• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S), Cosmo 25 (5HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (1L, disabled, 4PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (2HP, 3L, stunned, grappling), Vince 15 (3HP, 1S), Mole 15 (5VP, 1L, 3S, KO), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 4PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (4HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 5HP, disabled), Rebound 5 (5HP, 1S , fatigued, KO), Mason 4 (1VP, grappling), Anithos 0 (6VP, disabled)

"I'll get to you in a minute," Mason says with a cold smile at Michelle.

Taunt: MM 15 vs Mason 17 (Sense motive) fails

Johan ends up having to drag Anna, as he's not strong enough to lift her and her armor. Instead, he creates three duplicates (+6) to help carry her. Nowhere in the warehouse is "safe" from Mason, so he heads towards the now onrushing guards and the elevators.

Neutron blasts at Flick. As expected, one of her tendrils snaps up, batting his beam aside where it takes a huge chunk out of the wall.

Attack roll: 21 hits
Deflection: 21 succeeds

With SJ's huge form clamped onto him, Mason seems torn for a moment on whether to finish off Mantis or grab hold of SJ.

"Eh, whatever. You want me, kid, you got me," he says, dropping Tara and clamping down on Straightjacket's wrist instead. "Nice grip. See how you like mine!"

Mason clamps down hard enough to compress Straightjacket's wrist, touching his thumb and fingers together. Straightjacket lets out an involuntary scream of pain, his body shrinking as it involuntarily works to avoid his wrist getting shattered.

Opposed grapple check: Mason 37 vs Straighjacket 36 (talk about some bad rolling)
Damage save (DC25): 18 (1L, stunned)

"So many victims, so little time," he laughs.

Anithos waves his hands, and with a rumble, a section of the roof gives way, plumetting down at Mason and Straightjacket. The section is immense enough to cause Mason to shove back off Straightjacket, breaking his hold and barely getting out of range as the massive block of earth slams into the ground and vanishes. SJ and Mantis both seem completely unphased by the illusion, somehow able to see through it.

"Clever boy," Mason growls.

Blaster fire erupts around Mason, several blasts striking him squarely, but he doesn't even seem to notice. The guards weapons appear totally ineffective!

Flick swings her staff in a hard strike at Vince's head, slamming it into the side of his face. Vince staggers to the side, unable to avoid the blow with his normal speed.

Attack roll: 17 hits
Damage save (DC21): 7 (HP 17) fails (1S)

Cosmo shoots again at Mason, his beam seeming more powerful than before. Mason steps asside, the beam barely passing by him.

Seeing the power of Mason first hand, Monica grabs hold of Mantis and picks her up relatively easily, leaping some distance away.

SJ and Vince are up! Oh yeah, and Loki!
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First Post
Spitting a bit of blood from his mouth, Vince scowls at Flick as his Superspeed kicks back in. Strangely speechless, Vince focuses his dodge on Flick obviously paying her more attention as he unleashes yet another Mach One Punch her way.


First Post
Mimic said:
Loki, do to the others what Anithos tried to do to us.
Loki will try that approach, cloaking Mason in an area illusion making the warehouse seemingly empty.

OOC: Hey if anithos can steal my ideas I can steal his, heh


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (3VP, 2S), Cosmo 25 (5HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (1L, disabled, 5PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (3HP, 3L), Vince 15 (3HP, 1S), Mole 15 (6VP, 1L, 3S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 4PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (5HP, 1L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 5HP, disabled), Rebound 5 (5HP, 1S , fatigued, KO), Mason 4 (1VP), Anithos 0 (6VP, disabled)

Loki weaves a complex illusion over Mason, barely visible to everyone else. It seems to give the assassin a short pause.

"What the..." he says as everything around him vanishes.

Straightjacket takes the moment of surprise to launch another attack, shooting up again to full height and throwing himself, sadly now a fair bit smaller, back at Mason. He manages to briefly hang on, but even surprised, Mason's strength is nearly unflaggable, and he shoves SJ away hard.

