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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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Raisa gets to her feet, standing right at the edge of the ridge. If they ring the bell or not, someone inside was going to hear the fight going on outside if it took too long. Time was not their friend. "This is going to hurt..."

She takes a step back and launches herself off the ridge, attempting to tumble into a roll when she lands to soften the impact somewhat. If there are goons below her, or within a fifty foot radius, she'll forget the tumble and use her momentum from the fall to give her shockwave a little more oomph.

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Calinon said:
Mason of Anarchy, Thunder's brother.
"We're f***ed" upon recognizing one of the principle members of Anarchy.

Ding! Again the elevator doors slide open. Out of the elevator strides Thunder, dressed for battle in his black leather with yellow lightning bolts. "I knew you'd come Mason, I've been waiting for you. What do you say we make this personal, just you and me?" With a loud bang and a crackle of burning air, Thunder creates a giant creature out of electricity. "Ready Mason?"

Loki hopes the illusion will distract Mason, even if for just a little while. "Get away from them Tara!"


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

Initiatives: Jackal 25 (4HP), Li 22, X12 21 (1L, stunned), Kevin 18 (3HP), Flying man 17 (1VP, 1S, stunned), Raisa 15 (3HP), Dara 14 (3HP, 1L), Carl 12 (4HP), Flying woman 11, Goons(7) 1

OOC: Just a reminder of weaponry here. Kevin has a Kendo Sword (+5S) and a Katana (+5L), Jackal and Raisa have a staff (+5S), Dara has a spear (+4 S/L), X12 has a staff (+5S) and a Sai (+4L).

Also, Kevin has Jackal's regeneration, X12's super senses and some feats and skills.

Kevin rushes forward, drawing surprised looks from the confused gang members, pulling out his wooden kendo sword as he charges forward. He feints with the sword and tries to touch the man to mimic his powers. The man is faster though, twisting out of reach quickly.

Attack roll: 6 misses

The man climbs up about ten feet, pointing his hands open palmed at Kevin. A surge of energy flashes out, lashing at Kevin. Kevin is struck, but manages to shift his arms to deflect the blast as if it were a physical item.

Attack roll: 17 hits
Damage save (DC21): 11 (HP 27) success

OOC: Here's probably what Raisa actually would like to do, but not having the book, I thought I'd help you out just a tad.

Raisa crouches down, focussing all her power in her legs into one sudden push from the ridge. She leaps off the ridge, covering the entire distance to camp in one huge leap. She lands hard, in a crouch, her feet shattering the rock around her, creating a personal divot in the terrain. The dozen gang members all stare slack jawed at her sudden appearance right in front of the cave entrance.

Extra effort to gain leaping. Sprint speed leap gets you there in one round (180 foot movement), though you lose your dodge bonus to defense.

Dara drops the illusion as she focuses a mental blast at the man in the air. The man clutches his head and falls from the sky, landing on his feet right next to Kevin, shaking his head in pain.

Attack roll: 18 hits
Will save (DC24): 11 (VP 15) fails (1S, stunned)

Carl wastes no time, drawing his weapon and cutting loose a string of energy blasts in front of him. The first shot takes the man by the bell in the side of the head, and he collapses with smoke rising from his temple. He is, however, still breathing. The second slams into the man by Kevin, actually skimming over Kevin's shoulder en route, and sends him staggering backwards in pain. The third takes another gang member in the throat. The man collapses, clutching his neck, gasping for breath briefly before falling unconscious.

Attack rolls: 16, 21, 23 (all hits)
Damage saves (DC24): 16, 15, 12 (KO, 1L stunned, KO)

The woman by the fire flies upwards twenty five feet, Dara's illusion now gone, and cuts loose a blast of energy at Dara as a force field shimmers into place around her. The blast hits Dara, but her uniform seems to take the brunt of the blast.

Attack roll: 20 hits
Damage save (DC21): 22 succeeds

The goons all draw weapons and open fire randomly around the ring! X12 and Dara take blasts full on, with X12 taking a particularly hard hit and getting stunned!

OOC: Two fire at Carl and Dara, everyone else there gets one.

