D&D General Escaping the Shadow of Drizzt

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Expert Long Rester
I mean, it makes perfect sense, because they are underground, and when you live underground without any light, you turn black. Super tanning.

Um ....

Yeah, there have always been some problematic issues in that area. However, some things remain better when there is some mystery.

Let's see, so polar bears have black skin to maximize heat from the sun, and white fur to blend in with their icy surroundings.

Drow also have black skin and white hair. I can only conclude that Drow are descended from polar bears. Lolth and her spiders are full of lies.


Eh - just make a character who doesn't act mopey and dark. If you avoid the "dark loner with a mysterious past (aka "Wolverine syndrome"), you're good.

"This is my Drow Rogue Francois. He ran away from home and joined a troupe of wandering performers so he's been an actor for the past century or so and has picked up just enough thieving skills to get by when times are lean and he's between troupes. He's adventuring at the moment because his old troupe disbanded when the humans in it got old and wanted to retire, so he's trying to find a big score so he can build his own theater eventually. He's really bad with money though - he has a tendency to spend it on elaborate parties and charming young nobles - so it's probably a pipe dream."

"This is my Drow Warlock Angelique. She came to the surface decades ago and has a pact with the Archfey Queen of Spring Titania. She has gained a reputation as a kind of "Folk Hero" who can be counted on in a crisis among the local halflings of the shire that she's been living in for the past few decades. Now her patron has sent her out of the shire and into the world because there are signs that another Archfey is meddling in things they should not, and Angelique is acting as her patron's eyes and ears to see what she can find out. And she's not opposed to sticking her nose into other wrongs that Angelique might discover along the way as well."


Rotten DM
I mean, it makes perfect sense, because they are underground, and when you live underground without any light, you turn black. Super tanning.

Um ....

Yeah, there have always been some problematic issues in that area. However, some things remain better when there is some mystery.
Hey hey love potions are a think. Lonely artic elf, polar bear, and long winter night. What is not to love.


Expert Long Rester
Spiderpolar bears.

And people though Owlbears were vicious.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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