• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S, Prone), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (4HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (2PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, grappled), Ghost 17, Vince 15 (2HP), Mole 15 (3VP, 1L, 1S, grappled), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 2PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (3HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mason 4, Anithos 0 (5VP, disabled)

OOC: Inspiration huh? We'll get to that after I reveal what you know about Mason and Ghost's powers

You remember much about Mason from ARIS. He's impervious to nearly all forms of physical attack to some degree or another and has immunities out the wazoo. He has a fairly disciplined mind as well, though isn't the most light on his feet, what with being made of stone and all. In addition, he can meld and pass through all forms of solid rock. Mason has destroyed entire armed forces divisions single handedly, and has stood up to barages from off shore naval batteries and direct strikes from aircraft missiles without harm.

He also is extremely bloodthirsty, and enjoys inflicting gruesome deaths upon his foes. When confronted with large groups, he often inflicts a devastating area attack that sends anything not bolted down, and many things that are, flying. The range is extreme, and would easily cover nearly the entire storage bay.

He hates Thunder, and will do anything to bring him mental or physical pain. His only weakness is that if he loses contact with the ground, he will lose his alternate form shortly thereafter.

About Ghost, little is known. Nobody has figured out how to hurt him in his incorporeal form, and you've just seen him longer than anyone outside EPIC, at least those that are alive. His only known weakness is that he must become corporeal to affect anyone, attack them, or bring them into an incorporeal state.

Now for your inspiration...

Johan can't affect these two at all currently, unless he finds some way to attack Mason that circumvents his strength and protection. If you want to help, get the disabled people out of the containment area, off the floor, and up about 200 feet, and hope Mason doesn't cut loose his devastating area attacks before you can escape.

On another note, the best chance for survival would be to get that cannister or destroy it, and run the heck away. Straightjacket might be able to hurt Mason, but it is extremely unlikely. Then again, if you could get rid of the other Mercs, or team up with them, you have numbers on your side.

Neutron is up!
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Sanjay stumbles from the truck. "Oh, ****, I think I'm going to..." he leans over and pukes up his last meal. He watches in shock as the final cannister of Anaconda gets tossed around like a softball. He focuses all of his concentration on the cannister, as he mumbles, likely too quietly for anyone not beside him to hear, "I am sooo fighting to urge to just blast that thing open and let all you bastards die..."

Neutron will 5 ft out of the truck, hurl for his lost half action, and use an HP to try to destroy the last cannister of Anaconda before Anarchy can get away with it.
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First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S, Prone), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (4HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (2PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L, grappled), Ghost 17, Vince 15 (2HP), Mole 15 (3VP, 1L, 1S, grappled), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 2PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (4HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mason 4, Anithos 0 (5VP, disabled)

Neutron does his thing... well after he yaks anyway. It's a bit easier this time, without having to worry about the containment unit, and the cannister flashes out of existance. The Anaconda has been destroyed!

Rebound stomps after Flick, launching another punch at her, but her energy tendrils bat it aside.

Mason glances over at Neutron very briefly, but if he's bothered by the loss of Anaconda, he certainly doesn't seem it. In fact, he seems rather pleased that his hands are free. He strides right at Neutron, who barely scrambles out of the way, then latches onto the truck. He spins in place, sending everyone nearby diving to the floor briefly. Only one spin is needed before he launches the armored vehicle straight at, and through Thunder. The truck completes its trajectory, smashing into a containment unit a hundred feet away. The truck and containment unit explode, triggering alarms like mad.

Johan, as part of your brief inspiration, I'll tell ask you this: Why would he have told Ghost to deliver the truck if Anaconda was removed?

"An illusion!? HAH! Which of you punks did that?" he asks. "I want to send your head back to the real Thunder, giftwrapped."

Anithos murmers something, his voice gaining power as he does so. With a white flash, his wand reappears in his hand. "I did," he says with a shaky voice. Mason affixes him with a murderous look.

All the elevators open at once and security personel start pouring into the storage facility.

Round 9.... fight!

Flick nods as if she has heard something, then kips up and runs full out towards the back wall of the facility, away from Mason and the security personel. She seems to have lost all interest in the battle. Aerin flies rapidly after her, his elementals following him to grant him cover.

Cosmo cuts loose a nullification beam at Mason. The beam strikes him easily, and for a moment his stoney skin seems to shimmer before the attack disappates without effect.

Monica rushes over to Sanjay and pulls him well back from Mason. Mantis stands protectively infront of Anithos, trying to look menacing, but her last ineffective attack on Mason has left her appearing shaken.

Loki and SJ are up!


First Post
"Let's clear the playing field, shall we? Hold on to something boys and girls." Raisa drops to a knee and drives her fist into the ground beneath her.

Actions: Shockwave


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Jackal 25 (4HP, 1S), Li 22 (1S), X12 21 (1HP, 1L, 1S), Kevin 18 (3HP, 1S), Flying man 17 (2VP, 1S), Raisa 15 (3HP), Dara 14 (3HP, 1S, KO), Carl 12 (4HP), Flying woman 11 (2L, dying)

Raisa shouts her warning only a moment before driving her fist into the ground. A shockwave rolls out, slamming into everyone near the ground. Only the two flying people aren't affected. Gang members go flying, slamming back to the ground, into the hillside and down the road. None of them get up.