Attack roll: 30 hits
Opposed grapple: SJ 27, Mason 35 (reeeeeeeely crappy rolls)

Vince punches at Flick hard, but once more her ever-present energy tendrils slap and punch at his attack, batting it away.

Attack roll: 20 hits
Deflection: 35 succeeds (yikes)

The Mole groans and blinks awake, looking quite dazed. He pushes himself up to a sitting position.

Metal Mistress, Neutron and Johan are up!

Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Xi 25 (2S, KO), Jackal 24 (4HP), Raisa 18 (3HP), Kevin 18 (3HP, 2L, 1S), Li 15 (1S), Dara 12 (3HP), Carl 11 (4HP), X12 5 (2HP, 1L), Gang [34] 3

Raisa pummells at Xi again, not having the same compunctions that Jackal has. She slams her fists into Xi, and the man skids across the ground to impact the cliff wall, blood spraying from his face as she hits him. He lays unmoving on the ground.

Attack roll: 20 hits
Damage save (DC 28): 14 (1S, KO)

Kevin clears his head and touches Jackal to copy his regeneration, among other things. He grows and takes on a feral appearance.

Regeneration +8; Feats: Toughness, darkvision, durability, power attack, improved initiative; Skills: Climb +3, Escape Artist +3, Intimidate +7, Jump +4, Move Silent +3, Search +3, Taunt +4.

Li sees the woman waking, and runs over, attempting to touch her, her hands appearing somewhat slick. But the woman has enough of her senses about her to bat her hands away and roll away!

In response, the woman raises a force field, continues her roll to her feet and blasts at Li with an energy pulse. There is a metallic ringing and a fin suddenly sprouts from Li's arm, catching and deflecting the blast away.

Dara whirls on the woman, letting another mental blast loose, the woman collapsing to the ground with a glazed look in her eyes and blood coming from her ears.

Carl continues rapidly firing down the hall as a massive surge of bodies comes rushing from the cave. At least two more gang members drop, but they are now pouring out, at least 30 of them!

Kill Bill anyone?

X12 is up, followed by a new round lead by Raisa and Kevin!


"I am sorry for this unorthodox means of movement, but I simply lack the brawn required to carry your armor."
Johan continues his activities.


First Post
"So much for mercy," X12 says, stepping into the flow of gang members.

OOC: Move into position and Attack one of the oncoming gang members with the readied sai.


First Post
Michelle lands beside the security personal. Don't shoot at Mason, you will never do any damage to him with those weapons, take out Flick and then Mole. She tells them in her most authoritive voice. You, she says to one of them, get me an phone that connects to an outside line.

She will take a shot at the mole if she has a clear line of fire.

Powers: Flight half action, leadership free action, forcefield free action, Energy blast half action


"Aw, geez," Neutron sighs as Mole starts getting back up again. "I'm not feeling so good, could we please stay unconscious," he says, firing another energized beam at Flick.

Another round, another Energy Blast.


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Flick 31 (4VP, 1L, 2S, KO), Cosmo 25 (6HP), Monica 22 (3HP, 2S, 1L), Loki 21 (3HP), Mantis 19 (1HP, 1L, 5PL Insect Control), Straightjacket 18 (3HP, 3L, disabled), Vince 15 (3HP, 1S), Mole 15 (6VP, 1L, 4S, dazed), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 4PL Magnetic Control, 1L), Neutron 12 (5HP, 2L, 2S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (2L, 3S, 5HP, dying), Rebound 5 (5HP, 1S , fatigued, KO), Mason 4 (2VP, 1S, nullified), Anithos 0 (6VP, disabled)

One of the guards nods over to the room nearby as Michelle blasts weakly at the Mole. "That'll go to communications. If you need an external line, they can connect you."

Attack roll: 18 hits thanks to the Mole being dazed! Wee!
Damage save (DC12): 5 (1S, stunned)

OOC: I wish I knew what you wanted with the phone, because the card Thunder gave you for Loco doesn't have a number on it. It has a button you push to beep him for help, and a homing device so he can find out where you are.