Attack rolls: Jackal 24, Kevin 17, Raisa 14, Dara 10/23, Carl 19/15, X12 20
Damage saves (DC20): Jackal 26, Kevin 21, Dara 18 (1L), Carl(DC12) 23, X12 11 (1L, stunned)

Round 2... fight!

Jackal shifts quickly into his hybrid form, pouncing onto a nearby goon who doesn't stand up to the hard knee to the head Jackal delivers.

Li is hurrying down from the ridge, and should arrive soon.

X12 and Kevin are up! X12 has refocused and now has a 21 initiative.


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S, Prone), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (4HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (2PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, grappled), Ghost 17, Vince 15 (2HP), Mole 15 (3VP, 1L, 1S, grappled), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 2PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (3HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mason 4, Anithos 0 (5VP, disabled)

Loki's illusion draws Mason's attention immediately. "Brother," Mason says upon seeing Thunder, sneering out the word venomously, his attention immediately diverted from Mantis. "I see you've been playing with that fire bitch of yours. Ghost, hurry up in there!"

As if on cue, the incorporeal man floats casually out of the back of the truck, tossing a cannister of something to Mason. "All done," the ghostly man says. Mason catches the cannister deftly as it turns corporeal once out of Ghosts hands. He glances over to Thunder, then back to Mason. "Right. I'll deliver the truck. You have fun, boss." Ghost vanishes into the truck again.

Neutron, you see the canister as Mason catches it and you easily recognize the cannister as the one that should be in the freezer unit! If he breaks that, Anaconda will be released into the entire facility!

The Mole doesn't listen in the least to Vincent, enraged as he is.

Diplomacy 8... go go gadget demon boy!

With an angry roar, the Mole grabs Straightjacket's hands, prying them off his chest, breaking free! In a bizarre move, he claws his way downward, through the floor, the walls of his tunnel collapsing as he moves out of sight. Vince hurries over, but is too late to do anything but look at the disturbed cement.

Opposed grapple check: 15 mole, 12 SJ (Mole escapes)
The Mole uses his tunnelling power, in case you missed that.

Metal Mistress, Neutron and Johan are all up.


First Post
"Now, don't move for a moment, boy" says Kevin the the flying man, and he tries again to mimic all his powers, feats and skills.
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First Post
X12 sets himself for any further attacks as he reaches out and touches Dara, taking on her injuries.

OOC: Half Action -- total defense, Half Action -- Healing for Dara.


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Jackal 25 (4HP), Li 22, X12 21 (1HP, 2L), Kevin 18 (3HP), Flying man 17 (2VP, 1S), Raisa 15 (3HP), Dara 14 (3HP), Carl 12 (4HP), Flying woman 11, Goons(7) 1

OOC: I'll assume you wanted to spend a hero point to unstun.

X12 clears his head, then touches Dara to absorb her wound.

Kevin tries to touch the stunned man before him. He manages to, but the man fights off the effects of his power with a focussed mind.

Attack roll: 16 hits
Will save (DC18): 20 success

The man clears his cobwebs from Carl's blast swiftly, leaping into the air away from Kevin, soaring up 25 feet and blasting at Carl, or more specifically, Carl's gun. The blast goes well wide.

Attack roll: 9 misses

Raisa is up!
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First Post
Michelle levitates into the air her forcefield springing to life around her. She will try and yank the canister from his hand.

Powers: Forcefield free action, Flight half action, Energy control half action


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S, Prone), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (4HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (2PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, grappled), Ghost 17, Vince 15 (2HP), Mole 15 (3VP, 1L, 1S, grappled), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 2PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (3HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (1HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mason 4, Anithos 0 (5VP, disabled)

A very weak force field flickers around Michelle as she rises laboriously barely ten feet into the air. She tries to wrap the cannister in a magnetic field and discovers it has no metal in it. It appears that it's made of some sort of glass and plastic, with a large amount of black crystal suspended in some sort of liquid.

Neutron and Johan are up.


"Thank goodness..."
Johan breaths a sigh of relief as he finally manages to halt Anna's bleeding. Two of the duplicates go to get the first aid kit while Johan himself tries to think how best he could help in the current situation (Inspiration).

Voidrunner's Codex

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