Along with that, Jackal slams backwards into the cave wall, Dara goes soaring off a low cliff, landing ten feet below and tumbling down the slope unconscious. The ends up well over fifty feet away. Everyone but Carl feels the effects of the shockwave.

The entire hillside rumbles and several rockslides start. The bell tolls out loudly as the shockwave slams into it. Any hope of stealth is gone.

Just an FYI, I don't treat Raisa's "shockwave" is actually a thunderclap with the added effect of a cosmetic damage. It only affects those on the ground, and those that get stunned end up prone.

Reflex saves (DC19): Jackal 23, X12 13, Kevin 12, Dara 15, Carl 15, Goons 14.
Damage saves (DC20): Jackal 13 (1S, stunned)
Damage saves (DC24): X12 20 (1S), Kevin 20 (1S), Dara 13 (1S, KO), Goons 17 (KO'd)
Damage save (DC16): Carl 18

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Carl shouts at Raisa as he fires three shots at the woman nearby, aiming upwards at her. She spins in mid air from the second blast, plumetting downard and landing unmoving on her chest.

Attack rolls: 14, 18, 19 (miss, hit, hit)
Damage saves (DC24): 8 (VP 18), 5 (2L, dying)

Round 2... fight! X12 regenerates one stun hit.

Jackal picks himself up, looking confused and dazed, and Li dives away from a nearby rockslide, trying to take cover from the lone flying mutant who is well above everyone.

Kevin is up!


First Post
OOC: You were trying to skip me?! How dare you! :D

X12 crouches to Dara, avoiding her skin, placing himself between her and the flying mutant.

Half: Total Defense, Half: Position myself to provide Dara with the highest cover bonus I possibly can.


First Post
"Flying bast***, come on down, and let's fight like true man, or are you too scared of me?"

OOC: Taunt against the flying man, so he attack me in hand-to-hand.

Kevins ready his sword to attack as soon as the man enter his reach.


First Post
Calinon said:
"An illusion!? HAH! Which of you punks did that?" he asks. "I want to send your head back to the real Thunder, giftwrapped."
"That was me, you overgrown rock collection," says an illusionary boy stepping out from behind some cover. The boy looks like one of the bullies that used to pick on Randall in one of his old schools, and is standing on the far side of the room from the elevators. "And I'd like to see you try, nyah nyah" the boy stick out his tongue tauntingly.

The real Loki will run over to Johan. "We've got to get out of here, there's no stopping that maniac. Help me get Anna to an elevator."


First Post
Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Jackal 25 (4HP, 1S), Li 22 (1S), X12 21 (1HP, 1L, 1S), Kevin 18 (3HP, 1L, 1S), Flying man 17 (2VP, 1S), Raisa 15 (3HP), Dara 14 (3HP, 1S, KO), Carl 12 (4HP), Flying woman 11 (2L, dying)

X12 just draws his sai and waits.

The flying man turns to Kevin, drawing his own sword and plumets straight down at him! Kevin slashes at him as he comes in, but misses wildly.

Taunt: 23 vs 6 success
Attack roll: 8 misses

The mistake proves costly, as the man, sword leading, plunges into Kevin, driving the sword into him.

Attack roll: 18 hits
Damage save (DC23): 22 (1L)

Raisa is up!

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S, Prone), Aerin 30 (1L, 2S, 2VP), Cosmo 25 (4HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (3PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (1HP, 2L), Ghost 17, Vince 15 (2HP), Mole 15 (3VP, 1L, 1S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 3PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (4HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 4HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (4HP, fatigued, enlarged), Mason 4, Anithos 0 (5VP, disabled)

Loki moves over to Anna as his illusionary kid comes out to taunt Mason. Mason continues glaring at Anithos.

"Seems you have a spine, boy. I'm going to hang it on my wall," Mason growls at Anithos. "Hey, what the..." he shouts, interrupted as Straightjacket tackles him, trying to get a firm hold on the powerhouse war leader of Anarchy. The man's experience becomes obvious as he doesn't so much avoid the attack as use his massive strength to shove John past him.

Attack roll: 21 misses

Ghost becomes visible inside the cab of the armored vehicle he removed Anaconda from, it's force field still humming around the truck. He starts the truck and grips the wheel tightly, concentrating on something as he pulls the truck onto the now filled in hole. Nothing happens just yet, however, as he pulls the truck to a stop.

There is a rumble across the warehouse and the wall gives way, almost exactly where Straightjacket thought it had at the start of the fight. The Mole appears in the tunnel as dust billows out, the tunnel behind him collapsing.

"What are you doing!?" exclaims Flick. "We have to get out of here!"

"We are not leaving without something to sell," growls the Mole. "Even if we have to take out Anarchy and EPIC to do it! You two, get that truck! I'll take down some of these punks. Michelle has a feeling she's still top on his to do list.

Vince, MM, Neutron and Johan are up!

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