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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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Kevin feels the pain through his body. Bad memory of the Crystal Palace araise. The fins draw back into his body, the dryness feeling disappear. He feels a rush of adrenaline that wake him up for a moment. He looks around. He is barely standing on his feets.

"You know, my dear. You won it seems. The others will take time to get rid of your companion and I am alone and without powers. Yeap, without powers. I can't hold my powers anymore, thanks to your legend. He stole my ability to retain the powers without having to will it.

Before you finish me, tell me, what the hell you find interesting into torturing the lame kid I am?"

OOC: Well, I think I'll go for a taunt roll, and I try to make her do what I want: Speaking with me and hold her attack.
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Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Amazon 21 (4HP, 3L, 1S), Kajo 19 (3VP, 2L), Dara 18 (5HP, 2S), Jackal 14 (4HP, disabled), X12 14 (4HP, 3L, disabled), Havok 11 (2VP, 3L, stunned), Carl 10 (5HP), The Shadow 9 (3VP, 3L, unconscious), Li 8 (2HP), Xi 7 (2HP)

X12 pushes his powers in a familiar way, trying to absorb Raisa's wounds only to discover she is well out of range. He decides instead on Carl, then turns to Jackal, collapsing to the ground with several broken ribs and what feels like a ruptured spleen. You also are completely deaf.

Jackal disabled healing check (DC20): 33 succeeds!

Jackal gets slowly to his feet with a low growl, glaring at Havok, whose name I've been mispelling...

Havok doesn't notice however. He's too busy backpedalling away from Kajo.

"Hey now, you know that's not true. I've never said you were stupid. A little slow maybe but..."

"Kajo crush Havok!"

"That's not helping!" shouts the Shadow.

Havok seems to agree and blasts at Kajo with his sonic powers. Kajo barely misses a step as he stomps slowsly after Havok.

Carl quickly changes targets, cutting loose another vibrating blast, this time at the Shadow, even as he draws his pistol. The blast rips through the man, sending him skidding back to impact the wall, trailing liquid shadow behind him.

The Shadow doesn't get up so much as turn to shadow. In seconds, he's ripping from shadow to shadow like a serpent, dodging over Carl and pouncing towards Dara. Long claws emerge from tendrils as he tries to slash her, but she simply turns her staff and blocks the blow.

"That wasn't very nice," she says, and it begins to strike you that she isn't really acting much like Dara.

Li gives chase on the shadow, charging recklessly at it before delivering a hard kick. She herself bounces back from the strike, dazed, while the shadows gathered around the man splash outward like water and vanish as he collapses.

Xi springs at Havok, delivering another hard punch at the man. This time he hits and Havok staggers backward, a chunk of flesh from his arm missing.

Amazon is up! And she's a very long way away.

Mia 28, Kevin 19 (5HP, 2L)

Taunt vs Sense Motive: 19 vs 11 (succeeds) ... who said you are without ability :)

Mia pauses in her attack.

"Lame kid? I hardly think I'm in love with some 'lame kid'", she says, oddly enough striking a somewhat shy pose, digging her toe at the floor after sheathing her sword smoothly. "Nobody ever came back to play with me a second time," she adds quietly, pulling off her mask. The lights in the room come up fairly quickly. Then with suddenness, she rushes at you and throws her arms around your neck, standing on her tiptoes to kiss you, her powers making the move painful to you.

"I promise this time we'll do this right. You won't have to look for me again, I promise," she says, kissing you again forcefully even as you hear another metallic ring right behind your right ear. "I love you so much."

OOC: Welcome, to the world of the psycho woman.... (cue disturbing music)

Kevin is up again... lucky you!


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Kevin answers to her kiss, but after letting out a small ouch from the pain. Slowly he moves his hand from the back of Mia's back to her right arms. He gently push it and looks at Mia for a moment.

"Dear, don't be in such a rush. If you hurry too much, you won't appreciate the moment.

And before proceeding, I must tell you something that you may like to know."