Neutron cuts loose another blast at Flick. Her tendrils snap outwards, the beam coalesces into a ball. With a grunt she sends the energy streaking back at Neutron! It slams into his leg, leaving a painful burn.

Attack roll: 22 hits!
Deflection: 24 succeeds.... Reflection! Cursed VP useage!
Reflection: 22 hits
Damage save (DC15): 11 fails (1L)

As Johan carries Anna, she semi-lucidly demands to be let down. When you don't immediately react, she pulls an arm free of one of your doubles, grabbing at it with her other arm. She reaches into the arm, yanks a wire free, letting it spark freely, lining up Flick. Her gun overcharges, energy surging around her arm as her cannon pops up, and she cuts loose a powerful pulse of sonic blast across the hall at Flick. The energy surge flashes out, knocking you and your doubles back and she drops to the ground with barely a sound. Flick's tendrils, still extended from batting aside Vince and Neutron's attacks, miss the oncoming blast, and she slams into the wall, sliding down unconscious.

Attack roll: 24 hits
Deflection roll: 20 fails
Damage save (DC25): 13 (1L, knocked out!)
Fort save (DC10): 10 succeeds (Anna had no hero points remaining, and is now dying again)

Mason looks at Straightjacket. "Ok, this is a neat trick, but you know what? I bet I can break his concentration," he says with a cold grin. Raising one foot up, he stomps down on the ground, and things go flying! With the exception of Vincent, every single person in the warehouse is knocked to the ground, the containment units either topple over or teeter in place dangerously. The EPIC van is sent skidding into the wall, but doesn't overturn.

Reflex save (DC29): Nobody can make it but Vince... and he does with a 29!
Concentration check (DC15): Loki 15! Woot! The illusion holds!

Everyone but Vince is now prone.

"Damn... he's good. But I can still see you, boy," he says with an evil smile. One step and he's at the prone Straightjacket, driving his stoney foot into his stomach with all his strength! Pain shoots through Straightjacket as his breath is driven from his body and he feels intense cold in his gut as something ruptures within him.


Attack roll: 29 hits
Damage save (DC32): 8 (HP 14) fails (1L, disabled) -- Yeah, you were right, that hurts

"Drop the illusion, or I'll finish him real slow," he says with obvious pleasure. He cocks his head then, assuming a relaxed and tauntingly unconcerned stance. "Yeah, I'm here. They didn't even get out of the warehouse. We had to come get a truck. I'm just picking a kid to mail in pieces to my brother and then..." he pauses. "Well, is there any of them I can have?" He pauses again. "How about an arm or leg or something." He pauses again. "Alright, the mercs then? And the SAP guards?" Another pause. "Alright, at least the day won't be a total loss."

He looks down at Straightjacket. "Lucky punk," he says with a smirk, poking him with his foot.

Anithos limps off behind one of the fallen containment units.

Cosmo doesn't seem to trust Mason however, cutting loose a powerful energy beam at him again, trying to remove the thug's powers. The beam strikes Mason squarely in the chest, and his stoney vissage looks somewhat surprised for a moment. He fights off the power briefly, then, with the sound of falling stone on cement, his stoney skin falls from him in small pieces. He blinks rapidly as the illusion around him starts to fade.

"Alright," he says, seeming more or less unphased by the turn of events. "Someone wants some pain before I leave," he growls at Cosmo. You can hear an audible hum coming from Mason, mechanical in nature, as bracers on his arms start to glow brightly. "I hope you didn't think that would stop me, punk."

Monica leaves Mantis behind the protective cover of a containment unit, kips up and in an orange blur streaks across the room towards Mason. She slashes at him as she zips past. Her claws rake down his back, tearing his shirt, but grate against something almost metallicly. Mason grunts none-the-less, the attack obviously being felt.

Mantis gives a shriek as she pops her shoulder back into place, nearly fainting from the effort. She staggers to her feet uncertainly.

Loki, SJ and Vince are up. Remember, Loki and SJ are prone, and SJ is disabled which greatly reduces what he can do. Mason is no longer affected by Loki's illusion.
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