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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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"Ok, that was less then pleasant. I thought you had scurried away like the cockroach you are, Flick. I guess this is round 2!" Focusing his defense back on Flick, Vince spins and with a roar unleashes another Mach One Punch. "One of these will get through and when it does...."

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Some more color seems to raise in Kevin's face, but he stay silent and continue to listen.

That's it! Don't trust me. I am just good if I am the only one to watch your back, but as soon as the cavalry is there, I am no more to be trust! X and I get Dara out of those shadows, we saves her skin, and she doesn't trust me? What, does she think X did everything? And who try to stay in group the whole time? Not good enough to handle her power, the easiest to use and most stable powers of the whole team. I've been training like hell to get better in combat but I am good only to fight rabbit. I start to wonder why I am here... oh, yeah, to get killed or to be exchange for Wen and Xi. Stupid me!
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First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

The plan set and signals planned, Michael trots off through the forest to get out of sight before crossing the road and heading towards the cave. Li has Raisa come with her, leaving a brooding Kevin, X12, Dara and Carl behind.

You and Li make your way quietly through the woods, crossing over the back of the rocky hill and climbing towards the top of the ridge. Li moves in nearly complete silence, and though you do trigger a few minor slides, your stealthy approach appears to have been unheard.

Move silence check: 15 success

As you peer over the top of the ridge you see not one, but two men. One is looking over the ridge, while the other sits nearby, his body facing your direction but his attention is on talking to his buddy.

"We must move swiftly," Li whispers to you. "Michael will be completely exposed to their sight."

There is a metallic SHING and to your surprise Li sprouts razor shapr fins on her forearms, from the top of her head and neck, and similar growths from her shins and calves. They glisten like steel. The noise of their emergence draws the attention of both men, who's heads swivel. They look up in shock at your sudden appearance.

You have surprised them! Free round of action!

Initiatives: Li 15, Raisa 14, Thugs 11

Li rushes over the ridge before the reclining thug can do more than drop his jaw in surprise. It's the last thing he has a chance to ever do as she buries her shin into his neck. She spins him with her move, blood spraying out as he dies with barely a sound.

Raisa hears an Ohmygod in her head. Obviously, Dara is watching.

Across the chasm, you see Michael, in hybrid form, clawing his way down the face of the cliff. Just as something he does causes the man in the cave entrance to glance up, he swings down through the cave entrance. He collides with the thug, and both vanish inside.

Raisa is up.

X12, Kevin
You are stuck waiting for a bit. You lose sight of the others, though you can barely make out two forms rushing over the ridge, Raisa and Li, and moments later finally spot Michael as he swings into the cave. No gunshots or warnings are shouted so far. Dara, however, appears suddenly quite pale, as if she saw something gruesome.

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area

Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP, stunned), Vince 24 (2HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (0PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, stunned), Unknown 17, Mole 15 (1VP, 1L, 3S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 0PL Magnetic Control), Neutron 12 (2HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Unknown 4, Mooks 0, Anithos 0 (4VP, disabled, KO)

Flick doesn't even move as the punch comes in, completely relying on her strange powers to stop the attack. "Kid, you can't even touch me," she gloats as her tentacles bash Vince's attack aside.

Ooo, overconfident little minx, isn't she?

Attack roll: 11 hits! (she wasn't avoiding the blow so no hero point spent)
Deflection roll: 26 success

Monica crouches down and leaps across the first truck to slash at Flick, flanking the woman. Somehow, Flick seems to see her coming, twisting deftly even as her energy tentacles slap at Monica's hand, knocking it wide.

Attack roll: 22 hits
Deflection roll: 23 success

Mantis has a horrified look on her face and rushes over to the non-dead Anithos, the dead one being far from saveable. She seems to bring him around somewhat. The rest of the situation seems to have left her mind.

Michelle, you feel somewhat the same was as Tara does, but your innate resistance to mental influence is probably helping you cope better than she can.

Loki, SJ are up!


First Post
Raisa is moving an instant after Li, resigning herself to the fact that people were going to die and chances were she was going to have to either watch or be a part of it. She reaches out at the surprised man at the edge, attempting to grab him by the throat, to stop any shouts of alarm, and pull him away from the ledge and out of sight of his buddied below.
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First Post
Calinon said:
Three guards peer out from the back, preparing to fire at the high flying Neutron.
A horde of illusionary scorpions drop from the ceiling onto the truck, and then scutle inside. They will crawl onto the guards a sting them repeatedly. Randall then moves to see if he can help Johan with Anna.


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

Initiatives: Li 15, Raisa 14, Thugs 11

Raisa grabs the remaining thug around the neck, yanking him back from the ridge. He bats at her with his gun ineffectually before he loses consciousness..

Attack roll: 15 hits
Opposed grapple check: Raisa 28, Thug 12
Damage save (DC24): 8 (KO)

Li places her hand over the man's mouth, looking like she is in some pain, and a secretion covers the man's mouth, hardening quickly. She does the same to his arms and legs behind him.

Across the canyon, you see Michael emerge from the cave. Dara says If you guys are done, we'll start hiking up for our own fun.

X12, Kevin
"Looks like they managed to take them down," Dara says. "Lesgo!" she says, tugging Carl towards the front of the forest.

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (2VP, 1S), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (3S, 3HP, stunned), Vince 24 (2HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (1PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L), Unknown 17, Mole 15 (2VP, 1L), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 1PL Magnetic Control, 1L, stunned), Neutron 12 (2HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, dying), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Unknown 4, Anithos 0 (4VP, disabled, KO)

Loki's scorpions seem to do the trick as they swarm from out of the sight of the soldiers in the truck, over the lip and drop upon them. The men scream one falls against the wall, quivering. The other two stagger back into the truck. Blaster shots ring out briefly, followed by an eerie silence. Then frosty steam starts leaking out of the back of the truck. The man against the wall starts convulsing again, the blood vessels in his skin turning black.

Michelle, Neutron and Loki all notice the containment breach.

Vince, you get a queesy feeling, something just like you did whenever you mutated!

Straightjacket moves towards the Mole, who's ears are twitching. He manages to get an armlock on the oversized mole, though the critter manages to shrug off any pain from the hold.

Attack roll: 15 hits
Opposed grapple check: SJ 18, Mole 17
Damage save (DC14): 13 fails (1S)

In the truck with the force field, something is happening. The truck rocks, and light flashes seep out from the very thin seams in the rear door accompanied by the sounds of blaster fire. An instant later, there is a shower of sparks beneath the vehicle and the force field flashes out of existance.

The Mole growls. "You punks! We go out of our way to not kill you and you pull this crap on Anithos!? The gloves are off! KILL THEM ALL!" he shouts as he yanks his arm free of Straightjacket and stomps at Michelle. "And you're first, fearless leader!"

Mole is using leadership to grant all on his side +1 to their rolls. He also burns a VP to negate his stun hits.

Opposed grapple check: Mole 19, SJ 14 escapes
Attack roll: 31 hits
Damage save (DC30): 3 (HP 20) fails (1L, stunned)

Michelle has to recover from being stunned, but can feel a slight tingling of her powers.

Neutron and Johan are up!


Johan diverts his concentration momentarily away from Anna's wounds to creating duplicates of himself. He creates as many as he thinks will be able to assist (Aid Another) him in binding Anna's wounds, plus one to go get the first aid kit. He then returns to try and save Anna.
"Hang in there, Anna..."
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First Post
"Oh no, not now!!" Vince dodges deftly away from the reach of any opponents. Popping open the pocket on the shoulder of his uniform, Vince eats the pills that he was given by Thunder's brother to control his mutations.

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