Taunt so she holds her action one round and listen.
Mimic her powers and feats.
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Raisa groans as she finally collects her wits and gets to her feet. She looks to the doors and starts running back to the fight.

Actions: Getting to feet (1/2 action), Movement (1/2 action) - will use extra effort to double movement to get there quicker.
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Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Amazon 21 (4HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued), Kajo 19 (3VP, 2L), Dara 18 (5HP, 2S), Jackal 14 (4HP, disabled), X12 14 (4HP, 2L), Havok 11 (3VP, 4L, disabled, unconscious), Carl 10 (5HP), The Shadow 9 (3VP, 3L, unconscious), Li 8 (2HP), Xi 7 (2HP)

Amazon starts running back to the room just as she hears a meaty whallop. She pushes herself to get there faster and is just in time to see Kajo deliver a crushing blow to Havok, pounding the man to the ground with one fist.

"Kajo not stupid," Kajo rumbles, assuming a non-threatening stance. The sudden halt to battle leaves the room eerily silent. The two doors beside the massive and ornate throne remind you that you still haven't found Master Wen.

Both Jackal and Li look towards the doors.

"Was that Kevin?" Jackal asks.

Mia 28, Kevin 19 (5HP, 2L)

You feel her powers flow into you, gaining you similar control over people's senses. You realize you can both enhance others senses or diminish them, quite greatly.

OOC: Basically, you can grant people super senses, telescopic senses, super-feats related to senses and lower peoples senses to the point of robbing them of them. In addition, you're increasing sensory power can move senses to a point where using them is painful, essentially dazzling a sense by overloading it, or in the case of touch, reducing damage saves by up to 10.

However, your move to mimic her alerts her to your trick. She is stronger than you are, and her arm doesn't move as you wish.

Bluff check vs Sense Motive: 24 vs 29 fails

"Oh, clever boy!" she says with a smile. "Just one of the reasons I so adore you!" Now her arm moves, quite sharply, along with her leg. With suddenness, you lose your footing, slamming down into the floor as she sweeps your feet from under you. She jumps on top of you, straddling your stomach and pressing a dagger to your chest.

Attack roll: Natural 20 (crit)
Opposed check for trip: Mia 22 vs Kevin 14 (prone)

"We don't have much time together," she says sadly. "Your friends will be here soon. We'll have to work quickly," she says excitedly. "I was hoping we could work slowly, but your friends are so bothersome. Just relax, my love. I promise the pain will come."

Kevin is up!
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First Post

Kevin lift his head to whisper to Mia.

"Well, I hope you didn't tought I wouldn't resist. But I must tell that since the day of our meeting, a duplicate of me have survive. We are two Kevins. If you like that much the experince, you may like to meet him after."

Kevin uses Mia's power, giving her a very sensible hearing. Not taking time to be sure the power have been effective, he shouts "CARL, IF YOU HEAR ME, SHOOT A SONIC ATTACK IN MY DIRECTION, ON MIA, NOW!"

At that moment, he starts to try to free himself and roll on the side, as far from Mia as he can.

(Half) Mia's Power (Hearing) with extra effort to gain the extra: Duration(Continuous).
(Half) Escape Artist to free himself.
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Calinon said:
Ghost laughs as the small explosives do no harm to him. You see pieces of shrapnel impact some sort of force barrier at the mouth of the cave, obviously what kept Loco from chasing the car. Ghost pulls out a pair of what appear to be metallic batons, and remains incorporeal.

"I'm going to guess this means Mason won't be joining us any time soon?" he says casually.

Vince is up!

Watching Ghost draw his melee weapon, Vince dances around at superspeed waiting for a chance to unload on this punk.

Powers: Superspeed sustained. Dodging Ghost (def 29). Readying a Mach One Punch for Ghost if he becomes corporeal for even an instant.


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"Raisa," X12 says, pushing himself up again. He reaches out for her again now that she is closer, attempting to assume her wounds.


