the rest of us could try and sneak in with Dara first -- we'd have Carl and Raisa in place in case anything went wrong."


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP, stunned), Vince 24 (1HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (0PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, stunned), Mole 15 (1VP, 1L, 3S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 0PL Magnetic Control), Neutron 12 (2HP, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mooks 0, Anithos 0 (4VP)

Loki shoots a ball of light at one of the Anithos', but the man simply shifts slightly and the ball goes by and disappates against a containment unit.

Attack roll: 14 misses

The Mole grabs hold of the tipped over truck, and picks it up over his head with a grunt before pitching the truck over the hole even as he turns to attack Straightjacket. But just as he takes a step, he seems to realize something and stops, turning to regard where he tossed the truck.

Spot checks (DC15): Successes -- Straightjacket, Johan, Michelle

Straightjacket, Johan and Michelle are the only one that notice a distinct lack of sound from the flying truck hitting the ground. They follow the Mole's gaze and see with surprise that it has been... caught... and is being held one handed over the head of a man that is somehow familiar. He stands just over six feet tall, and appears to be made entirely of grey stone. He seems to smirk, then vanishes into the floor, the truck thunking down on its wheels as he vanishes. As that happens, there is a low rumble and solid rock fills the escape tunnel.

Michelle finds nothing suitable that will aid her as a weapon.

How to stop the mercs? I will tell you two things. Unless you can turn incorporeal, it will take you at least six rounds to get through the truck force field, Sanjay will need at least another round to get into the back of the damaged truck and Flick is nearly invulnerable unless she is forced to deflect multiple attacks in a round.

Neutron and Johan are up.

Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

"I don't sneak that well," Carl says. "I can pass through the rock, sure," he adds. "But I can't breathe, so any long distance trip is not happening. I could possibly carry someone with me, but then they wouldn't be breathing either. Plus we have no idea where they are. I won't start trying to go through a mountain blind. If I passed out, I'd solidify and become part of the rock."

"The more people that try to sneak around, the better chance we'll be detected," Michael says.

"You won't be able to come at the one in the cave from above unless you can scale the rock wall above him, and the ridge is the highest point," Li says. "My ability to see great distances won't help us find my grandfather," she says to Kevin.

"I'll play sniper if the two snipers can be taken down," Carl says. "But not taking Raisa with you up to the caves would be a major league mistake."

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