Eternals (Spoilers)

Tiamat-why did Icarus want to make it more powerful when his endgame was destruction
He was doing his job and following orders. He didn't want to make it more powerful, just prevent it being murdered.
Sprite-robot and then human? Why
Because robots can't grow up.
Black knight-if you don’t know then the audience is clueless
It's obviously something cool and mythic. Magic swords come with a lot of symbolism, you don't need to read comics to know that.
The big red guy-he can stop them at any point?
He is busy running the universe. That's why he made himself minions.

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He was doing his job and following orders. He didn't want to make it more powerful, just prevent it being murdered.

Because robots can't grow up.

It's obviously something cool and mythic. Magic swords come with a lot of symbolism, you don't need to read comics to know that.

He is busy running the universe. That's why he made himself minions.
but he knew once 1 died that it was changing. He even says its more powerful

shes a robot and can become human? The power explanations are really poor here. The fight under water she turns one of the monsters into a tree sculpture? If she can turn sprite into a human she cant fix jolies character or bring back the dead characters

As sprite says why am i a child. Sprite then tries to murder her and yet all is forgiven

Jolie is basically wonderwoman without a personality. Arnold as the terminator in T2 has more life

This movie is a fast and furious type franchise in the making. Bad overall plot with a good budget for blowing things up.

Im starting to see why some of the great directors were upset that this is where hollywood is heading. We got this and Matrix 4 instead of a good fellas type movie etc.

Id love to do a poll. Your stuck on an island and you can only have so many movies. Would anyone choose this over the new spiderman movie . these new star wars movies over the old. best action movie of the last 5 years?

but he knew once 1 died that it was changing. He even says its more powerful
The was the deviant, not Taimut. Where you awake in this movie?
shes a robot and can become human? The power explanations are really poor here.
Sprite can't. Sprite is an illusionist. Sirsi is the transmuter, she was able to polymorph Sprite into a human once she had gained a few levels.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
This movie was not very good

the good
Cast- great cast. Some of my favorites didn’t make it

the bad
Tiamat-why did Icarus want to make it more powerful when his endgame was destruction
Not sure if you are saying Tiamut's or Ikaris (correct spellings) had the endgame of destruction, but neither wanted that. Ikaris wanted the Celestial to be born, which would create stars that would eventually host trillions of sentients. That the population of Earth was to die was part of the circle of life, not in any way an endgame. They weren't doing it for the destruction as you are putting forth.

Sprite-robot and then human? Why
Well explained that Sprite had for 7000 years been in a child's body, and treated as such. From the first scene with her where we see her illusionarily mimicking an adult woman, to the discussions on this. Including that she had been pining for Ikaris for seven millennia and he hadn't noticed, thinking her a child. Not really sure how that got missed, it was a point of discussion several times.

Black knight-if you don’t know then the audience is clueless
Yes, the MCU regularly puts teasers in their credits scenes you need to know. Like the first time we saw Thanos on this throne. Well established.

jolies character-makes a sword/shield as her power but she’s unstable the whole time? until she’s not
Characters develop in stories. Thena pulled herself together to kill the Deviant who had killed Gilgamesh, her beloved (platonic or romantic) of millennia.

Icarus can wipe the floor with the rest but needs to feed Tiamat. Even his friend is like why
Again, a plot point that was covered multiple times. Tiamut needed a critical number of intelligent minds in order to be born.

Thanos brother cameo-really that his brother.
Yes, really, from the comics, that's his brother. Eros/Starfox is a bit of an idiot in the comics, it's a good representation of him.

Basically, all of this was explained in the movie. I completely understand how not comprehending these things would make the movie less enjoyable, not too sure where you got some of the ideas though like the endgame was destruction. If you watch the movie again but paying attention it should be a better movie.

The was the deviant, not Taimut. Where you awake in this movie?

Sprite can't. Sprite is an illusionist. Sirsi is the transmuter, she was able to polymorph Sprite into a human once she had gained a few levels.
barely awake as it wasnt that good of a movie Sirsi as a transmuter was just silly . Why didnt she just turn her into an adult

Sprite has lived for thousands of years but still is a teenager.

you have a god (maybe on the same power level as Kurt russells character in Guardians) and yet the god being allows one of it own kind to die. this god being creates these super robots and cant control at 1 point animal deviants

My apologies for getting tiamat and the unamed intelligent deviant . the deviant who begins to become more human as the movie comes along

my opinion is it isnt as good as Man of Steel or movies of this genre (New spiderman, the boys, invincible etc). At no point when an eternal dies am i invested in their fate. the best character is the camera guy as he shows emotion and with 1 secne as was worried he would die . Kit Harrington is a poor character until after the credits . He is less involved in the movie as say Darcy Lewis in Thor

IS there a single character in this movie that has more charisma than any of the avenger characters (maybe Kingo or Phastos?)

Voidrunner's Codex

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