Eternals (Spoilers)

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Or the other Celestials are kinda lazy, and can't be bothered.
Then again, maybe I'm giving Ego too much credit. Maybe he didn't really know too much about the other Celestials, and actually planets made of blue Ego-goo would be even more nutritious to their embryonic Celestial occupants than planets covered in pesky humanoids.

Then again, maybe I'm giving Ego too much credit. Maybe he didn't really know too much about the other Celestials, and actually planets made of blue Ego-goo would be even more nutritious to their embryonic Celestial occupants than planets covered in pesky humanoids.
Also possible. In fact, that's an even better result for them. No more babysitting for those worlds.

I watched Eternals recently. Okay movie, I'd say. Some very interesting ideas.

I agree with some others that I don't like the "ancient astronauts" aspect much, and the whole spiela bout Celestials birthing stars... well, science in the MCU is often naughty word, but this was probably the worst. :)

But seeing Eternals and then a few days later seeing images from the vulcano in tonga was... strange.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Then again, maybe I'm giving Ego too much credit. Maybe he didn't really know too much about the other Celestials,
It was established in GoG2 that Ego was all alone. He had never met another Celestial.


It was established in GoG2 that Ego was all alone. He had never met another Celestial.
I've seen some conjecture that Ego was lying about being a Celestial since he isn't a big armored cyborg thing. I wonder, though, if maybe he was one of the original Celestials like Arishem, only he somehow never progressed beyond developing a brain, and that's why he hasn't got the body armor. His method of planting a seed of himself inother planets is like a twisted version of the normal Celestial birthing method after all.


Biological Disaster
Assuming Ego is a Celestial in the Eternals sense and him being one isn't just quietly ignored/retconned, he might be the equivalent of a premature birth. Whatever world he was being born from may have been lost/abandoned/destroyed.

But heck, it's possible that he's just something completely unrelated that didn't know what he was, heard tales about Celestials, and went "yeah, that sounds like me!"


Assuming Ego is a Celestial in the Eternals sense and him being one isn't just quietly ignored/retconned, he might be the equivalent of a premature birth. Whatever world he was being born from may have been lost/abandoned/destroyed.

But heck, it's possible that he's just something completely unrelated that didn't know what he was, heard tales about Celestials, and went "yeah, that sounds like me!"
IIRC he wasn't a Celestial in the comics, but the MCU is doing some funky stuff with origins. Originally I think he was an alien scientist who evolved (?) somehow. It's been more than a while since I read the original stuff.

If I was to try and fit him into the MCU based on the information that it has presented then I would say thay he's a Celestial who is more about extending his own domain, rather than creating progeny. That would explain the difference in his methods.


I've seen some conjecture that Ego was lying about being a Celestial since he isn't a big armored cyborg thing. I wonder, though, if maybe he was one of the original Celestials like Arishem, only he somehow never progressed beyond developing a brain, and that's why he hasn't got the body armor. His method of planting a seed of himself inother planets is like a twisted version of the normal Celestial birthing method after all.
My guess would be that Ego is what happens when a Celestial embryo doesn't get properly implanted inside a planet. Maybe he was lost in transit somehow, and the other Celestials assumed he'd died.


My guess would be that Ego is what happens when a Celestial embryo doesn't get properly implanted inside a planet. Maybe he was lost in transit somehow, and the other Celestials assumed he'd died.
Yep, or maybe he was an early experiment to see if Celestials could be created without needing to be implanted in a planet first.

Voidrunner's Codex

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