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Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120

Initiatives: Vincent 25 (5HP, 3L, 1S), Loco 24 (2HP, 3L), Monica 20 (4HP, 7L, 2S, disabled, dying, KO), Ghost 18 (3VP)

As Vince holds his attack, Ghost casually twirls his batons. Loco retreats from him, starting to spin rapidly again. Monica is barely able to stand, the explosions having wounded her severely. She too starts backing up.

"You three are really pathetic, you know that?" Ghost says mockingly. "I mean, look at you. You're wounded badly, you can't touch me, and I'm not about to turn corporeal. You can't stop me," he says with a smirk. Then that smirk vanishes. "But I can kill you. In fact, that sounds like a lark."

He lunges forward, swinging his incorporeal batons side to side to drive you back. Then he lunges forward, plunging both straight into Monica, like a fencer with two foils. He retreats just as quickly, but both his hands are empty. Monica gets a blank look on her face and topples over on her side, the batons now firmly implanted in her stomach and upper chest.

Ghost whistles a little tune, pulling out another pair of batons.

"I'll want those back in a minute, girlie," he says with a laugh.

Attack roll: 27 hits
Damage saves (DC20): 5, 11 (2L, dying, disabled)

And still he hasn't turned corporeal.

Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

Mia 28, Kevin 19 (5HP, 2L)

Mia seems to shake off the effects of your power fairly quickly, much to your dismay after pushing them beyond their normal limits, though she does seem surprised by your shout. Apparently she had thought you would sit still and take whatever she did to you, because you roll out of her grasp easily.

Attack roll: 22 (weeee!)
Will save (DC18): 21 (not so weee!)

She blushes. Of all the possible reactions, she blushes.

"Oh my, you were trying to hurt me! How sweet!" she says, bouncing at you. She tosses her knife to her off hand, drawing her sword in a fluid motion again. "I knew you loved me!" she says happily as she lunges forward, burying her katana in your stomach to he hilt. You feel the blade pass completely through your midsection, emerging on the other side and let out another scream.

Attack roll: 17 hits
Damage save (DC22): 11 fails (1L, disabled)

"You say such beautiful things," she says sincerely, not relinquishing her hold on her katana. She kisses you briefly again, looking at you as if this were the most wonderful experience in the world.

Kevin is up... kinda. Any action you take drops you to dying.

Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120
Initiatives: Amazon 21 (4HP, 3L, 1S, fatigued), Kajo 19 (3VP, 2L), Dara 18 (5HP, 2S), Jackal 14 (4HP, disabled), X12 14 (4HP, 2L), Havok 11 (3VP, 4L, disabled, unconscious), Carl 10 (5HP), The Shadow 9 (3VP, 3L, unconscious), Li 8 (2HP), Xi 7 (2HP)

Just as Raisa enters the room and X12 is approaching him, you all hear Kevin's voice shouting something from somewhere. Jackal and Li both look at the doors. Moments later there is a much clearer scream from beyond the doors.

Jackal rushes for the left door, Li for the right, both pulling them open at the same time. They lead to the same hallway, and bound in front of the door Li pulled open is an unconscious Master Wen.

"Grandfather!" she exclaims, dropping down to free him from his bonds.

"Hey, great! Now let's go get Kevin! Come on! Let's go!" Jackal says expectingly.

"Hey, great, we got who we came for. Let's go," Carl says, holstering his gun.

Li lets out a tirade in Chinese that none of you catch, though it's general message is more than a little scolding and angry. Dara rolls her eyes and Raisa gets the image of her knocking Li out with a mental blast.

"Shut up, or I'll shut you up," Dara says warningly.


First Post
OOC: Talking seems not stenuous, so I shouldn't become dying after that:

"Well, it seems my end now... You know... *cough* ...I think you are the only person who appreciate... *cough* ...my true self. Even EPIC... who call me friend didn't appreciate me... Just too sad our meeting are so short... the pain is... so hard... to... endure... *cough* ... Mia... last wish... dead man... cut all... *cough* my senses... except touch... *argh* and kiss me... so I can... leave... with your... true... gift... in... memory..."

Kevin closes his eyes and await Mia final verdict.

(Half) Try to gain a few more seconds so the help can come.
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